Home » David Miranda…


David Miranda… — 10 Comments

  1. There’s no cure for stupid but death. Being gay, perhaps that particular gene will be eliminated from the gene pool.

    Of perhaps more interest is the Telegraph’s attempt at pay per view. News organizations are doing this more and more but my understanding is that its not working. I’m certainly not paying for any liberal POV, nor for that matter conservative ones either.

  2. Harvard is not introducing a “Privacy Studies” department. Why? Because Harvard is a communist controlled piece of shit institution that wants to turn each human into identical bricks.

  3. The British Gov has already been leaking info of the “getting people killed” type and blaming it on Snowden. Even before Miranda boarded the plane in Brazil the first time.

    Now we will see a lot more of it. All of it just to make Snowden & Co. look evil / bad.

    Too bad that article didn’t mention MULTIPLE passwords needed & “TrueCrypt” encryption / security methods. — hidden partitions & phony data payloads, with conveniently written down passwords — Read up on some of the reporters ( Glenn Greenwald ) Tweets. He as much as admits this was the method used.

    Why else would ALL the “leaks” in the British Isles , by the British Gov, be only about their Intelligence Operations ( MI5 / MI6 )?

    Greenwald and the Guardian have only been releasing info on the activities of the US Gov against everyone else.

  4. “Giants walk the earth these days.”

    Once upon a time we in the West honored the fact that we stood upon the shoulders of giants. Now we are midgets cowered by barbarians with towels wrapped too tight who are stoning their daughters because they allowed themselves to be raped after undergoing clitoridectomy at age 8. Oh well, at least the messiah has the noble.

  5. It has become very hard to tell who the good guys are sometimes.

    Much of what Parker said resonates. Just think.. Thomas Jefferson sent a small company of Marines to rescue some Americans in Tripoli. They marched up to the Grand Poobah and demanded that he respect their flag. He did. A Navy hardly worth the name on the world stage asserted American sovereignty with respect to the Barbary pirates and their protectors. They acquiesced. An infant nation demanded that Great Britain stop enslaving its sailors; they backed their demands with force and an iron will, and prevailed

    Once, there was great clarity of purpose. Great understanding of what was acceptable and what was not. Great resolve to stand by principles which were held dear.

    What in the hell happened in the three hundred intervening years?

  6. Oldflyer: “What in the hell happened in the three hundred intervening years?”

    China intervened in Korea.

  7. “What in the hell happened in the three hundred intervening years?”
    Very usual thing. You became victims of your own success. With affluence came decline of heroic virtues, needed not anymore, than hedonism and moral degradation. You need another period of hard times to rediscover your inner manhood and moral resilience, like what happened in WWII.

  8. I remember when I was working for Harris Corp and one of the people had a security inspection pulled on him. The security people wanted to see the classified documents in his safe. He couldn’t remember the combination so the security officer said he would go the the security office and get it. The person being inspected then said no problem, he had the combo written on a peice of paper in his desk. That is a no-no, you aren’t supposed to have the combo written down somewhere. The guy was put on unpaid leave for a week and was lucky he wasn’t fired.

  9. Ray,

    You sure as heck don’t say that to the *security officer during a security inspection*. Wow.

  10. At least put your password in one pad code on that there paper.

    Sergey’s correct about the rise and fall of civilizations, it’s tied to economic, military, but also character resources. One king may be benevolent and kind, but that very attribute prevents the next heir from gaining the necessary experience to also become benevolent and wise. Results are not enough to ensure that the results are maintained.

    Also, there have been forces working both inside and outside the US, who have been totally ignored for the most part since people aren’t aware they exist. Similar to how the Roman Republic decided killing Caesar was a good idea and that it would prevent civil war. All it did was ensure that the Romans became an Empire and all the Senators became rich and unwilling to pay for the support of the legions in the next 300 years.

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