Home » Obama says “come, let us reason together”


Obama says “come, let us reason together” — 63 Comments

  1. The “come and let us reason together” reference is ironic when the Hebrew word “yakah” is more correctly interpreted as “repent” than “reason.” Obama, as an anti-Christ, is demanding repentance.

  2. They’ve shut down the government over an ideological crusade to deny affordable health insurance to millions of Americans [who have it and buy millions of votes for the Democratic Party from illegal aliens and the welfare crowd]. Fixed it for you Barry.

  3. “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set.”

    …a “civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded…..

    On page 496 of H.R. 3590


    (1) IN GENERAL.–There shall be in the Service a commissioned
    Regular Corps and a Ready Reserve Corps for service
    in time of national emergency.
    Assimilating Reserve Corp Officers Into the Regular Corps. . .Effective on the date of enactment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, all individuals classified as officers in the Reserve (civilian) Corps . . .shall be deemed to be commissioned officers of the Regular Corps.


    as stated in the law:
    (1) PURPOSE.–The purpose of the Ready Reserve Corps is to fulfill the need to have additional Commissioned Corps personnel available on short notice (similar to the uniformed service’s reserve program) to assist regular Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions.

    ‘(C) be available for backfilling critical positions left
    vacant during deployment of active duty Commissioned Corps members, as well as for deployment to respond to public health emergencies, both foreign and domestic; and

    ‘‘(D) be available for service assignment in isolated,
    hardship, and medically underserved communities (as
    defined in section 799B) to improve access to health services.

  4. He’ll always yammer on like a street agitator.He ought to be mocked for being so predictable.

  5. You know, one time in my life, I’d like to see someone on our side with power (McConnell, Boehner, etc.), just come out and say,

    “The President is a bald-faced f%^&ing liar”.

    That’s on my bucket list; I hope I live long enough to see it.

  6. Obama’s approval ratings are over 50%. The guy is really good at reading the voters.

  7. The President has a bully-pulpit. He uses it much more than any president in my lifetime. With a compliant MSM he is able to prevaricate perniciously. And the LIVs will believe it.

    What to do? I know of only one thing. Citizens voicing their opinions to their legislators. Yes, they do listen. Maybe not to the details of what you say, but to what direction you are leaning – for or against. All my reps are Ds. I’m writing and calling everyday and telling them that they and Obama have it wrong. Takes some time, but it provides me satisfaction. When the phone lines are full and the e-mail queues long, they know that something is afoot.

    Obama speaks with a forked tongue. He’s now claiming the ACA is settled law – even as Congress and other favored groups are excluded from complying and more than 51% of the people are against the law. This is the most corrupt way of administering law there is. We are becoming a Banana Republic. These are things to tell your reps.

  8. “What a disgustingly divisive Alinskyite excuse for a leader he is. To this country’s shame, it has worked for him so far. “

    Neo darlin’, you’re becoming quite the intellectual militant. I like it.

  9. “What a disgustingly divisive Alinskyite excuse for a leader he is.” — neo

    I agree. If I could (agree)-squared, I would, and my guess is so would our distinguished hostess.

    ((Agree)-squared, although he’s *not* a “leader”, but I and everyone here knows well what neo means.)

    I could rant on and on, as could many/most of us, but I’ll spare readers the time and the infrastructure the bandwidth.

    But that sparing does not in any way diminish my disgust and total contempt one micro-iota.

  10. J.J. formerly Jimmy J., 4:43 pm — “Citizens voicing their opinions to their legislators.”


    My senators are Dianne (don’t-tell-me-about-the-constitution) Feinstein and Barbara (don’t-call-me-ma’am) Boxer. Total, utter waste of time.

    My congressman is Darrell Issa. He doesn’t need my voice; he pretty much gets it.

    (Yep, I live in a red oasis in a sea of deep blue. Gag.)

  11. I know Chris Christie has a lot of the RINO in him, but I think his approach in this may be the only winning one. That is, lay most of the blame for the shutdown on Obama. Watch him at a roundtable discussion yesterday: Christie Says It’s The Executive’s Job To Resolve Budget Impasse

    He doesn’t go into the fact that Obama and the Democrats really wanted a shutdown for purely political purposes. Surely he knows this, but I think he’s savvy enough to know that truth is a hard, if not impossible, sell in today’s MSM-controlled environment. So he sticks to a nuts-and-bolts discussion of how government should work, which I think lots of people can agree with; and with sound-bites like “I’m the boss” and “I’m in charge” with regard to the role of an executive, which surely resonate among even the least-informed voters.

  12. Lots of traffic on the Web about the various state exchange websites crashing.

    I got through last night at around 2:30 a.m., EST, to the NY State site.

    It’s confusing, but watch out for several HUGE problems that I haven’t seen mentioned ANYWHERE yet:

    1. There’s a gulf between people who make enough — that’s right, “enough” to be subsidized, and people who make so little (~$900/month, yes month) that they are eligible for Medicaid (which is a third-world experience, but whatevs…). I haven’t seen Anyone talking about the people who will be deemed TOO POOR to receive subsidies — Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?

    2. Watch for the difference between “grandfathered” [you maintain insurance coverage continuously] and “non-grandfathered” plans: the “option” to just pay the penalty-tax means, if I read it correctly, that you will pay DOUBLE what you would if you stayed in the system, once you rejoin it. So there’s a massive Punishment built in for boycotters.

    3. This is really scandalous, and I was actually shocked: for the po’ folks, the cheaper plans, NYS is listing several that say “coverage of pre-existing conditions is NOT REQUIRED.” And there were other things the Leftists had promised the “masses” that were “not required” on the crummier plans.

    4. All plans are going up in price. Down in coverage, much more restricted in doctor choices, and UP in price. E.g., saw on Ace that in Maryland, if you’re on their Bronze Plan, there’s ONE OB-GYN for the whole STATE who will see you.

    Brace, brace, brace!

    Source: myportal.dfs.gov/web/prior-approval/welcome

    Many of these Huge Problems are waaaay down the selection trees, out at the ends of various “branches,” if you will. I was looking at Independent Payers’ “options.” My premiums doubled under Comrade Zero; now they’re going up still more, and way up in suckitude on the “services” end.

  13. PS: I don’t know why I was shocked; you’d think I would be cynical enough by now. But I was. The lies have been so naked, so outrageous, that I can only agree with Mark Steyn: we are now a Banana Republic.

    I’ve never felt “herded” like an animal before, and I hate the sensation. I’ve never felt so at odds with “my own” government — it isn’t the Americans’ government any more. The Leftists’, yes; but not the patriots’.

    BTW, the Truckers are calling for a General Strike on October 11 – 13: it’s really starting to feel like the Continent around here.

  14. MJR, Boxer and Feinstein need to hear from you. They won’t care about the details, only are you for or against. Their staff takes calls and reads e-mails. They keep a record of “for and against.”
    When they don’t hear from the against contingent, they think all is well. Well, all is not well and they, (Boxer and Feinstein, Cantwell and Murray) most of all, need to hear it- over and over again. Short of taking to a picket line, this is the most effective thing you can do.

  15. Ann,

    I would vote for Christie if he were the nominee. I think he’s got charisma and cojones, and is very smart. Yes, he’s not a strict conservative, but I don’t give a rat’s ass; he’s conservative enough for me compared to the alternatives on the Democrat side.

    I fear, however, that a lot of conservatives would refuse to vote for him, and thus sow the seeds of their (and our) own destruction. They would argue that “there’s no difference between the two parties” and “let it burn” and all that jazz. I don’t agree, as I’ve said many times.

  16. Neo,
    You are dead right about Christie. We are running out of chances to turn this thing around. We can look at France, Spain, and Italy to see where it ends and how it can’t be fixed. Time for half a loaf candidate and a win.

  17. Today was a discouraging day. I had the radio on and forced myself to keep it on during President Pinnochio’s rant against the Republicans and, more specfically, the Tea Party. I felt sick listening but I fear such talk only empowers the true believers. What do the all-important independents think?

    I have a liberal friend who voted for Obama in 2008 but not 2012. Her reason…….his snarky and arrogant performance during the second debate.

  18. Beverly, 5:30 pm — “I can only agree with Mark Steyn: we are now a Banana Republic.”

    I take exception: for me, we are now a Banana State. Too little resemblance to a genuine Republic, for where we are and where we’re headed.

    J.J. formerly Jimmy J., 5:42 pm — “MJR, Boxer and Feinstein need to hear from you. They won’t care about the details, only are you for or against.”

    Centrist-leaning Democrats [there are maybe a dozen] need to hear from the likes of MJR, as well as Democrats in purple and red states. They may be persuadable (maybe 1 in 100 chance). Total waste of breath/ink/bandwidth/whatever communicating with Feinstein or Boxer. With Feinstein or Boxer, I may as well talk with Osama bin Laden — and he’s *dead*.

  19. Mr. Frank, 5:50 pm — “We are running out of chances to turn this thing around.”

    Romney — the ‘half a loaf candidate” — was already our last chance.

  20. “…and thus sow the seeds of their (and our) own destruction.”
    That train already left the station, Neo. I don’t think it much matters who the next president is.

  21. Jonathan Tobin at Commentary:

    “With the GOP on the defensive, Barack Obama is now free to be himself, a rabid partisan attack dog who has no scruples about distorting the truth to make political points.

    Wow — “rabid partisan attack dog”. And here I thought “disgustingly divisive” was pretty heady stuff! 😉

  22. M J R Says:
    October 1st, 2013 at 6:35 pm

    Mr. Frank, 5:50 pm – “We are running out of chances to turn this thing around.”

    Romney – the ‘half a loaf candidate” – was already our last chance.


  23. PS: I don’t know why I was shocked; you’d think I would be cynical enough by now. But I was.

    The thing about evil is that it is bottomless. Thus if you think you have seen the bottom, you will always be surprised by the Left.

    As I always take care to mention, when it comes to evil, always assume there is something worse they will pull out. Always assume a person has not seen the true nature of the Left or its evil. Always think in this fashion, and you will not be shocked or surprised, pulled by their propaganda left and right.

    This is why people always said “you ain’t seen nothing yet”, right?

  24. In 2008, I already assumed that the Left had enough power to do what Obama is doing now. They just weren’t doing it yet, so I was waiting for the shoe to drop. When it did, perhaps people would change their views as the Left’s boot stomped them in the head and stomped their children’s head into the mud.

    It was certainly true that nothing I said changed people’s “knowledge” about the Left.

    It was not up to me to change people or the world. It was up to the Left to change the world.

  25. If you think it’s too late to “turn it around” then go crawl in a hole somewhere to die. You are worse than of no use, you are demoralizing the others. Keep that shit to yourself.
    IMO, it’s already turning around. People just don’t see it yet.
    Cruz has demonstrated the stark choice between the parties. The Republicans have broken through the MSMs cone of silence by goading them into covering the Rs enough to mock them.
    Next, Obamacare crashes and burns. After that happens, there will be only 3 likely choices for voters:
    1) Vote Democrat; they have demonstrated that they will repeal the ACA under NO circumstances.
    2) Vote Independent; any Indy will be an unknown quantity. Will they vote for repeal? Will they be able to take the heat?
    3) Vote Republican; the one party that has shown it is willing to repeal and will take the consequences for it.

    Admittedly, RINOs will benefit from Cruz’ maneuver as well as conservatives, but such is life.

  26. For those who think the game is over, and we lost — here’s a wee pep-talk comment on the current editorial over at National Review:

    Conservatives need to learn from liberals regarding political disputes. Liberals have wanted the government more involved in the financing and distribution of healthcare since 1937. They have been rebuffed many times including the spectacular flame-out of HillaryCare in 1993 and 1994. However, they took each defeat as merely a temporary defeat and they came back again and again until we got the 2010 legislation known as ObamaCare.

    In addition to re-electing President Obama, the electorate also returned a Republican majority to the House of Representatives. Why should we conservatives view the 2012 election as a permanent defeat on our views regarding the funding and distribution of health care?

    And the editorial itself — “Now Is the Time to Halt the ACA” — makes the point that we shouldn’t put down the ball because

    It is not as though health-care laws were sacred writ. The CLASS Act, the ACA’s long-term-care program, already has been repealed on the grounds of being actuarially unsound and fiscally irresponsible. One might easily say as much about the rest of the ACA. It should be repealed in toto. Short of that, delaying and defunding are appropriate as preludes to intelligent reform that does not rely on federal overseers to manage the marketplace as though Americans were mere chessmen to their grandmasters. The program is consistently unpopular, but bureaucracies and transfer programs have a way of entrenching themselves. Now is the time to act.

  27. @Ann

    Always in the back of my mind is the knowledge that leftists’ greatest weapon is demoralization.
    It’s not that they win so much as they get the rest of us to stop opposing them.
    Refuse to be demoralized…if for no other reason than out of spite!

  28. Cruz demonstrated the difference between the parties, which necessarily had to come before ACA exchanges opened or it would look like “piling on.”
    Republicans in the House passed a number of bills that get the Dems on record as supporting ACA, and also refusing to accept ACA for themselves and staff (very hypocritical and unpopular with the people).
    I think most of the political points to be scored have been done.
    I expect a clean CR to be passed within a week.

    It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

  29. Oh, also….
    Dems and MSM, being completely self-unaware and wont to gloating, will cover the passage of clean CR as a VICTORY!!!!11!!1!
    This will do two things:
    1) Highlight (again) the difference in the two parties’ stances.
    2) Establish that the Rs paid a price…which later can be used to establish our bona fides about our convictions (and, y’know, actually having some).

  30. Commented on another blog, that I used to worry about my kids. But, since they vote with their emotions, and rolled their eyes at me once too often, I regretfully decided that they can just reap what they sow.

    I am sad for the granddkids. The little Darlings, and they are that, are being raised in an environment in which if you desire it, you get it. They are in for a rude shock; most of it not of their making. The high school and college indoctrination programs have taken ther toll even there, because I do get some discreet eye rolls from them also; even though they are sensitive to the old fellow’s feelings.

    Sorry for you younger Conservatives. You don’t deserve it, but the cards are just stacked too crooked.

    Obviously, I expect to check out before too much damage is done. Besides, as a depression baby, world war II kid, and Cold War/Vietnam era warrior, I really doubt that Obama can inflict more pain than Americans weathered in those eras. But, it is going to be damn tough for those who have no experience with adversity at the national level. I have had a good run since Reagan, and don’t really fear what Obama can do to me personally.

    Good luck America. You were great until you learned about open borders and “free stuff” (paid for by others).

    Sent O’Reilly an email last night. I don’t know why he is popular with Conservatives; and I rarely listen anymore. But, I heard him and Krauthammeer agree that we should just let Obamacare go into effect, because it will die of its own contradictions. That may be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. They must have never read any history of the U.S. since FDR. Programs do not die. Taxpayer money props them up in perpetuity regardless of how useless they may be. The phrase “Too Big to Fail” appies first and foremost to government programs. You have to abort them in the womb, to borrow from the Leftists.

    MJR, I write to Feinstein occasionally, without any hope. I even wrote to Boxer last weekend. Email is cheap. I fax Boehner at the Speaker’s number periodically. No response, ever. My GOP Congressman is good about responding. California is a sad situation. Like the country, geographically it leans one way; but, the huge population centers (where free stuff, and the effects of open borders abound) overbalance it the other.

  31. Keep that shit to yourself.

    It’s not really up to Americans, living in or outside America, to be quiet. That’s the lot of serfs and slaves. It is up to Republicans and patriots inside the US to demonstrate and prove that it can be turned around.

    If they cannot, then nothing they say and no excuse they make, will vindicate their cause.

  32. To MJR and Oldflyer, what I think would be valuable is inside information on how they operate, the propaganda defenses they routinely spout. Active resistance against the juggernaut is not feasible, but if you act as informants by infiltrating their networks, then that information can be very strategically useful for somebody else fighting them.

    If you cannot fight them fairly and straight up, use the shadows and deception. That is one way to fight, as guerillas have demonstrated.

  33. “What a disgustingly divisive Alinskyite excuse for a leader he is. To this country’s shame, it has worked for him so far.”

    Man, is that so accurate a description – and the more he pulls stunts like this – blaming others – and the press acts like his puppets; the more disgusted I am by it all.

    Expat took the words right out of my mounth – he makes me want to puke! His supporters make me want to puke, the press makes me want to puke. The whole situation makes me want to puke.

  34. Matt_SE Says:
    October 1st, 2013 at 7:37 pm

    Cruz has demonstrated the stark choice between the parties.

    Excuse me? The hostile reaction of the R establishment to both Cruz and the Tea Party has demonstrated precisely the opposite: that both parties are the Party of Government. Neither one of them gives a rat’s ass what we the people want, and calling the Republican Party the “party of limited government” is ignorant at best and laughable at worst.

    You’ve forgotten the 2008 bank bailouts, which passed despite roughly 300-1 opposition in phone calls and e-mails?

    Don’t argue with me. Argue with Trent Lott:

    I asked Lott if his old GOP pals still serving in the Senate have lost control of their party. How do they feel about that? I inquired. Lott shook his head: “That Ted Cruz. They have to teach him something or cut his legs out from under him.”

    Cut his legs out? Yeah, Lott replied with a chuckle. He noted that when he was in the House in the 1980s he mounted a campaign against a fellow Republican who had challenged him for a leadership post. “Took me two years,” he recalled. “But I got him. And he was out of the House.” Recalling his vindictiveness and hardball politics, Lott chuckled once more. “Call me if you want more red meat,” he said, before heading toward the car waiting for him.

  35. Oldflyer – ditto on O’Reilly. He and Krauthammer have been on that bandwagon for a while. Neither of them remembers they’re generally wrong with their political predictions and advice. And claiming their latest bonehead strategy to give up fighting a bad program will convince people to vote republican is nothing short of stupid. O’Reilly is also one of the strategic geniuses who advocates immigration reform as critical for Republicans to get elected, ignoring all data to the contrary.
    If these two were around when welfare, Medicare, and social security were enacted, they probably would have shared the same type clairvoyance with their fans. Just let them go, and they will too expensive to sustain.
    Right. There’s no such thing as a program that’s too expensive for a government that just prints and borrows money whenever it wants, for whatever it wants. And most of all claims it’s the only responsible way for a government to act, while accusing those who advocate fiscal responsibility of being terrorists and traitors, amplified by a screeching media who have no integrity whatsoever.
    Kraut hammer and O’reilly frequently echo the Republican Tri-dumbvirate McConnell, McCain, and Graham when it comes to strategy winning strategies, such as presidential campaigns, where they’ve all proven themselves to be virtual political Einsteins.

  36. I noticed that most of the dozen citizens in the Rose Garden with him were seriously obese.

  37. A vote for Christie is like a vote for McCain. You might as well vote for Cory Booker. It’s is all about them, not about the USA.

    We are in the toilet. It matters not whether it is flushed at one gallon per flush (1 gpf if you read toilet labels) by Obama/Reid, or 0.5 gpf by Christie or McCain. We will still be flushed right down into the sewer.

    Next we may read here on this very blog, “Come, let us reason together.”

  38. Obama is poison and he has poisoned the whole country.

    The people who voted for him are more responsible than he is though. They gave him the power out of malice, greed, and pride. 60 million of them.

    We have big problems.

  39. rickl: exactly!
    Matt_SE: nobody said not to fight until your last breath. Just said I happen to think it’s a lost cause. But hey there’s a chance a new virus may arise that prevents leftys and idiots from being able to vote. Did you know that the one guy in the House holding up immigration reform has now caved? You keep having happy thoughts. I’m moving to the mountains and stocking up on provisions. And if my little opinion demoralizes you, that is your problem not mine.

  40. I wonder whether I am venturing into tin foil hat territory. I watched a bit of Bloomberg tonight about the Obamacare startup. The reporter was talking about glitches in the computer programs. Then she went on about how many people had tried to access the sites and that this number greatly exceeded expectations. I started wondering whether there could have been a campaign to overload sites, so that the real “glitches” would be hidden and could be blamed on the huge interest in the program. It seems like the kind of distraction technique that Team Obama excells at.

  41. It seems like the kind of distraction technique that Team Obama excells at.

    The report I heard was that Team Obama demanded that private networks be setup for the websites, which could not be done under such short notice.

    Even if the Emperor and Propaganda Master commands the dead to rise, that is going to be rather tricky.

  42. “What a disgustingly divisive Alinskyite excuse for a leader he is”

    Be ve-r-r-r-r-r-r-ry careful when you fill out your tax return next year, neo.

  43. Ran into a Liberal Asshat friend of mine tonight, and told her my insurance has been cancelled effective 12-31, and the goobermint “insurance” is going to cost a good bit MORE.

    “Oh, no, that’s not true!” she chirped brightly. “There’s no way that’s true.” And kept smiling brightly even as I told her that the NY State Govt. website SAYS it’s going up. “Oh, you must be mistaken. There’s no way it’s going up.”

    I realized she was ineducable, and left.

  44. expat at 10:39 pm last night regarding tin foil hat territory:

    I had similar thoughts yesterday, but my tin hat was whispering that the high volume was perhaps being caused by a flash mob of those who are either merely curious or actively hostile to the ACA. I certainly spent a good bit of time poking around in healthcare.gov, and figure others did as well.

    And note that the government is refusing to disclose how many actually signed up yesterday.

  45. Expat & Carl in Atlanta;

    We need to start a Neo tin foil hat brigade – I’m wearing one too!

    I was thinking the same thing as I watched the local news (NY area) last night. It was all for show.

    Interestingly, they did have one “story” (Oh, how I love that the TV news media refers to articles as “stories”) asking one woman what her experience was like. She thought it was wonderful and signed up in no time.

    But then (here’s a twist!) they explained to her that the website does NOT explain what your full benefits are. Even after explaing to her that the option she elected gave her little coverage – she still gushed about how wonderful it was.

    So, here’s my tin foil hat moment – she had, just HAD, to be a plant. “here deary, get on the local news and just say how wonderful Obamacare is. We’ll pay you well for your time.”

    So, yea, I’m wearing a tin foil hat as well. Only, I think mine might be a bit tighter.

  46. Lyndon Johnson used the “come let us reason together” bible quote (Isiah 1:18). But if you look at 19 and 20 you’ll see it’s a quote more like calling Islam a religion of peace.

    19 If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land:

    20 But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.

  47. Oldflyer Says:
    October 1st, 2013 at 7:56 pm

    Commented on another blog, that I used to worry about my kids. But, since they vote with their emotions, and rolled their eyes at me once too often, I regretfully decided that they can just reap what they sow.”

    I’ve enjoyed reading Oldflyer’s opinions and comments for some time now.

    And if he could one day muster the energy for one more go round with his own kids, I’d appreciate hearing his report back on their considered reaction some of the reflections he has offered here.

    Most specifically and as usual for me, I would be interested in their answer as to exactly: On what basis, on what grounds do they so casually stake their moral claims against the very lives of others?

    Neo after some badgering has speculated that in the case of her communist Uncle, it was unreflective; and as he is now dead, it’s too late to hold his feet to the fire in order to get a more precise answer.

    Might Oldflyer’s kids be persuaded to give their Dad a serious answer to his seriously asked question?

    I hope so.

    Because I’m beginning to get the alarming feeling that a large portion of our current humanity, and not only leftist ideologues, have simply abandoned all reasoning, but instrumental reasoning.

    And if you cannot reason with an appetite directed at you, what can you do with it?

  48. On what basis, on what grounds do they so casually stake their moral claims against the very lives of others?

    they have the power to make the rules…

  49. And if you cannot reason with an appetite directed at you, what can you do with it?

    get out of its way

  50. Great incisiveness and succintity on the Alinsky attributes, Neo. (I know that’s not a word but He’s not a president, either.)

  51. OK, I said I expected a clean CR within a week but now I’m not so sure. The Obama administration is bungling the optics of the shutdown (WWII vet memorial, et. al.) and maybe the Republicans don’t see so much downside to continuing the shutdown.
    Now I don’t know what’s going to happen. It’s all so exciting!

  52. Obama is simply a bully, an Alinskyite bully. There is only one decent way to deal with a bully, any bully. That is Not To Cave In.

  53. One of the principal concepts of ancient strategists was that brute force can win through attrition and numbers, sort of like how democracy works. But skill itself requires knowing oneself and one’s enemy. In this case, knowing and understanding our humanity and the nature of the Left, our enemies.

    After that, make your weaknesses appear as strengths, your strengths appear as weaknesses in order to deceive the enemy and win without relying on numbers or attrition.

    Hit them where they are weak, not strong. Break their will to fight, so you don’t take casualties actually fighting them.

    If their stronghold is in front of you, don’t contest it directly using brute strength or resistance, pitting your numbers against theirs.

    In many ways, people of America have traditionally used voting and politics as a way to solve problems. But the Democrats are playing by different paradigms and this strategy of attrition, voter numbers, is in itself being predicted and thus a weakness.

  54. I would consider it more important to destroy their will to fight, their self righteous indignation and moral certainty, than to win their votes.

    You don’t have to “convince” them of anything. You merely have to destroy their will to fight. Even zombies have to have a minimum desire or instinct for brains. Even if the will to fight on the part of the Leftist cannonfodder is about equal to an instinct’s desire to fly towards a flame, destroy that desire, that instinct, that will.

    It’s not their votes you want to get, it’s not beating them politically that is the method or goal, but breaking their will to fight, the back of their power, the spine of their command structure.

  55. Beverly,

    what you might try to say in that situation with the LA is this

    “Looks like you passed the test, comrade. I’d hate to have to report you for having Republican or patriotic sympathies”

    If the Left isn’t obvious enough for them, force them, divide them, with their own rules and fears.

    If the Left’s hold on the zombies is too hard to break, then take control of the strings, force them to bend and break to irrational directives.

  56. As someone who’s been applying for the Massachusetts version of Obmacare (without success) for three years I have a poem

I am ruled by the government and I am afraid; I must fill and file endless applications that are thrown away, but then I am guilty of missing the file-by date.

    When I call there are six menu options, each leading to another three that are still never answered by a human being; there is no brick and mortar office, no street address, I cannot be seen.

    The ways of the government are not sure; they are capricious, and will change quickly if your question is not on the menu of FAQ’s or it is time for a diversity assessment and you’re not in the needful category. 

    There is no goodness or mercy; this government is the enemy; this government is not the Social Security that you have been paying into for 40 years; it’s new and it wants your social and your 401k for ever and ever and ever Soros

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