Home » Another day, another Obamacare abomination


Another day, another Obamacare abomination — 17 Comments

  1. The common thread in all of the O’Care provisions is that the left cannot abide anyone escaping the law. They are forced to make some provision for small firms, but they immediately thought that someone would make a lot of small subsidiaries to escape. The idea that someone would have a group of naturally small companies escaped them entirely. Unlike a private firm the product need not be attractive on it’s merits, it must only be compulsory. It’s all about control (except that the private Dachas are reserve for those in control)

  2. ObamaCare is simply a step toward socialized medicine and socialism inescapably evolves into the elite and the plebs with the plebs equally sharing in the miseries that socialism imposes.


    Might I suggest a slight amendment to your statement?

    “The common thread in all of the O’Care provisions is that the left cannot abide anyone [not of the leftist elite or their minions] escaping the law.”

    Remember, as soon as the unions started to squawk, Obama issued a waiver. So far over 1200 businesses and organizations have received waivers.

  3. Regarding the free checkups and bending over for Obamacare..
    If they include a free prostate exam, I’d make sure that the government paid doctor doesn’t have both hands on your shoulders…

  4. “Screenings” will now be free?

    “Free” MRIs, colonoscopies, etc….there are some very complex and expensive screenings, aren’t there?

  5. I’m still covered under a good plan from my company so that’s good. I got a form letter from the Dr though that said during my upcoming physical if I required any prescription renewal due to any chronic conditions that the visit is treated as two visits with separate charges for each. I guess this is how they will get paid when some stuff is “free”

  6. Discouraging small businesses under Obamacare is permissible because after all they didn’t build their businesses, government built those businesses. Only large corporations, banks, and unions will be favored by our fascist overlords. Campaign donations must be protected. Big buck speaking fees after office and cushy board seats must be secured. They are the masters.

  7. PJ O’Rourke had a good comment years ago about free healthcare
    “If you think it’s expensive now, just wait until it’s free”

  8. Yet another example of the fractal expansion of 0-care.

    What’s not law becomes fiat — ’cause Barry-says-so.

    Yes, it’s the usual suspect.

    Many a small business will have to be re-structured to duck under 0-care.


    In a larger sense, 0-care hyper-regulation is shutting down the mechanisms of Angel Investing.

    For the most common source of Angel funding is other small businessmen — often blood relatives.

    The short term cure: cut every employee’s hours to 24 per week. That’s the Hawaiian solution.

    That way, each trooper can hold down two jobs — and nail 48 hours per week — straight time — without benefits.

    That’s what’s the norm in Hawaii — going back two generations.

    The other gambit is ‘on-call’ part-time labor. In such a scheme, employees work 4 to 8 hours a day — but normally just 5.

    In this manner, lunch breaks are not required — and the troops can work a swing shift bussing tables.

    Again, this is as common as dust in Hawaii, the socialist paradise that is leading the way — and of which Barry has modelled 0-care.

    Curiously, even HMSA has had to revamp its offerings.


    Still, at the end of the day, I don’t see how 0-care can deliver the goods without any doctors under contract: one out of four does not cut it.

  9. For liberals it is important that everyone get beat up equally. Faced with a situation where 70% are doing well and 30% are doing poorly, the answer is to beat the 70% down to poverty (think Cuba). That is what happened with health insurance. About 70% of Americans were satisfied with their health plan. The object of Obamacare to to make sure that everyone has crappy insurance and the 70% pays for the 30%. A society where everyone is poor is ideal equality.

  10. Actually, they won’t stop until they are a farm full of dead livestock. Because death is the true equality. Only when they have killed humanity, can they say that they have ended poverty, war, conflict, and inequality.

    That is why they are enemies of humanity, not merely political dissidents.

  11. Dems try to trick people into believing there is such a thing as a free lunch.

    Conservatives know that there is no free lunch in the universe.

  12. this makes it all ok..

    Both sides saw Millett’s appointment as pivotal. It will give Democratic-appointed judges a 5-4 majority over those chosen by Republican presidents for that court, which rules on the legality of White House actions and federal agency regulations.

  13. Mottos of the Vast Leftwing Conspiracy:

    The nail that sticks up must be hammered flat.

    Let No Innocent Person Escape.

    In a side note — since when did the “war on poverty” become the Great Levelling? Anyone else notice that they are NOT talking about ending POVERTY, but about “ending INEQUALITY”?

    Slimy bastards.

    And everyone just swallows the camel, never realizing that it used to be a gnat.

  14. I think our big govt/big business governmental machine (rightly) views small businesspeople as a threat and are unabashedly working fist-in-gauntlet to eliminate them by any means possible.

    Big business, of course, has always sought ways to keep smaller businesses from upsetting their apple cart.

    The problem for big govt is that, by definition, these people think for themselves, know how to lead, trust their own judgment, want to win on their own merit, and believe in the American concept–all thought crimes of the first order, since it means they don’t like being told what to do and are not particularly amenable to cooperating for political favors and/or don’t have deep enough pockets to make them worth the effort.

    Far better to consolidate them, by hook or by crook, in the big boys’ operations where they can much more easily be controlled.

    It does, of course, require sacrificing the primary job-creating engine of the economy, but hey, man, they’re making an omelet. What’s a few eggs?

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