Home » I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords


I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords — 47 Comments

  1. Centipede like the other shoes will continue to drop:

    Movement of Workers to Part time: Many firms had to do this in 2013 to establish a baseline. But new hires will be shunted this way as well.

    Cancellation of existing major medical policies (illegal in 2014)

    Most exchange participants shocked at sticker prices (right now)

    Small business group renewal sticker shock (soon I can tell you personally).

    Doctors fleeing participation in Medicare, Medicaid and Exchange based programs.

    Increasing numbers of firms who chose self insurance (self-funded) that bypass Obamacare almost completely. Now 61% of all employed people are in these plans, this will grow. The two tiered system will breed a division between those on government controlled insurance and those on a cash based system (but administered by insurers)

  2. Did anyone else get the same pop-up add that I did? A petition from Emily’s List saying the Republicans shut down the government to stop poor children from getting heath care and to allow your boss to decide you can’t take birth control. Unbelievable. Unfortunately, it worked in the 2012 election and continues to work.

  3. I scrolled through some of the comments, as recommended by our landlord. Thanks for nuthin’, neo (s-m-i-l-e)!

    In brief, Hoyer committed truth — an unpardonable sin over there on the leftward side.

    This calls to mind a comment by Mitsu a couple of days ago, having to do with conversing/debating in good faith.

    We over here at the rightward end of the spectrum are pretty familiar by now with how the turd-in-chief and various lackeys around him all knew full well about how deliberately mendacious was his “if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan — period.” (Don’t know how familiar is the leftward population with it, given their denial of anything less than adulatory of the turd and his agenda.)

    In my book, that is a prime example of what is called *not*-in-good faith. It is well-nigh impossible to intelligently, rationally converse/debate with such creatures.

    (And that’s ignoring the perpetual “racist”, “terrorist”, “ku klux klan”, “push-grandma off the cliff” name-calling that is their “debating” hallmark.)

    Well-nigh impossible.

  4. wouldnt you love to dial up dr who, get in the tardis, and go back to the early days when i said all this will happen and WORSE… and huxley had is reasonable atttude, before he disappeared never to return (to be replacved by mitsu taking up the same role)

    but dont worry
    under blood and soil, a woman is volk…

    though, in case you havent noticed, they are now changing the definition of pedophilism as their leftist constituency now wants to finish the run to samoa and kinsey and just have sex relations with children… children who consent of course…

    please watch the youtyube link in the last post who covered a speech from 1960s that reads like a laundry list of what was done, but before it was done!

  5. Be prepared, though; what you see there may make your blood run cold

    only if you were raised in a box and dont know the reality of it, and the history of it, and so on.

    if you do, its pretty tame..

    but you shouold be able to see the lefts murderous idea of fixing things going back to the french revolution and their disregard that they would end up like robspeierre

    Dummy underground follows this junk
    but its hit or miss if its worth seeing

  6. My husband and I regularly watch the Fox News panel. One day Sally Kohn appeared in the liberal seat as a last-minute substitute for Mara Liasson (not that we’re crazy about Liasson, but we’ve gotten used to her cynical, in-the-know line of patter.) We’d never seen Kohn before, and her aggressive, hectoring hackiness just threw us against the wall. It was as if an explosive had gone off and knocked the wind out of us.We immediately emailed Fox to let them know that if she EVER appeared on the show again, we would boycott it permanently. To my knowledge, she never has.

  7. artfldgr:

    The two are not mutually exclusive.

    You can know “the reality” and “history” of it and it can STILL make your blood run cold.

    In fact, in a way, knowing the history and significance of it might make your blood run even colder.

    Making your blood run cold doesn’t indicate suprise at something, although it certainly can. It indicates horror and revulsion.

  8. Really interesting comments. For instance, “the big insurance companies are out to screw the public”. I thought that was what Obama care is doing.

  9. To paraphrase Stalin, when one person loses his health insurance, it’s a tragedy. When five million lose their insurance, it’s a statistic.

  10. You can know “the reality” and “history” of it and it can STILL make your blood run cold.


    so if your grandfather was murdered by socialists who cut his stomach, nailed his intestines to a tree, then forced him to walk artound the tree, wrapping his intestines around it till he died…

    whats on the site would make your blood run cold?

    how about going upstairs where i work and talk to the people redefinining post birth abortions?

    you see… the first time i saw something horrible that i can remember, was a car accident.. the woman tried to cut off a bus, and the bus cut her arm off…

    then i saw a priest dive head first off a 5 st5ory building to smack 15 feet from me… what a sound it makes.

    then there was the night i spent as an EMT who had to pick up body parts for hours…

    and then there was the shooting gallery across the street where us kids would go and watch the junkies shoot in their rotted penises..

    you really think that after reading their stuff for 40 years it would make my blood run cold?

    Making your blood run cold doesn’t indicate suprise at something, although it certainly can. It indicates horror and revulsion.

    and your horror and revulsion comes from being sheltered.
    that your surprised is the fact you dont get out much outside your own confined circle.s and into other circles to see what life is like

    rememd me of the party i was invited to, showed up, and turned out to be a bunch of harlem crack head racists talking about how people like me has put them down for ages. all because i took a secretary home as she needed a lift

    get out more often.
    this woudl have happened all yoru life

    and it would not make your blood run cold
    not any more than the sun rising

    ie. i already know what people are like, and the only way to make my blood run cold or otherwise, is to exceed what i ahve already known or experiencved… which is very hard to do ina vibrant life in which a neck has been extended frequently

    also, their commentary is MILD compared to other places where they talk and know people like you are not around.

    remember, i hav shown you quotes y professors who say they have to ecxterminate most people till only 10% remain…

    nothing in that thread compares to the paid professor teaching the students to exterminate undesirables… and with malice and hatred if male.

    or the horrors that lsbian couples have visited on their boy children and we dont speak of.

    hey! maybe is hould tell you more stories of abuse in the inner city and crap that us poor folk get..

    like my office… hey.. why not do a piece on what they are doing to someone like me… care to hear the tapes where they tell me i can never get a raise or promotion for the rest of my life no matter what i do…

    give me a break.
    princess and the pea does not have a common message
    neither do the paranoid who think you should be as upset as they are.

    let me know, and i can clue you in on the message boards in which they really talk..

    go to the “demoratic underground”

    We have to hang on to ACA and help it thrive, and it will reveal that, just as ACA is better than what came before, single payer will be better than ACA, we will move in that direction


    I’m trying to convince myself we will see single payer out of this. But we won’t if we just accept this as being great. Republicans are disgusting and work against my goal, and I don’t want to add my concern to their voice in any way. So, what is the careful way we can make our issues rise to the top?

    hows this one for revulsion
    If the Obama Administration is to “blame” for anything, it’s willingness to bend over backwards to try to work with Republicans. Even the ACA itself is a compromise! And they hired a private contractor (who donated mostly to REPUBLICANS last year!) because we just can’t have too much “big guv’mint” involved. Oh, and let’s not forget why this web site is so critical in the first place: Republicans succeeded in getting 36 states to actively sabotage the ACA by refusing to set up their own exchanges! It still amazes me that ACA has been able to work as well as it has despite all the G-O-TEA sabotage attempts. It’s one reason why my respect for the President has grown in the past four years.

    [tnhe first autopsy i sat in was when i was 12… familarity and acclimation means that between med courses, emt, fire, and all that i saw what others dont see… so am not revulsed any more]

    and if your ead regularly you read about the powerful republicans who can talk better than dems, have better plots and are willing to sabotage things… not like their angels.

    Oh I blame them alright. Wouldn’t surprise me if there was more to this story, like they’re paying somebody to throw a monkey wrench in there. We know how obsessively they despise Obamacare–why wouldn’t they sabotage it this way?

    here is another talking point… its a sabotage of DNS Attack

    I know there are a lot of problems with the ACA website, but I am not sure you can count out a coordinated DOS attack by right wing nut jobs. We already know that they use bots and trolls to disrupt discourse on many news forums. I’m also sure that a large number of people were just there “kicking tires ” rather than actively seeking health insurance. Also, some of the contractors may not have been giving their best in the run up to roll out due to being disheartened by the controversy and obstructionism by the GOP. If they thought that it was likely that the ACA would fail to launch, they may have seen little prospect in their work. We need to take the example of Kentucky and press our state lawmakers to institute state exchanges. No matter, the media grabs hold of the failures and never the successes.

    one of my favorite posts were how a bunch of them were complaining there was no national id, when another said that it was racist to have so obama kept it out…

    hang out with them more..
    not the smart edumacated ones
    but the ones near street level.
    very interesting to hear them talk!!!!!!

  11. arfldgr:

    Yes, really.

    And you have no idea what I know or what my family history might be.

    I repeat: one can still feel horror at these things even if one already knows the horrors human beings perpetrate on each other. One can also feel horror if one feels that they are spreading (and coming to the ascendance) in places where they weren’t in evidence before, or certainly weren’t in as much power before.

    I recall that tape of the guy describing the casual plans of the left in the 60s to murder 25 million people if they had to.

    Even people who themselves have survived extreme horrors (I’m not asserting I’m one of those people, fortunately) can keep their ability to be horrified at new horrors, or to see old ones spread to new places in new or old ways. Of course, some become so jaded nothing horrifies them. But some do not.

  12. Sally Kohn appears on Sean Hannity’s program fairly often. She is a classic leftist. My impression of her is that she is a westernized version of Colonel Rosa Klebb, the Russian spymaster in the Bond movie, “From Russia With Love.”

    Her theme: “These insurance plans were not good enough for you. President Obama has done you a favor by “transitioning” you to new, better coverage. It’s all good because we (the left) know what’s good for you. Now shut up and pay up.”

  13. Here it is again: “Also, some of the contractors may not have been giving their best in the run up to roll out due to being disheartened by the controversy and obstructionism by the GOP.”

    This just astonishes me. People who do big-time web and database development of this sort are generally very smart, work very hard, are in demand, and are paid well. The idea that they would just sit at their desks sniffling because someone outside their organization disrespected their project is bizarre. But even more bizarre to contemplate is the sort of person who thinks that’s a plausible explanation of the problems with the system.

  14. I suspect we will find that the great majority of those who voted for Obama in 2012 have drunk the kool-aid and will seize on to the Republican obstructionist/greedy insurance companies/evil rich scapegoats offered by Obama and the left. No amount of facts or reasoned argument will dissuade them. There are after all, none so blind as they with eyes to see, who will not see.

    Obamacare is meant to be transitional, with government single payer nationalized health care the goal.

    I’ve recently realized that the means to effect a legislative free transition to de facto single payer nationalized health care is the ObamaCare subsidies. They are a Trojan horse that will open the door to increasing amounts of federal tax dollars paying for ObamaCare’s increased costs.

    As subsidies increase there will occur a tipping point and private insurance will collapse, whereupon new legislation formalizing government single payer nationalized health care will be presented for passage into law.

  15. Sally is a mile wide and an inch deep. She speaks in talking points and bumper stickers. For me she is finger nails on a black board.

  16. Many insurance plans are shutting down because they don’t meet the higher bar of quality benefits required under Obamacare, and of those people who lose access to their plans, many will pay less and all will have better and more comprehensive options…

    So lets run this Kohnhead through the “T” translator shall we?

    You drive a Ford and I drive a Chevy, but the govt is making you buy an expensive Porsche. Even though the sticker shock will cause a heart attack, for which you can use your Obamacare, it is, after all a better machine. It will go from 0 to 60 in half the time of your Chevy or Ford. What? You never need to accelerate that rapidly? Well then, maybe you should change your driving habits.

    What’s that? You need a pick-up truck not a sportscar? That’s not true, you just think you need a pickup truck. We know best, after all, who’s the bureaucrat here?

    You say that the repairs will be more expensive than you’re paying now? Well, after all, they’re better engineered parts — European don’tcha know.

    I know, I know, you think your Ford and Chevy are grandfathered. Well, look at the fine print. Your current car is only grandfathered with the current gas you have in the tank. Next fill-up and all bets are off. We take the word “current” quite literally. After all, we are mostly lawyers (Yeah, we thought that was quite a nice touch).

    Why are we doing this? Beacause we can. We’re the government so #@&% you (or call our toll-free number: 1-800-318-2596. That is 1-800-F1UCK-YO)

    —end translation—

  17. Our insect overlords are termites eating away the foundations of a republic to assemble a mound of totalitarianism swarming with apparatchiks and goon squads, aka DHS.

  18. “As subsidies increase there will occur a tipping point..”

    There is another tipping point up ahead. The Fed will continue QE at $85B per month (1.02 trillion per year) to buy T-bills to prop up the runaway spending of DC. An economy based upon the continuous compiling of debt (federal, state, local, and private) does not have a bright and vibrant future.

  19. On this blog we have had discussions about the employer sponsored v the individual health care market.

    This link (H/T Instapundit) points out a devastating liability of Obamacarte:


    Obamacare will cause people to freeze in geographic location.

    Insurance companies cannot compete across state lines, so your policy is only portable within your state. That’s bad for economic development. A person now has to deal with 50 sets of rules, 50 exchanges. Obamacare didn’t solve the problem.

    There will be people that stay in place because of insurance costs from one state to the next. I have looked, and personally for me my costs of insurance go up exponentially when I move out of state.

    Now this emphasizes another point that I have addressed in the past about the progressive relationship to the economy. Progressives hate capitalism because they see any economy as finite zero-sum game; they think the only way to produce wealth is to take it from someone else.

    In reality, the economy is not finite, but when progressives have the opportunity to enact progressive economic legislation, they create a finite zero-sum economy; their policies become self-fulfilling prophecies.

    The point above, this hidden secret in Obamacare, is a clear example of precisely this point. In the same way that an employee, today, might choose to stay with an employer because a medical condition developed (which would be deemed a pre-existing condition if exchanging to a new policy), under Obamacare, people seeking employment would likely opt to stay only within their state of origin because the premium in a new state would be exponentially higher that at present.

    This will reduce economic mobility and be yet another set of regulatory chains on economic development and GDP.

    In the same contradictory manner that Obamacare seeks to enlist younger payers yet allows those same young adults to remain on their parent’s policies up to age 26, so too do progressive policies hobble the economy at precisely the time when they claim that they’re trying to produce jobs in their “concern” about the fiscal health of the middle class.

  20. ” An economy based upon the continuous compiling of debt (federal, state, local, and private) does not have a bright and vibrant future.” (Parker @7:16)

    Actually such an economy has no future at all. As the economist Herb Stein said: “What can’t go on, won’t”

  21. Neoneocon writes:

    “But never fear, Komrade Kohn is here to tell you that it all represents “better and more comprehensive options.” So whether they told the truth to you before (and whether they’re telling the truth now) is a matter of such small import that it doesn’t even bear mentioning.

    And there’s nothing manufactured about my outrage, either. “

    Fierce. You’re developing one hell of a visible moral streak Madame: Pulling no punches, dropping all euphemism, righteously indignant and justifiably so. Kind of impressive.

    I guess there comes a time when we cease marveling at the malevolent brass of the liars and the dumb grazing of their pet imbeciles, with that polite detachment and studied poise we were schooled in, and just get pissed off at their destructiveness and blithe nihilism.

    We ask ourselves how this can continue with political liberty and genuinely humane values being simultaneously preserved? And you realize the answer is that it ultimately cannot. We wonder how can even constructive social relations be maintained with people to whom “the truth” is a personally meaningless term which they deploy as a mere rhetorical ornament? And the answer is obviously the same.

    The constitutional polity ship is plainly sinking. Which is enough to cause anyone interested in its preservation to throw unnecessary tact overboard. (almost a pun there)

    Take the following as an allusion with euphemism in the tub: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ce/Charlotte_Corday.jpg

  22. @Ray

    ““the big insurance companies are out to screw the public”.

    This is the gateway into the leftie mindset. Why are insurance companies out to screw the public? Because they PROFIT from their efforts…in this case, providing a service in the context of healthcare.
    The leftist thinks that some things are too important to sully with base greed; like healthcare. You see, these companies should be working for free!

    There was already a society that was ostensibly based on this type of altruism: the Soviet Union. It collapsed because the basic premise that people will work out of altruism is false.
    When this became apparent (actually, rather early-on), the system had to resort to violence and robbery to stay afloat. It continued on bolstered by propaganda until it couldn’t stand anymore.

    So at its core, leftism is based on a lie. Acknowledgement of that fact would psychically devastate these people, so they refuse to accept it despite the centuries of evidence.
    Leftists are delusional and liberalism is a mental disorder.

  23. rogressives hate capitalism because they see any economy as finite zero-sum game; they think the only way to produce wealth is to take it from someone else.

    well, socliaist economies ARE zero-sum. It’s the nature of govenrment wealth redistribution.

  24. Don,

    ” . . . well, socliaist economies ARE zero-sum . . . .”

    You reinforce precisely the point I’m making. Progressive policies take an infinite and dynamic economy and turn it into a self-fulfilling, zero-sum, slogging-through-the-mud game. Get enough progressive policies and then you hear: “See? We told you this was how the economy works,” when, in fact, it was their very own influence which made it work in the manner they predicted.

  25. On the point of the article:

    I saw Sally Kohn once or twice on Fox News. I’ve seen her Twitter posts a few times on Twitchy.com.
    She seems “too energetic”. I don’t mean like a type-A personality, but more like a crazed zealot.
    There’s an eerie fire behind her eyes, and a willingness to engage in the most blatant, absurd propaganda.
    She does not strike me as a very self-reflective person.

  26. Just supposition, but based on the scant information given in her profile on Wikipedia, “…Kohn’s mother introduced her to volunteering and community organizing at age 12…” it seems that her indoctrination began quite early.

    As Neo has rightly observed, a mind is a difficult thing to change.

  27. parker @ 7:13,

    There are two larger tipping points ahead than the nationalization of health care. There is the economic one that you mention and the foreign affairs tipping point.

    Iran is going to get the bomb, most probably in the near future. Chuck Hagel in his confirmation hearings, inadvertently let slip that Obama has decided upon ‘containment’ of Iran and will falsely suggest to the public that Iran’s terrorist supporting, religious fanatics will be amenable to nuclear deterrence. It will be an intentional lie because Obama knows it to be a false characterization of the threat from a nuclear Iran.

    While Obama is correct that deterrence will prevent Iran from launching nuclear missiles at the US, he also knows that is not the gravest consequence of Iran gaining nuclear weapons capability. Obama knows full well that nuclear proliferation into third world, unstable nations is the certain and most serious consequence of Iran getting the bomb. So, after Iran gets the bomb, his coming rhetoric that deterrence through containment will be sufficient to protect America will be just another purposeful, disingenuous lie.

    Nuclear proliferation throughout the M.E. will result in terrorist groups eventually getting their hands on nukes. They will use them and the easiest method is simply to put one on a container ship and sail it into a major US harbor and remotely detonate it using a cell phone.

    The loss of life and devastation will result in economic chaos and result in calls for the declaration of nationwide, near permanent martial law by both democrats and our RINO’s.

    It doesn’t take much imagination to envision what Obama or a Pres. Hillary Clinton will do with martial law as a cover. Look for, at a minimum, nullification of key provisions of the Constitution such as Habeus Corpus’ requirement that a person under arrest be brought before a judge or into court, the 2nd amendment’s individual right to bear arms and the 22nd amendment’s limitation on Presidential term limits.

    The nationalization of entire industries judged to be ‘critical to national security’ is also predictable, as is the creation of a national ‘police’ force.

    The FBI has previously stated before Congress that the chance of a WMD attack upon the US mainland is 100% and Obama’s capitulation and Neville Chamberlain type appeasement guarantee that consequence.

    Given that the inescapable result of either sovereign bankruptcy or a nuclear terrorist attack is the declaration of nationwide martial law for the ‘duration of the emergency’ and that ALL of Obama’s actions are leading to that circumstance, it is highly unlikely that this is accidental.

    At some point the left will take ‘off the gloves’ and make their bid for unchallenged power. In my judgement, it will happen once the ultimately manufactured crisis allows the opportunity to declare nationwide martial law.

  28. “Progressives hate capitalism because they see any economy as finite zero-sum game; they think the only way to produce wealth is to take it from someone else.” T

    That’s IMO partially true. I would amend your statement as follows; idealistic progressives hate capitalism because they do not see the necessity for disparate outcomes, which out of ignorance, they judge to be ‘unfair’.

    Progressives generally come in two flavors; cynical Stalinist types, in it for personal power and idealistic ‘Trotskyite’ progressives who by definition are sincere, but who suffer from arrested development. Which at base consists of an immature, juvenile protest against reality’s essential ‘unfairness’.

    A third Leninist type who combines Trotsky’s idealism with Stalin’s pragmatism is very rare.

    The cynical Stalinist types are the typical criminally inclined who, whatever the system of governance, seek personal power and dominance.

    Idealistic progressives are the ‘useful idiots’ that Stalinist types use to greatly expand their political influence.

    The right is filled with those who in their adolescence accepted (without understanding its necessity) life’s essential unfairness and made the best of it. Idealistic progressives are those who have rejected life’s essential unfairness and yearn to correct that unfairness and in denial of reality, pretend that reality is correctable through ‘magical thinking’.

    Neither side however can elucidate why life is unfair and that is why those on the right cannot refute progressives magical thinking.

    Life is unfair both because it must be so and because ironically, real progress is impossible without life’s essential unfairness.

    Consider; without the ‘unfairness’ of individual talent and genius; the invention of fire, agriculture, writing, mathematics, engineering, the arts, the industrial age which freed man from the drudgery of man’s muscle applied to work, the invention of the computer ushering in the information age… would not have been possible, for committee’s do not invent.

    Without life’s essential unfairness there would be no private accumulation of wealth, which provides the private investment pool of wealth, that capitalism leverages into entrepreneurial growth, resulting in an unrivaled generational rise in living standards.

    Finally and perhaps most tellingly for ‘progressives’, without life’s essential unfairness there could be no evolution, which relies upon individual beneficial mutation to adapt to environmental conditions.

    Without the patently ‘unfair’ individual’s beneficial adaptive mutation… evolution itself is not possible and life would never have advanced beyond the amoeba stage of development…

  29. Live in a rural area if you want to see how unfair is life. I do and there is not day that goes by that I don’t see some poor creature meet a horrible end. Today it was a Bald Eagle picking off a Wigeon that was a bit too slow at fleeing. Yesterday it was a Northern Harrier that snagged an Oregon Junco at the bird feeder. A couple of days ago it was a group of otters on my shore munching on a flat fish the size of a dinner plate.

    During the Seahawks game a few weeks ago I happened to look out during a break and noticed about a half dozen real Seahawks (Ospreys) milling about as one started his dive. They only catch something about 1 out 10 tries and this one came up with a nice fish. Next thing I see is an Eagle moving with a purpose. He attacked and forced the Osprey to drop his catch which the Eagle then stole. I turned to person I was watching this with and said “How appropriate that the symbol of Uncle Sam is a rapacious, thieving bully.”

  30. The thing about totalitarian regimes is that they force companies to either cooperate with the Regime’s doctrine or to close their business.

    Thus the only insurance companies that are left become essentially pawns and tentacles of the Leftist alliance.

    They are given government money to subsidize them just enough for them to survive, but the additional regulations and costs will kill competitors. This allows parasitism to stay alive for a bit longer, keeping the insurance companies in this state of parasitism until the host dies and the parasite along with it. Then the nationalization happens.

  31. Lurker, nature has always been cruel by human standards, because power and strength is the sum total of all results in the universe of nature.

    Only humanity being at the top of the food chain and dictating additional social rules, can there ever be an artificial suspension of such rules. Might has made right for as long as the world and the universe has existed. It’s the human component that wanted it to be different.

  32. Ymarsaker,

    I think your most important point is to note that only through humanity (and human development) do we see and artificial suspension of the basic rules of life.

    That’s precisely what it is: Artifice. However, I would urge some caution because I could easily see a Progressive jumping on this idea of artifice as a justification for his/her socialist utopia (What greater artifice is there than a paradise? If we can artificially suspend the laws of brute force, we can artificially suspend the laws of uneven distribution of wealth, uneven access medical care, etc,). I’m not saying I agree with that, but I can certainly see a Progressive attempt to make such an argument.

  33. “Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.” — H. L. Mencken

  34. “All property is theft.” — my Stalinist neighbor.

    Unpack That sentence, if you please!

  35. you really think that after reading their stuff for 40 years it would make my blood run cold?

    Art’s back on the whole “I am wise because I read books written by wise men” thing again, I see.

    As if reading is the same as experience, some kind of 100% energy transmission there without loss…

    Intellectual firepower does not always equal military firepower. This delusion of humanity that they think ideals = reality is a particular disease that results from the inability to truly create or destroy.

    I could easily see a Progressive jumping on this idea of artifice as a justification for his/her socialist utopia

    There’s no reason to worry about that. They already have and always will in the future.

    and your horror and revulsion comes from being sheltered.

    It’s no less than Art’s horror at accepting that all he has read does not confer upon him virtue, knowledge, or wisdom. And it’s at least no more than the horror of having to capitalize all of his initial lettering.

    Individual quirks are not always the result of being sheltered, although it is often the result of societal indoctrination, conditioning, and brainwashing.

    The inability to let individuals go their own path is the heart of darkness and tyranny. It starts there, this cloying desire to control your environment, the world, because you gave up trying to control/change your own soul.

    There is only two choices in this world when a human is given free will: change themselves or change the world. From the infinite variations of those two choices, come evil and good, success and failure.

    Back when humanity was on the verge of starvation and death day in, day out, changing the world wasn’t such a bad thing and was certainly not Easier than changing one’s own personality, habits, thoughts, and knowledge base.

    These days full of delusional totalitarian zombies, Just Following Orders goons, and various other idealistic totalitarians, it’s not a good idea to let them “change the world” any more.

  36. Two points:

    0-care is granular down to the COUNTY level. In doing so it’s cloning the structure of Medicaid.

    So heathcare.gov/tyranny is even more complicated than first blush. Its chances of being coded correctly are zero in the time alloted.

    The expansion of the Medicaid rolls is NOT a negative for the private market. It’s a negative for the Federal and state budgets.

    Yet, even above ^^^^ I read those who think that the loss of the poverty stricken segment of the population can even be a cause of financial distress to the private insurance industry.


    Their loss = load shedding. Which is either neutral or a positive for the industry.

    No, the problem is that the primary consumers of their service are being thwarted by healthcare.gov. THAT’S the problem — not Medicaid expansion.

    The other threat is the drubbing of Medicare Advantage. This was a win-win product that is now a bread and butter market segment.

    I’m amazed that this travesty is not getting more attention.

    This Barrycare gambit is aimed straight at the middle class. It’s a deliberate move to REDUCE the level of care available.

    Lastly, more ought to be made of the physicians boycott. On the whole, 0bamacare is being BOYCOTTED by the medical professionals that count: the doctors.

    For, in the ultimate, Barry wants to CRAM DOWN their fees for service — A LOT.

    Barrycare is not a proximate threat to the insurance industry, not at all. It’s a DIRECT threat to the IMMEDIATE solvency of the medical community. This can — (and is) — happen by mere disruption of cash flow. This disruption is ALREADY locked in.

    This prospect is why the Cleveland Clinic laid off 900 souls. Their economic model showed that their cash flow would absolutely dry up in 2014. Such lay-offs from such a major clinic were symptomatic for the nation as a whole.

    The MSM stayed clueless, from start to finish. Even the financial channels didn’t ‘get it.’

    Long before the year is out, expect to see rolling terminations/ lay-offs from every hospital and clinic in the land.

    Healthcare.gov is destined to interrupt cash flows something fierce. This is the direct consequence of people losing their coverage. They’re the crowd that’s paying for the medical community — in the main. Those that are on the receiving end of care are, on the whole, draining the system. They’ll still be consuming services at the predictable tempo.

    So, the problem is not that the young will not sign up. It’s that NO ONE is signing up/ can sign up on a timely basis so that cash flows are stabilized.

    In air flight terms, we’re hitting an air pocket. A pocket that’s going to last months and months. A five minute air pocket will put a jumbo jet down hard into the landscape. After which, all corrective measures are too late, obviously.

    This is the peril for the national health care industry.

    The Democrats have legislated a cash flow fur ball. It’s dead ahead.

  37. Ymarsakar,
    Nature is not cruel, man is. The eagle is not taking the duck out of cruelty, it’s got to eat too. The other day I read a story of a woman that is getting a new face years after a man beat her with a bat and poured lye in her face. That’s cruel. It takes an “enlightened” human to destroy another human’s face.

    As far as might makes right, that too is a human trait. Just because Paul, Pablo and Pauline voted before they try to steal Peter’s stuff doesn’t change things. Ask President Drone Kill.

  38. Lurker, yes, quite right, it takes a human to say that nature is cruel.

    Just as it takes a human to say that an eagle is a bully. It’s a matter of interpretation. Single, individual, interpretation.

    Might makes right is a natural occurrence, much as causality goes from beginning to end. Humans like your President Drone Kill can make it negative, because of Paul, Pablo, and Pauline, but those aren’t natural forces at work.

  39. ““All property is theft.” – my Stalinist neighbor.” (Beverly@2:49 AM).

    This is probably the same neighbor that owns his/her house, a car, furniture and perhaps even a summer cottage in the mountains or at the shore.

    It’s just another chapter in the hypocrisy of John Lennon’s Imagine. Imagine no possessions . . . until Ben Stein asked for permission to use it in his movie—a request which Yoko Ono denied.

    “No possessions,” indeed. “Theft,” indeed. You neighbor is not saying ALL property is theft. S/he is saying YOUR property is theft.

  40. “The inability to let individuals go their own path is the heart of darkness and tyranny.”

    “Political tags such as liberal – conservative are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.” Robert A. Heinlein

    “There is only two choices in this world when a human is given free will: change themselves or change the world.”

    Men can to some degree, change the physical world but only by changing themselves can how men treat each other be changed. Long ago a Jewish carpenter tried to explain this with but limited success.

    The rule of law can be instituted with some success but those who think that, if only men have the ‘right education and enough opportunities’… that people can be made to be good, are deluded and demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of the spectrum of human nature.

  41. Beverly, give your neighbor this, paraphrasing Douglas Adams: “All property is theft; therefore all theft is property. Therefore I’m throwing you out of your house and taking it.”

    See if he likes it spelled out that way.

  42. The Left are the robber barons. They want to keep their stuff, but they want a justification to take yours.

    Thieves and the mafia have a thing about people stealing their stuff.

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