Home » Blah-blah-blahing about the unidentified debris in the southern Indian Ocean


Blah-blah-blahing about the unidentified debris in the southern Indian Ocean — 8 Comments

  1. It seems to me to be the Squirrel! effect. It’s easy to talk about and make up wild theories because there’s no *there* there. It’s disaster porn mixed with gossip, with just the right hint of conspiracy and terrorism.

    Newsies can report on it without even needing to hide their ignorance. Just look concerned and spout some truthish factoids about the latest guesswork, and you’ve got it made.

    It’s easy for them to do, and they don’t have to work themselves in knots defending Obamacare or Putin.

  2. They are just distracting the electorate away from Obama’s latest messes, most particularly his weakness with Putin.

    And, given how easily said electorate is distracted, who can blame them?

  3. Neo, you’ve summed up in one word what the press is doing with this story:


    They’ve done it so many times before (Duke Lacrosse players are rapists, Blacks are dying by the thousands because of Katrina, Bridgegate, etc.) and they will continue to do it again. sigh.

  4. neo…

    MH370 is about the ONLY fiasco that does not immediately redirect to Barry.

    “When you can’t say anything good about someone, then don’t say anything at all.”

    Consequently, tea party civility — strike that — political postures have left the press poodles speechless.


    Yep, that’s where discussion of Obama’s weakness, scrawniness, cowardice, failure to lead and any sign of a set of even ant size cojones has been sucked. BLACK HOLE.

    Obam-Bam and the Hideous Kerry need to have a Non-Sex/Non-Gender Marriage.

  6. In the context of thinking about such huge coverage and focus on the hijacked aircraft to the exclusion of everything else, and particularly to the exclusion of any in depth coverage of the disastrous results–on all fronts–of Obama & Co.’s policies, what do we make of the reports that eight wall street traders/financiers have committed suicide in just the last couple of weeks?

    This unusual number of suicides so close together has been reported, but there is not any speculation that I can see about what they might signify.

    I wonder.

    Steeped in economic news and statistics as I assume they were, could it be that they might have known about or perceived something horrific on the horizon that we do not know about our economy and economic situation, and that drove them to do what they did?

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