Home » Elizabeth Edwards, woman scorned…


Elizabeth Edwards, woman scorned… — 18 Comments

  1. Darn! Even in that wedding picture, you could see it. There’s the Bride, and there’s the Breck Girl.

    Not to blow my own horn here, but today my hubby and I are celebrating fourteen years of wedded bliss. Nope, we don’t look like we did on our wedding day nowadays, but at least there’s something in us that Elizabeth doesn’t have, unfortunately.

  2. First let me say I am sorry for the fact that Elizabeth Edwards has cancer. That is a very tough row to hoe.

    That being said, I see a bit of the Hillary Clinton paradigm here.
    She had to know he was a liar. She had to know he was fooling around (sure this wasn’t the first time), but she did the whole Tammy Wynette (Stand By Your Man) thing until the latest peccadillo became provable beyond a shadow of a doubt. Up until that time her husband still had the possibility of being a very major player in the political arena.

    I think that was her motivation – then and now. Then – power by proxy and now – the power to destroy.

  3. This (the fact of the book) is demeaning to her and leads me to wonder whether the attention attention seekers get is just too much to pass up. The Oprahfication, i.e. the right to display one’s plight, of victims has taken on a certain pageantry. If everyone’s going to get their fifteen minutes of fame it might as well be an amble down a catwalk and a book to boot.

  4. Elizabeth would get a lot more sympathy if she had revealed all of this… in divorce court, with her and her family inside their 28 thousand square feet mansion, and him without a penny to his name.

  5. Whether she knew or didn’t about his cheating ways is surely open to question. Difficult to believe she did not but I certainly can’t say for sure. However, with 2 young children that need raising and fighting a deadly cancer, to me it is understandable why she would strive to put her best face forward and keep things together. Normally I would think ‘take the kids and go’ but these are not normal circumstances. That said…..the man made an utter fool out of her in front of the entire world! Some things are not to be bourne! Revenge can be sweet and I believe she is enjoying hers right now. More power to her.

  6. This is the same lady who:

    1. knew about this; but,
    2. supported her husband as an honorable candidate for President; yet
    3. says “Republicans scare me.”

    Her present illness is a reason to go easy on her.

    But, gosh, she sure doesn’t make going easy on her very easy for me.

  7. Not that I support the Edwards’ or anything. I think he’s despicable, and I’m not really a fan of her at all, but I just wanted to toss this out as a possibility.

    While I’m not privy to what goes on in either of their heads, there’s something that I considered when reading:

    “I ask that the public, who expressed concern about the harm John’s conduct has done to us, think also about the real harm that the present voyeurism does and give me and my family the privacy we need at this time.”

    Now, I know if I were to suffer something similar, I would feel the same way as above. And you know, it’s very possible that I would end up writing a book (or at least, using some form of artistic expression), as a sort of personal therapy. Maybe just to get my own thoughts and ideas straight. I’m not saying it is, but it could be that this is the result of that expression.

    The flipside is, if it were me, that book would contain some VERY personal aspects of my life/thought process that I might not want to share with the whole world. So I’m not really sure what to make of this move by her.

    I think it’s something of a moot point, however, as I believe John Edwards is done (politically), and the pair of them are more likely to fade into relative obscurity than anything else.

  8. Husband John appears to be not just a liar, but a serial liar.

    Was there some native in the jungles of Borneo who hadn’t gotten the word on this, and needed to be informed? Perhaps a last Japanese soldier on some desert island?

    Everybody has known this for years. Even liberals started to suspect something was amiss once the story came out. Grownups diagnosed this joker at first sight, as they did Clinton (either one – take your pick), and as they did the Messiah.

    I’m beginning to think that for liberals life must consist of a series of astonishing, unforeseen and unforseeable revelations.

    For the rest of us, not so much.

  9. How many people live painful lives and never feel a need to make money off of it even if they could? Its all about money once their face shows up on Oprah. And Oprah gets the biggest cut.

  10. “John appears to be not just a liar, but a serial liar.”

    A lawyer/politician that’s a “serial liar”? Say it ain’t so! 😉

  11. not just a liar, but a serial liar.” ???A serial liar? The guy “read” to a jury the thoughts an autistic kid had while coming through the birth canal.

  12. The talking heads on CBS news last night were all atwitter with what would have happened if Edwards had won the nomination before the scandal broke. My guess is that there would have been an even more coordinated effort by the MSM to discredit Edwards’ lover and the “journalists” at the National Enquirer. And the NYT would have tried even harder to push the idea that John McCain had an affiar with a lobbyist.

  13. Little Johnny was correct, there are two Americas.

    He made his money in one, she makes her money in another.

  14. Mrs. Edwards may have evoked some sympathy from us with her current revelations had we not witnessed her on the presidential campaign trail referring cheerily to her adulterous husband as “this wonderful man”.
    She is a hypocrite who wanted the prestige of office just as much as her hubby. It’s much too late now to call foul.

  15. The whole story is as phoney as a three dollar bill. John & Elizabeth, co-dependent actors in a high-profile drama, both betrayed the American public and continue to engage in writing more phoney script to take them both off the hook by blaming the girlfriend for entering their lives. John and Elizabeth are trying to re-enter the scene to clean up and clear up their own dirty trail of lies. Neither John or Elizabeth thought anything of decieving the voters by painting a picture of John Edwards as the loving family man when both knew he was a cheat. Elizabeth willing sold the public down the river in order to serve up John on a silver platter to get him the White House he longed for — TWICE. A pathetic couple whose over-ambition for money and power over-rode all decency. Elizabeth and John know they are not out of the woods yet! Where is the baby’s birth certificate? Where is the DNA? Something John and Elizabeth don’t want to discuss! They have been exposed for what they are; liars and cheats that deserve each other! John and Elizabeth are struggling with their own lies and egos; Elizabeth is driven by her own guilt, John is driven by his own anger over the exposure. Shame the girlfriend is Elizabeth’s script. Shame on John and Elizabeth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Marriage is a choice. In this lovely picture of Elizabeth Edwards we see her exercising her choice.

    At some level she knew exactly what she was doing, the man she was marrying, the path she was taking.

    Ms. Edwards still has a number of choices.

    It appears she’s going to stay on the same path she’s always been on.

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