Home » Apparently…


Apparently… — 11 Comments

  1. That article was written by a Elite Mindless Socialist, with no connection to reality.

    It is not about gun control. Its the progressive idea to abolish self defense. ( for everyone else, not them )

    They just can’t figure out how the rest of us know they are lying.
    ( Their lips are moving! )

    — Old Joke —
    question : When does a liberal become a conservative?
    answer : When they become a victim of a crime.
    In the 90’s there was an appointed judge named Penny White. ( State of Tennessee ) When she had to run for election to that bench seat, she made this claim …

    “Rape is not a violent crime. At most it should only receive a few hours of community service on conviction.”

    Needless to say, she lost the election BADLY. She never understood why she lost.

    Law enforcement urged everyone to vote against her.
    Every “civil rights for women” organization urged everyone to vote against her.
    The “battered women / abuse survivors” groups urged everyone to vote against her.

    No connection to reality.

  2. Gun control is not about guns, its about control. The left wants to tell you how to lead your life, what kind of car to drive, what/where to live, what you eat and drink (more water please?). An armed man is a citizen, an unarmed man is a subject.
    If Chairman O had his way, all income would be sent to the state, his minions would then send you back what they thought you should have.

  3. NRA and 2nd Amendment-loving Americans are right to resist every single gun regulation. If the liberal fascists get reasonable restrictions on what are in effect machine guns or more burdensome background checks, they will instantly move on to the next control and won’t stop until every antique muzzle loader has been seized. The only people left with guns will be the criminals (who keep theirs or get new ones muled across the Rio Grande in the middle of the night) and the IRS.

  4. The proper response to that trolling:

    “So the political left just got beat by the CREAKY, OLD tactics of the NRA?”
    “…man, you guys REALLY SUCK!”

  5. Of course, the fact that the gun control proposals will do nothing to solve the problem of psychopaths wh aren’t treated or gangs who find killing cool is why this issue is attractive to control freaks. It leaves a door open for more and more programs that put ever more people on government payrolls. Remember when Obama latched onto the asbestos in Altgeld Gardens. He didn’t give a shit about the residents and he probably doesn’t know a thing about asbestos. It was an issue he could latch onto to gain his community organizer creds.

  6. “restrictions on what are in effect machine guns …”

    Nope, the machine guns have been illegal since the Thirties. There are no Government-allowed guns that are “in effect” machine guns.

    Aaaand: Mikey Bloomberg’s a lying esso bee. His little STASI organization should be called “Mayors Against LEGAL Guns,” as they oppose no others. You know?

    And why has no one called him on this outrageous lie?

  7. The gun control supporters are under the belief that they are in the overwhelming majority and that anyone who would actually support someone owning a gun is part of an underground neo-Nazi/militia counterculture that just happens to be heavily funded by a trillion-dollar NRA/Halliburton machine. I can’t imagine even 1% of the anti-gun side even KNOWING anyone who owns a gun.

  8. A permanent majority from a transformation of America implicitly produces a lack of criticism as well as a lack of need for it.

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