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Profiles in courage? — 8 Comments

  1. Wonderful !

    Hope abounds !

    Is it too much to ask for:
    1) capital gains tax rate decrease
    2) income tax rate decrease
    3) corporate tax rate decrease

    At least a little to blunt the effects of new regulations coming down the pike?

    And how about keeping the charitable deductions the same for now so that charities aren’t decimated????

    Come on Moderate Dems !!!

  2. They cant stop it..

    they (the people) have alredy started the red terror… [homes visited, businesses destroyed, firebombs]

    they have already established the rules of play. you either go with it, or your a meaningless apostate. so their choices are few.

    this is how this works, and what i was explaining. the issue was not that everyone would in an orgy accept evil.

    no. i said that power can only be felt by complying people to act against their own wishes. (think about that in terms of whats going on, they are power hungry, and so they are acting opposite to what people want to FEEL the power).

    they can either go along, and have jobs and a life, and maybe, end up coming out of the tunnel at the other end (most of the polticians under hitler and stalin), or they can oppose it, be run out on a rail, and lose now…

    they are given the same dumb option and no time to think that the guy with one ticket goes through when he starts to run from the police. the tiny chance of getting out clean is the way they go.

    the minute they oppose them, they are then enemies and part of the counter-revolution.

    and i quoted the CPUSA that said that they are already ready to prevent the coutner revolution (if not, hitler would have lost, stalin would have been taken down, mao and castro, and chavez would be out… see a pattern here of individual helplessness?)

    the choice was made at the election time.

    like a roller coaster there is no way to reverse it.

    [other than maybe show he isnt a citizen and remove him from office, and then negate all he did and start over…sort of]

    once the young and such were sold, there was nothing that the people could do to reverse the course in germany.

    thre were LOTS of attempts on hitler.


    Early in World War II, Greta Garbo was told that Adolf Hitler loved her films and admired Camille so much that he allowed its wide distribution in Germany, despite the racial impurity’ of director Cukor. The Fé¼hrer reportedly retained a private copy of the film confiscated by his customs officers. Garbo, in turn, reportedly said she wanted to meet him and try to convince him to stop the war. She felt the power of her personality could alter the course of history, but if not I could shoot him;. Who would dare to search Greta Garbo on a special invitation from the Fé¼hrer? The romantic idea that Garbo was willing to martyr herself by assassinating Hitler sounds apocryphal, but her friend Sam Green confirms it. Once she said, Mr Hitler was big on me. He kept writing and inviting me to come to Germany, and if the war hadn’t started when it did, I would have gone and I would have taken a gun out of my purse and shot him, because I’m the only person who would not have been searched.’

    but alas… once the vote is in, the changes being made now will preclude the oppositoni.

    that was worked out BEFORE the change.

    “I believe that President Roosevelt has chosen the right path. We are dealing with the greatest social problem ever known. Millions of unemployed must get their jobs back. This cannot be left to private initiative.”

    that was not obama

    that was Joseph Goebbles, hitlers propaganda chief commentiing admiringly of the new deal as a way for socialism to follow (the fascist version not bolshevick).

    the prior paraphrased from here: hnn.us/blogs/entries/64898.html

    in other words, i have detailed tons of parallels…

    including the terms we are using in their german form.

    [i am not german, i am latvian, but this history is the history of why i have no family]

    what better way to make a military industrial complex society, by claiming to work to the opposite, and let the people naturally take you there at an accelerated pace?

    right now, leftists think tha the more powerful moriarty is fouling up obamas moves. they are soon not going to tolerate the oppressors as much. i laid that out too.

    now all the stuff i laid out is coming together like a chess game or rather my favorite GO.

    there is no time to organize, they are following a script and that gives them speed to run past in a political version of blitzkrieg the restructuring.

    obama, like the leaders of russia, is not the leader.

    the leaders in russia are a cabal behind the ruler who is the front despot… (supreme soviet in the past, now its darker and harder to see).

    obama does not care if he is leader next election. he is on a mission… how he does that with audacity will be whether his keepers keep him.

    in this way, the feudal lords get to invert thigns and return them back to them. or havent you checked their lineages? they are working on dominatnig the future with their own lineages, while killing yours.

    when has that not been the core purpose of all life on the planet?

  3. During the election, XM’s POTUS 08 ran a program about the conservative Democrats running for office. They said that the Democratic party had decided it was more important to get a Dem elected than to have a candidate that toed the liberal political line. I have been waiting to see when it would come back to haunt them. The Repubs need to get their act together and learn how to work in a bipartisan manner with these moderate Dems. It just might pay off big for both of them.

  4. It won’t happen. The One, Pelosi, and Reid carry all the purse strings. They defy their Mossiah and Disciples at their grave peril.

  5. Not sure how “moderate” these folks are, but I can tell you one thing they come from pretty conservatives states and I guarantee you they have been hearing from their constituents. It doesn’t really matter whether they are looking to actually “do the will” of their constituents or are just worried about losing their jobs – at least they are responding in the correct way.

    Not sure you have a valid point Hong. I think these people may be starting to see the writing on the wall – if this spending continues the democrats may well not be in charge come two years time.

  6. The example of Gillibrand in NY is proof enough to me that these Democrats of Conservative districts are merely wearing the label superficially. They merely make conservative sounding noises until they receive another handout for themselves or their cronies….um, ‘constituents’ to buy their cooperation or silence. It’s done by the Democrats all the time.

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