Home » Another day, another “cracker”


Another day, another “cracker” — 36 Comments

  1. “I would have thought a group of the witnesses might have jumped the attacker and pummeled him, or at least restrained him.”

    Sorry, Neo, it ain’t your daddy’s New York anymore.

    Also, I wouldn’t be surprised in the “audience” were mostly black and would back “racial solidarity” before human decency. This happened in Harlem afterall.

  2. The unfortunate reality is that black rule on the national scale produces this.

    My FB page has been full for two days of liberal, hippie, love, peace and music Woodstockers demanding that George Zimmerman be lynched.

    We thought that giving blacks what they demanded would stop the violence. We were wrong. Over the long term, the U.S. seems headed toward the fate of Rhodesia.

  3. But note that in the NY Post article to which I linked, the races of both perpetrator and the victim are not explicitly mentioned. However, their races are certainly implicit in the story (and there is a photograph of the suspect).

    I would say that the photograph of the suspect is sufficient.

    From the link:

    An attacker pummeled a bus passenger so hard he smashed the bones in his face after calling the victim a “cracker” in Manhattan.

    It is rather insulting to northern whites to be called “crackers,” as in their opinion the term should be confined to those troglodyte whites residing south of the Mason Dixon line.

    Are we all- whites of the North and of the South- crackers now? According to the gentleman of the colored persuasion who administered some rough justice to a “cracker” on a NYC bus, apparently we are.

    I suspect that there are some white northern libs who have as much dislike for “crackers” in the Southland as this particular gentleman of the colored persuasion had for “crackers” regardless of where they reside. While some white northern libs may have fantasies about smashing a Southland “cracker” in the face, the lib, fearing the consequences of smashing a rabid right wing “cracker,” would probably refrain from indulging this particular fantasy. 🙂

    Disclaimer: I am the product of a North-South marriage, and have split my life in approximately equal parts between North and South.

  4. The omission of skin color in news reports has been going on for a while but I just noticed it in our local (Hartford CT) paper. You get descriptions of the suspect including hair, tatoos, shoes etc. but no skin color. Supposedly there is some AP stylebook rule on this, but it never prevents them from mentioning race in noncrime stories.

  5. Obey Obama, is the new Totalitarian Doctrine, slaves.

    Don’t like it?

    Well, you know what to do.

  6. Over the long term, the U.S. seems headed toward the fate of Rhodesia.

    That’d be justice then, since it was US politicians that helped force Rhodesia’s fall in the first place.

    That old karmic goose goes round and round and bites ya all on the back sooner or later. Which is why elections matter. Or at least it would, if the population weren’t a bunch of slaves being told who to vote for. Instead of telling Iraqi tribes they were a fake democracy, maybe Americans should have shut up and started looking at their own mirrors.

  7. The weak die and suffer. That is their place in life.

    Don’t like it?

    Well you know what to do about it.

  8. This is the result of more than half a century of mostly white, leftist academia promoting the theory of white privilege to white liberals and the black community, which asserts that ALL whites are guilty of racism, just by virtue of living in a society where whites are in the majority.

    1/3 of blacks recognize and acknowledge black racism and in a recent poll, blacks were identified as the most racist by every racial group.

    Note that there is no Chinese, black African or Hispanic ‘privilege’ in countries where they are in the majority.

    The unspoken implication being that only whites are racist.

    Yet European societies, where whites are in the majority are not typically accused of white privilege, so its really whether you support the left that determines your degree of guilt.

  9. Non jungle dwellers may have wondered why Traveyon valued confronting Zimmerman physically so much.

    This is part of the reason. Blacks prey on each other like this and more. Any “weakness” is seen as an excuse to git ya. Enough blacks in the “urban jungle” thinking you’re “weak sauce” is enough to End You, Period. Trayveon knew this, if only instinctively. Thus fear demanded that he face his gay rapist stalker, or else he really will be raped and tortured to death by his black peers in the jungle.

    This kind of thought process is unthinkable or unimaginable to civilized beings.

    Well, that’s why you’re civilized, isn’t it.

    Those of us who study the predators for they are the prey, have a somewhat better grasp of how they think. In a jungle food chain, being at the bottom is bad. But even if you are near the top, there’s always someone better and stronger. Those who live long as black thugs, know who to pick on: they know how to read the atmosphere, cause if they didn’t, they’d be executed soon enough.

    For example, big weight lifting tough black guys talking about “who is afraid of a big black male”, can punch you in the face and crush it. Or knock you down so your head bounces off the concrete, ending in cogma or permanent disability. That is strong, right? That is fearsome, right? That is violent force right?

    Yet, the people I know can in one movement, rupture the internal organs of such a “thug”, their diaphragm, heart, liver, kidneys, or spleen, then break their spinal column in less than 5 seconds, using no more than 10% of the energy it took a black guy to smash some white guy’s face in.

    Force? Always remember this. There’s always someone better out there. If the black panther shock troops didn’t accept this, they would be hanging from trees by now.

  10. Pingback:It’s open season on white people | The Americanist

  11. And the Union Square victim died…

    Mona Nelson guilty of capital murder in the 2010 death of Jonathan Foster recently.

    there are so many we dont even remember since we didnt start paying attention till the trend in how they wrote articles became a trend and other incidents were buried.

    i remember Broderick J. Hehman…
    “citing an anonymous witness who said he heard one of the attackers, who were black, yell, “Get the white guy,” they determined that the assault on the student, Broderick J. Hehman, was instead a robbery gone awry” – 2006

    this happened near 125th street…

    and august 25th, a couple of weeks ago, Richard Daughenbach was beaten to death.

    Richard Daughenbaugh, 40, was found brutally beaten in a parking lot in Des Moines and died from his injuries in the hospital. Three 18-year-olds have been charged with his murder. Police believe several dozen people were gathered in the parking lot and watched the attack.

    and as to the idea of helping someone:
    “others in the group tried to stop anyone from helping.” One woman who was “fishing nearby” attempted to intervene but was “struck,” and “her companion was attacked as he jumped in to defend her.” The woman who was assaulted attempted to call police, but “two women from the group allegedly grabbed her phone and threw it. She eventually retrieved it and called 911.”

    Iquise Taylor was charged in rape and strangulation of 93 year old woman during a robbery (she survived)

    Fannie Gumbinger: An autopsy Thursday determined that Gumbinger died from multiple injuries inside the home she’d lived alone in since her husband’s death in 2007 – killed by Jovan Tyrek Rogers

    Memphis Tennessee in august, Robert Glasper and Renard King doused a white man with gasoline near Memphis and set him on fire. The victim has suffered burns over 60 percent of his body and was initially hospitalized in extremely critical condition. they said they were bored (same as the group that shot the Australian)

    there are over 20 “this is for Trayvon crimes”

    and you can watch youtube and find tons of stuff, even worse is the police videos seeking witnesses.

    3 black males attack white couple

    On Saturday, August 24, 2013 at or about 6:15am, a couple was walking on Iberville near Dauphine looking for their vehicle. The couple was approached by 3 unknown black males that started a verbal altercation with them. The verbal altercation turned into a battery when one of the subjects punched the female victim in the mouth. The other subjects then beat the male victim. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=e66_1377931922
    [jaw broken in two places]

    this one 12 people were arrested…
    (8 adults, 4 children)
    Mob attacks and beats pregnant woman
    the attackers knew she was pregnant and kept beating her…

    and from little italy (baltimore)
    Street Mob Of 10 Teens Brutally Attacks Man Walking Home From Work

    here is an attack that is like the one in union square
    the teacher (probably a liberal) walks down an alley, and you can see he did not even see it coming. and goes down slamming his head on the ground. (from 2009)

    just wait a week..

    if you pay attention, there will be a few more incidents, and you often have to read foreign press to know..

  12. I’m not sure if this is Art’s claim or not, but I would also say that these events aren’t new. Democrats have used them to control their black slaves for about… oh at least 100 years. Going perhaps back to the civil war, when the KKK brought the South back under plantation aristocrat control. The Union won the battle, but lost the war. Well, at least from a black perspective.

  13. Btw, those who spoke about how Muslims and blacks should “rise up” and “speak out” against such things, because it would benefit Americans that are being violenced against… may perhaps understand a little better viscerally now why people keep their mouths shut.

    I mean, would you speak up for America or some white strangers that never gave a damn for you, and risk rape or torture of your family? Yeah… sure.

  14. Bigotry and racism and rhetorical abuse and ridicule are now limited to one species of being – and to no other: The White Male.

    All forms of bigotry against the white male are not only acceptable, they are encouraged and expected. If you do not engage in them, you are morally deficient. You are not doing your cultural duty. Listen to any commercial, for example, where there is a white male character….and compare.

    Couple that with the lies told to black youth about why they are poor and ignorant and it is no surprise at all that our ubiquitous cultural bigotry against the white male species turns violent. Expect more.

    Where will it stop? When will it stop? It will stop when we are all rummaging through the ruins of a former civilization where there is no wealth left to steal and redistribute; in other words, when it no longer pays.

  15. Barbarians can not be deterred from violence by any other means except terror. Jewish Defense League acknowledged that much long ago.

  16. Hey Neo,

    Just wanted to note that it looks like, in the article, the second quote you pulled out was not referring to the bus punching/beating, but the one in Union Square Park, where Jeffrey Babbit was effectively killed.

    The article mentions nothing about anyone trying to help the bus rider until

    The victim was treated for facial fractures at New York Presbyterian Hospital and released, police said.

    If the article is referring to 2 people getting punched while trying to help the bus rider, then it’s very awkwardly constructed.

  17. Bernie Goetz was right.

    Remember: The Police Commissioner of NYC already stated the police are not here to protect you, but rather to clean up the mess after the fact and file a report. But self-defense is somehow bad. Maybe everybody in the City should acquire and carry tazers.

    Welcome to the Race War, brought to you by the racists Owebama, Holder, Jackson and Sharpton.

  18. Colonel Colt,

    Try to get a concealed carry permit in the City. It’s pretty much damn near impossible to legally own a handgun for sport/target shooting, much less be allowed to have a weapon concealed on your person.

    I remember a case from a while back, where a black father in a crime ridden neighborhood (Bed Sty?) was a military vet and had an illegal pistol in his apartment. One night, someone broke into the apartment through a window in his young kid’s bedroom. He shot the intruder, though I don’t think he killed him. But that man faced enough legal shyt for anyone’s lifetime.

  19. If all of these black on white attacks were honestly reported as such by the MSM and tabulated, I think that we would be horrified at their number and at just how increasingly frequent and widespread they are becoming, and their frequency seems to be accelerating.

    If they were honestly reported the public in general would, hopefully* realize that we are witnessing the beginning of a very dangerous time here in America.

    Hence, the lack of honest MSM reporting, the refusal to connect the dots, or to only grudgingly designate the race of attackers, to try to flip them around, so that black attackers are somehow the “victims’ in these attacks, to somehow excuse such attacks, and the attempts to downplay these attacks, and/or to find any other central motive for these attacks other than the glaringly obvious racial one.

    It seems pretty obvious that, by a whole pattern of statements, policies, actions, and attitudes, the Obama Administration, aided by lots of other Democrats, the race hustler/grievance industry, the entertainment industry–especially its RAP-thug life sector, statements coming out of various leftist think tanks and NGOs, and the MSM have helped to create and fostered the conditions, perceptions, assumptions, world view, and attitudes, in short, have heightened the “us vs. them” mentality, and the racial animosity that has made this rising number of black on white attacks almost an inevitability.

    The problem is that once this sort of racial violence starts rolling it’s very hard to stop it and, eventually, it will provoke a reaction.

    * Tried to have a discussion about black attacks with a very liberal in-law and he immediately said that any discussion of this topic was “racism” and shut down the conversation.

    I expect that this will be the standard reaction of many if not a majority of people today–heavily propagandized and PC as they are–to this situation, until the attacks grow too numerous and widespread–not that they won’t try–to ignore, or to be able to turn away from these attacks and refuse to deal with them.

  20. The problem is that once this sort of racial violence starts rolling it’s very hard to stop it and, eventually, it will provoke a reaction.

    Americans will be lucky to have the kind of Shia vs Sunni warfare in Iraq. We tend to have more powerful bombs, nukes, and guns. The death squads tend to be trained better as well. (SWAT and local militia hobbyists)

    I was looking at much of the combat strategies used in 2006 Iraq. Afterwards, I kept thinking how useful they would be in American cities. That may not have seemed reasonable to Americans in 2006, but that’s perhaps due to a lack of imagination.

    Well, if we missed the opportunity to use counter insurgency methods tested in battlefields afar here at home, then we’ll just be reversed and have to play the insurgency side. While the hammer comes down.


    In New Orleans PD, they just brush the violent incidents behind lack of paperwork, pretending black crimes don’t exist. This is useful for those Democrats in office there to claim they have cracked down on rich whiteys thieves or something. Also famous for the gun confiscation during Katrina. And people claim that there’s no slippery slope about people taking your guns. Of course it’s not a slope. We’re already at rock bottom in gun confiscation. It’s already happened. It’s not “going” to happen, it already “happened” is the correct sentence construction.

    The Louisiana state police has tried to get the dirt on NOPD for awhile now, since Louisiana is a southern state not completely controlled by Dems. But for some reason, overall Democrat political protection stops such investigations in their tracks.

    He shot the intruder, though I don’t think he killed him. But that man faced enough legal shyt for anyone’s lifetime.

    Sounds like the Chicago DA incident. The gun was legally registered I think from Florida, but Chicago has this huge waiting period. Maybe black list period would be more accurate for incoming guns. The only incoming guns they allow are Eric Black Holder’s ATF gun runners.

  21. Generally speaking, black violence is like the KKK post Civil War. It wouldn’t be dangerous so long as it was some illiterate racists running around talking about a war they lost. But the KKK was instituted as the black ops branch of the planter Democrat political and economic faction, much like Nation of Islam backed Black Panthers.

    It is designed to employ power projection methods, while the elites at the top can claim that their hands are clean. Meanwhile, they fund, organize, and protect these black ops wet work branches of theirs.

    So essentially, a bunch of thugs and random violence is “tolerable” and can be dealt with easily by society, if the Democrats didn’t control the police, gun running to criminals, and so forth. If it wasn’t for that, this wouldn’t be a long term strategic problem. But because the white Dems in DC are funding this problem and promoting it, controlling it, using it to score points against the Tea Party and other enemies of the state, is why It Won’t Go Away If You Ignore It.

  22. It’s my perception also, Wolla, that the random black-on-white attacks are increasing. I can name about a dozen incidents over this summer, alone. Elderly people beaten and robbed, students on busses attacked, the baby in a stroller shot by a robber, the Australian baseball player murdered at random … it has been suggested that the mainstream news media doesn’t want to do any but the briefest and most perfunctory coverage, because then all us people of pallor will rush right out and join the KKK.
    Even so … the word is getting out, especially among working class whites. The intellectual and media elite can hide their heads in the sand, safely in their gated communities, but the rest of us simply can’t not for very much longer.
    When it does come, the blow-back will be epic.

  23. The KKK is it, SgtM? Have people forgotten that Senator for life Robert Byrd the Democrat was their best KKK rider of them all?

    Be more likely whiteys would join the Kill Democrat, KKK, Black Panther, Islamic terrorist brigade.

  24. I once saw a cctv camera of an incident on a bus where some guy got on, saw a blind woman in the disability seats on his left, and then knocked her across the face. 2 or 3 some males from the back of the bus then rushed him and held him down, rather quickly.

    I always wondered at the time, where the heck do these incidents happen.

    Tried to have a discussion about black attacks with a very liberal in-law and he immediately said that any discussion of this topic was “racism” and shut down the conversation.

    That in law of yours is to be commended for his Loyalty to the Reich. Since both the SS and East Germany’s secret police force liked to use family members and friends to Loyalty Test the commoners from time to time. If you failed the test… well, let’s just say what blacks do to whites would be a paradise on the golf course compared to what’d happen to someone that failed his test.

  25. The term “gated community” and the mental images of security, wealth, and privilege it invokes have become a cliché these days and, curious, I checked around to see if anybody had done a study looking at just how “safe” such gated communities (where gates were the primary means of access)* really were vs. living outside the gates.

    According to one study “gated communities” fell into two basic categories:
    First, there are the gated communities where the very rich plunk down millions for a house and maybe a celebrity or two has taken up residence. They usually have tight security.**

    Then, there are the much more widespread “gated communities” that most folks can afford. According to this study, the general perception/assumption of increased security because they are “gated” is generally illusory, for two fundamental reasons.

    First, that those hired to work as guards/gatekeepers in such communities are usually paid around minimum wage and can’t afford to/don’t live in the communities they are supposedly protecting, so that, on average, they have no fundamental interest at risk sufficient for them to have a great deal of loyalty to, or to do an outstanding job of protecting these “gated communities.”

    Second, while there was usually increased security and less crime during the first year such a gated community was established, that uptick disappeared after the first year or so, and then the crime rates inside the gates were essentially the same as those outside the gates.

    The authors believed that this was due to the fact that whatever code words or special cards were given out to residents to allow them to pass through the gates would slowly seep out into the community outside the gates, as they were handed out to relatives, friends, repairmen, lawn services, pool maintenance people, assorted delivery people, mailmen, and babysitters, until pretty much anyone who really wanted to get inside the gates could pretty easily do so.

    *Of course, I have also noticed a lot of “gated communities” where, while there was an apparently symbolic gate, the community itself was not completely surrounded by fences, the fences that were built were only placed here and there around the perimeter and not connected, or they could easily be jumped or even walked over.

    ** In contrast, although there is one such very high end, luxury, huge million plus homes community–from the highway sans gates–just a few miles away from where I live and (unless there is a Quick Reaction Force stashed away somewhere, ready for instant action) there doesn’t appear to be any security there at all.

  26. Zimmerman lived in a gated Democrat community. But blacks moved in, and things went down hill.

    However, Marin and other communities where Ayers and reporters live, tend to either have armed bodyguards or proactive methods to deny entry of minorities into their communities. This pro active security measure dampens the effects of crime increases by outsourcing their criminals into the general population or poorer neighborhoods that can’t afford armed bodyguard protection.

    One of the results of Project Veritas is that Leftist reporters will not put up signs that say their house is gun free. There were also times when the project members encountered armed or unarmed guards that told them to get off private property or else.

  27. Ymarsakar:

    Zimmerman’s community was already highly diverse racially when Zimmerman moved in. But when he moved in, it was safer than it later became. I don’t have time right now to find where I wrote about this, but I seem to recall that Zimmerman moved there around 2009, and not long thereafter there was a spate of burglaries there.

  28. There may have been an economic secondary cause. Burglars, in rough times, may not be able to get their quota from the poor denizens of black ghettoes, so move out into the richer neighborhoods. The poor economy also increases motivation for crime and other crazies to get their licks in.

    Having families who were once part of the ghetto, would mean that the pass key, neighborhood map, and inside intel can be safely passed along, once the opportunity and desire for crime was met.

    To phrase it another way, I can believe that the racial diversity was working in that community and then started failing after 2008. We all know what happened then.

  29. My own neighborhood has had some burglaries of houses that nobody was home in at the time. Doors taken off, stuff taken out the back, etc.

    These were mostly from places that had no motion alarm lights, no guard dogs, no security system, etc.

    I was practicing martial arts outside and one lady stopped her car by the road and came out to talk to me about exactly what she was supposed to do about this (had never seen her at all and didn’t even know she lived on this street or neighborhood).

    There is one neighbor I have up the street, near the entrance of the main roads, that the accent and behavior seems to come from the inner cities. The loudness and accent of their friends also suggest the same. There are also also small parties of youths walking by (have no idea why), like they got nothing to do after school. One big black youth once had a stick, which he promptly swung in the face of a teenaged girl they were talking with, making her afraid. Right outside my door. By the time I got my stuff together and got outside, they were out of sight and the girls went in one direction (away) and the black youths came back. And there they saw me, in the yard, doing …. stuff. Not watching them, but we all know I wasn’t there before when they first walked by.

    Anyways, the reports from my fellow neighbors suggest to me that the house being burglarized is being observed and that they know when people aren’t at home. Which is why I think it was beneficial that I met up with some of the guys up my street and they know some of, but not all, of what I do in my spare time. What they do with that knowledge… well that’s up to them.

  30. I live in a working-class, lower-middle-class un-gated neighborhood in San Antonio. An OK neighborhood, mostly of home-owners. The houses are mostly smallish, valued at $68-120,000, depending on size or size of the lot and the house on it. Not too many rental units. It’s a nice mix – a lot of retired people, who are home most of the day, a fair number of retired and active military, small-business owners and blue-collar trade. Also racially-mixed, as well – I’d guess about a quarter Hispanic, maybe about an eighth black.

    We know a lot of our neighbors by sight – and they know us, my daughter and I, because of us walking our dogs. A lot of dog-walkers, child-walkers, school children, joggers and just plain old friendly neighbors. (I am fairly sure that most people in the neighborhood have us down as ‘the dog ladies’.) There are some working policemen who live here as well, or have kin living here – which does help.

    And this is Texas – I think if you did a search, there would be enough small and medium arms for the army of a minor European principality.

    But as I said – the neighborhood is not gated in any meaningful way, although we do have a loose neighborhood association. But being home-owners, we keep track of what is going on, keep track of the neighbors. There was a spectacularly ugly murder last year – a disgruntled former employee gunned down his former employer and his wife in their home, but that is the first murder that anyone can remember. There was a small ring of teenage-twentysomething house-breakers, who had the ill-judgment to be caught breaking into houses and cars in the immediate neighborhood – and they were nailed within a few months by an observant neighbor. And no one was the least surprised, with the SAPD/Bexar Co. Sheriff convention held on the street in front of the house where the main suspect lived.

    No, not much gets past observant neighbors, where I live.

    I know my immediate neighbors – and within a good few blocks I know many others by sight – their cars, their dogs, their gardens and all. We would not tolerate another potential free-lance robber and all-round thug. Not where we live.

    Which is why I felt so very sympathetic about George Zimmerman and his neighborhood.

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