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The Alinsky president has a press conference — 18 Comments

  1. Obama is trying to dictate to the congress. If the congress capitulates and gives Obama what he wants, don’t the democrats realize what an awful precedent this sets?

  2. Ray:

    No they don’t—for the simple reason that they think that, after this, they will never lose again. So they will always be in power.

    As a backup, though, they realize that (demonizing aside), most Republicans have too much respect for the Constitution and the rule of law to do the same.

    So it’s win-win for the Democrats.

  3. Pingback:Obama: About those negotiations Boehner? Forget about it « Musings of the Angry Webmaster

  4. Ray, this also does NOT set a precedent; it is and will always be the Republicans who are being “unreasonable.” The MSM and other liberals will never change that story. Never.

    If/when it is a Democrat-controlled congress to do as this congress is doing the story will be that of Democrats (the party for the little guy) standing up to big-business, evil, and downright nasty Republicans who “refuse to listen to the will of the people.”

  5. The Q&A was much more a lovefest than a “speak truth to power” media interrogation of a wildly spending arrogant president.

    So much for the media in this country. We the people are now naked and unprotected. Who speaks for us?

    The legacy media prostitutes are plainly the Administration’s Propaganda Ministry.

  6. I’d like to take the time to remind people that while they may not be able to impeach Obama or do anything to take away his power, or even to the GOP/Democrat alliance in the US Senate, remember this always.

    Their divine protection Does Not protect the IRS workers, the government agents from the State Department, their enforcers, or anyone else of an appropriately low level in their alliance.

    A leader has no meaning to his existence when the people he tries to lead is destroyed or neutralized.

    Focusing on individual leaders is not necessarily a good strategy at this time, in my view. Focusing on eliminating the pawns, one by one, seems more effective until the war goes active.

  7. The media was never designed by the Constitution or the Founding Fathers as a “protection” against anything. This is, once again, a belief in some magickal solution by some “other group” or “leader” that is supposed to save people, when such a thing does not exist absent virtue and work.

  8. Obama set up a strawman. He likened the TEA Party Republicans to a union that is demanding raises or else they will ruin the business. What he failed to mention is that he is like a business owner who refuses to bargain with his union even though he knows it will ruin his business. See, Mr. President, it works both ways.

    His position of being unwilling to talk to the Republicans unless they cave is totally indefensible unless he actually wants to see a Constitutional crisis. Does he want that? I’m beginning to think he does. It is to weep.

  9. JJ – if I were in a union, I would be a bit ticked off at that analogy (true as it may be in that unions tend to do that). But they’re already ticked at him over the costs of healthcare so maybe Obama figures that they’re in his pocket regardless.

  10. I couldn’t watch but numerous complaints that not a *single* question was asked about Obamacare.

    Pravda was tougher on Nikita.

  11. You didn’t miss anything Neo. Same predictable, boring crap that we’ve come to expect from Obama.
    I don’t think many LIVs were paying attention. I don’t think they’ll be paying much attention in the future.
    Meanwhile, everyone else that is paying attention has seen the nature of this administration over the past week.
    I don’t think anything will happen before the debt ceiling deal.
    On that score, prediction: IMO, Obama never cared much one way or the other about Keystone XL. He delayed it to mollify part of his base, and to hold as an ace up his sleeve.
    Republicans will ask for it, Obama will complain a lot and then approve it…acting like he gave up something dear to him.
    Although a good thing, it isn’t a big thing economically-speaking. One more example of Washington D.C. kabuki.

  12. He did escalate his rhetoric to full-on tin-pot dictator mode. Rush Limbaugh listened to it and said afterwards that he (Rush) was furious: Osama is trying to crash the stock market by warning that “Republican” intransigence will bring Doom and Debt; his demonizing of all opposition and any resistors was over the top. He also boldly LIED that he was “ready to negotiate” on anything. And accused the Republicans of “holding the nation hostage”.

    He’s really in Marxist drum-banging mode. Watch for the Running Dogs of Capitalism to make an appearance — he’s already cast all opponents to His Godhood as “Enemies of the People,” Soviet-style.

  13. Guy at Legal I. had this to say (JohnC):

    “Now, I’m not going to say that the Republicans are endangering the nation. But clearly they want every child in America to die of cancer and are refusing to pass a Continuing Resolution that gives me everything I want because they hate Blacks and Latinos. Really. Speaker Boehner told me that just this morning during a phone call. He even referred to the good people gathering on the Mall as ‘those darn illegals.’ Let me be clear; I will not negotiate on the budget until the Republicans apologize for starving the American people to death and trying to have me arrested every Monday.”


    “Thank you, Mr. President. Are you really going to leave us in 2016? Is there some way you can stay and help us evolve into true citizens of the Earth? Also, how difficult is it for a man of your intelligence to put up with so many imbeciles on a daily basis? Your tie looks wonderful, by the way.”


  14. Easy to say — but the JUSTICE Dept will make sure that the pawns are protected.

    I don’t think even Eric Holder can defend the number of Roman Polanskie child rapists in the Demoncrat fold.

    Or did you not realize what they were really doing under their propaganda cover?

  15. “I don’t think even Eric Holder can defend the number of Roman Polanskie child rapists in the Demoncrat fold.”

    Yes he can (pun intended). Remind me, how many people have paid ANY price for: Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, spying on reporters, etc.?
    And if the cry grew loud enough, they’d just throw a few loyalists under the bus as scapegoats.
    And the media? Crickets…

  16. Remind me, how many people have paid ANY price for: Fast and Furious, Benghazi, NSA, spying on reporters, etc.?

    Those numbers are insignificant compared to what the Left is hiding in their common membership.

    Leaders and authorities generally get better protection than the pawns.

  17. What I said is that he can’t defend them. Eric Holder does what is called “refuse to attack or prosecute” crimes against humanity. It’s a slightly different action.

    Eric Holder cannot, definitely cannot, protect minions of the Left from Action Groups at the bottom level.

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