Home » The FBI and the IRS: nothing much to see, move along now


The FBI and the IRS: nothing much to see, move along now — 7 Comments

  1. Why would the WSJ be willing to credit that conclusion especially if IRS guidelines have been set that indicate more of the same will be done?

  2. Obama has betrayed his oath of office and trashed the Constitution by using the IRS and other Federal agencies to punish his political opponents. Knowing that the MSM would (and continues to) actively shield him from scrutiny, providing the political cover needed for democrats in Congress to shield him from accountability…What possible reason would he have to conduct an actual investigation? Fear? Of what? Integrity? The man hasn’t the slightest bit of it within his soul.

    The persecution is still happening and will continue until impeachment and legal prosecutions begin. Until then its the Chicago way.

    In the strictest sense of the word, the man is a criminal. His administration is filled with seditious criminals. His political party is filled with criminals. Criminals do not ‘get religion’ until they’re behind bars.

  3. Steve,

    I think they were trying to be funny. It’s hard to tell with the WSJ, since their cosmopolitan humor is so dry.

  4. This gives the IRS–and every other federal agency–the green light to do more of the same. Any opposition to this regime is being criminalized.

  5. The entire bureaucracy is corrupt and corrupted and corrupting.

    It is the monster Leviathan. The IRS is a tyrant. The FBI is a tyrant. The NSA, SEC, EPA, Scotus, Potus, Flotus and everyone else are a tyrant.

    There is the one monster. It only destroys. It is us or them. There is not a third option.

    There really isn’t “news” anymore except for war reports – as in who is winning or losing which battles today, and who will win or lose in the end, and how long total victory or total defeat might take.

    There is no question, anymore, who are the good guys and who are the bad guys, who are the West and who are Mordor, who is Arthur and who is Mordred.

    That is now a known known, as Rumsfeld might say.

    The bureaucracy is a tyrant, a monster, a Leviathan. It is the enemy, the anti-America, the embodiment of the American Tyrant Era. The Dem Party – as its organized crime syndicate overlord is the American Tyrant Party.

    Full stop.

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