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They voted for it… — 9 Comments

  1. “Senate Democrats like Mary Landrieu, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Pryor, Kay Hagan and Mark Begich — all of whom voted against stopping the rule from going into effect and have since supported delaying parts of Obamacare.”

    And if the Democrats try to “fix” it now — what they’re really trying to do is save their sorry derrieres in anticipation of Election Day — I am tempted to support all the Senate republicans voting “present”.

    It’s time for these unspeakables (I’m being nice today) to hang themselves, and for those who opposed this atrocity all along to *not* help them.

  2. Actually, given that the medicine-man-in-chief has already taken it upon his magnificent self to grant waivers and amend his signature law in other significant ways, . . .

    why can’t he, with a stroke of his omnipotent, benevolent pen, amend the law to assure that his central promise — all of them, while we’re at it — is (are) kept?

    (Rhetorical question, since we sentient beings, clinging desperately to our guns and Bibles, know the answer.)

    All the more reason for those opposed all along to now simply vote “present” when the derriere-coverers make their move.

    My *goodness* I am filled with contempt for those who put him there and even reelected him, all the while dismissing our concerns/objections as racist, as not being able to deal with a man of color in the White House. My *goodness* I am filled to the brim with *utter* contempt.

  3. I agree that the Repubs shouldn’t help them pull their chestnuts out of the fire. On the other hand, the Repubs need to have a cogent plan for how to proceed from this Mongolian clusterf**k to a market based reform plan. I know the outlines -Tort reform, portability and tax deductibility of insurance, a national insurance market, a high risk pool for pre-existing conditions, more storefront clinics, etc. They need to have facts and figures as well as focus group tested phrases to describe their plan. And they have to keep repeating over and over that they can only actually git ‘er dun if they have majorities in both houses of Congress.

  4. It’s a contest between who got conned out of more, the American voters or Republicans on the hill.

  5. Of course, if Republicans refuse to vote for fixing the grandfather clause now, they will be accused of hypocrisy and political opportunism. And that criticism would be correct.

    This may be a moot point anyway: if Obama always intended for lots of people to get kicked off their plans, then he needs the grandfather clause to remain as-is. He may signal to Reid that he doesn’t want it to come up for a vote.
    In that case, it would represent another opportunity for Republicans to embarrass the Democrats. The Rs can pass it in the house and force Reid to table it.

  6. There is some serious confusion here.

    ALL grandfather clauses are status quo clauses.

    This opinion piece has everything turned around.


    The KEY to this is not the law.

    It’s the regulations, the definitions, as established by HSS and this maladministration.

    It’s Kathleen Sebelius who has defined ‘significant’ as being a change in a policy by so much as a shift in any deductible, any change in the premium, any change in the split.

    Objectively, absolutely no plan could survive such strictures in a world of ramping medical payouts, and the administration knew it, of course.


    I still can’t get over how even Conservatives under estimate the impact of 0-care.

    The doctors plot/ boycott is scarcely mentioned.

    The straight jacket that they’d have to wear, ethically, gets no mention. (A computer program in Washington is to make the key life and death decisions, Your are now livestock. Talk to Boxer of Animal Farm fame.)

    The fact that careers can’t get started on part-time hours. America is destined to follow the Europeans. Over there it takes ‘juice’ to get your career started in your twenties. Otherwise, you’re on the outside looking in. Not surprisingly, EVERY French kid wants to graduate — and get a job in the French government!

    BTW, to spread the pain around, France has decreed that 37.5 hours per week is the new full-time work week. Anyone caught working over-time on a persistent basis is heavily sanctioned. Americans are not aware that hard work and long hours are illegal in France. The zero-sum mentality runs across all of Europe. No wonder the Euro Zone is in trouble.

    With all of this lucre being raised… qui bono?

    Try illegal immigrants. While they can’t purchase 0-care, they’re sure to benefit — at the Emergency Room. It’s a loss-leader for every hospital. One of the primary ambits of 0-care is to fund ER all over the land — through the side door.

    The expansion of ER benefits to the illegals will come solely through HHS regulations. No attempt will be made to seek legislation or funding via Congress.

    This mega-gambit will make Congress as irrelevant as the Roman Senate.

    Yet, the Senate Democats don’t see it.

    As it stands, they’re in thrall to the Wan as much as the Black voter, of whom Barry can rape endlessly. Witness Black youth unemployment. It’s in orbit yet you see little ink on it.

    0-care is destined to make urban Blacks ghetto-slaves on Barry’s plantation — forever.

    No wonder he can’t bear Gettysburg, his ideology lies with Pickett.

  7. Pickett was a military leader.

    The ones in charge of slavery and policy were the Democrats that decided to leave to form a Slave Union and Johnson, Lincoln’s VP, that ensured Reconstruction failed.

  8. blert: “The doctors plot/ boycott is scarcely mentioned.

    The straight jacket that they’d have to wear, ethically, gets no mention.”

    I saw three doctors interviewed tonight on Fox. If they are typical, health care is in jeopardy. Two were very concerned about the viability of their practices under O-Care. One has decided to close up her practice. That is downright scary.

    Betsy Mccaughy, former Lt. Governor in New York, has been doing a great deal of research on the ACA. One of her recommendations: If you are nearing Medicare age, be sure to lock in a doctor. Otherwise you may not be able to find one who takes new patients on Medicare.

    I’ve been watching this like a slow motion train wreck on video. Now that it’s becoming real, the enormity of the damage is becoming too real. It makes me really angry that the dems have shoved this thing onto the citizenry. I’m in that cohort where the IPABs are going to be a huge factor. At 80, I imagine I will be judged too old for anything but palliative care should I need some expensive procedure to keep me going. For you youngsters – take care of yourselves. It’s the best preventative healthcare there is.

    Don’t forget to tell your Senators and Representative (whether they be Ds or Rs) that you think the ACA really stinks. Citizens of the USA unite! We deserve something that can actually work.

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