Home » The Diplomad takes on the “Obama, fool or knave?” question…


The Diplomad takes on the “Obama, fool or knave?” question… — 35 Comments

  1. I have to hand it to him – in just five years, Obama has managed to set back race relations fifty years, is coming very close to crashing the domestic economy, and turned the federal bureaucracy into a Soviet-style apparatus. Now, with this Syria venture and insisting that he might very well go it alone, over the objection of practically everyone with a pulse and three brain cells, he has managed to deprive us of allies, sympathy and moral standing.
    Well done, Obama!
    I don’t wish him any particular ill, you understand. But I hope that I, and he, and everyone who voted for and supported him, lives to see him slink away from the White House at the end of his term, reviled and despised. I wish and pray that people will spit on the sidewalk when he or any of his administration go out in public. I hope they are also publically shamed, scorned and shunned.
    It might yet happen, at that. Yesterday for the first time, I saw a bumpersticker that said, “Don’t Blame Me – I Voted for Romney.”

  2. Dangerous times, but Obama will be fine, you see. He has OFA raising money to pay him a hefty salary for years and years of finger wagging and hectoring. He will be on the speaking circuit, going around the world, while the press repairs his reputation and hides the damage he did, blaming it on subsequent presidents if they are Republican or simply bad luck. He could not care less if the peasants spit on the ground before him. He long ago decided that a selfish callousness was the way to deal with his dad,mom and grandma issues. Tuck all the pain away and wrap it up in a haughty disdain. Contempt for others is main stance. See what he has done with Congress here on Syria, and why he has no friends on either side of the aisle except those desperate, cloying sycophants in the media, or those simply hoping to preserve some buoyancy for the good ship SS DNC.

  3. there is a third option that diplomad left out.

    he is undermining and doing the other thing too because he is actually self serving and doing favors around the globe in big ways that would insure a stunning future.

    So he acts to the people according to the demographic that would give him the most votes. what he does depends on the needs of who he is ingratiating to.

    Sgt. Mom,
    your absolutely right. and its because the people dont understand the meaning of the word, and what they are doing is from trying to give it meaning from using it. but the word started with trotsky (some books credit the nazis, but if you want i can paste up the russian from before them if you want)

    race has nothing to do with skin color, other than at the time the term was pointed out and used, skin color and locations matched up.

    IF you know the meaning, then you know why the edumacated say that opposing obama is racist, and so on.

    trotsky used the term to talk about Slavophiles. slavic people who loved their culture and ways and wanted to keep them. his use of the word was for peoples who did not want to give up their culture so they could be part of a one world culture (so to speak).

    once you get this point, then you get that who they are really calling racist are those people who love their history, their culture, traditions, ways of life, customs, art styles, fashions, and so on.

    so Americans are not racist because they hate brown Mexicans skins, they are racist because by limiting incursion, and requiring assimilation, they are trying to preserve their culture from dilution and change and what they see as eradication from goulash. when two people mix marry, they believe that this causes them to have to eject or give up such things, so they like that.

    like oppressor oppressed dialectics the racists are to be forced to give up their culture and be free of its restrictions. like gays, or pedophiles, or criminals, etc.

    unless you know the meanings you dont get it.

    before the term holocaust was invented the marxists used conflagration, and engels said that soon a war would come that would be a conflagration that would wipe these cultures and such away.

    you have to raze the old to replace it with new, and that’s what the idea is. the outcome may not be what they believe it will be, but believing otherwise prevents them from changing course.

    Славянофильство, мессианизм отсталости, строило свою философию на том, что русский народ и его церковь насквозь демократичны, а официальная Россия — это немецкая бюрократия, насажденная Петром. Маркс заметил по этому поводу: “Ведь точно так же и тевтонские ослы сваливают деспотизм Фридриха II и Ñ‚. д. на французов, как будто отсталые рабы не нуждаются всегда в цивилизованных рабах, чтобы пройти нужную выучку”. Это краткое замечание исчерпывает до дна не только старую философию славянофилов, но и новейшие откровения “расистов”.

    “Slavophilism, the messianism of backwardness, has based its philosophy upon the assumption that the Russian people and their church are democratic through and through, whereas official Russia is a German bureaucracy imposed upon them by Peter the Great. Mark remarked upon this theme: “In the same way the Teutonic jackasses blamed the despotism of Frederick the Second upon the French, as though backward slaves were not always in need of civilised slaves to train them.” This brief comment completely finishes off not only the old philosophy of the Slavophiles, but also the latest revelations of the ‘racists.'”

    The History of the Russian Revolution

    the word did not exist before that document.

    so if culture is backwards, then progress forwards would be?

    if Obama is their man to change the culture fundamentally, then opposing that would be backwardness…

    So much for people to figure out
    to bad they make up stuff instead of it
    so rather than find their way
    they act out something else

  4. And, consistent with his belief system, he has gutted American armed might. Taken us down a few critical notches, dont’cha know. BAAAD America.

    Go back—IF you can keep your supper down—and read his Cairo,”Groveling for Forgiveness”Speech of ’09.

    So, this 30+year neoconservative champion of Very Strong American Armed Might doesn’t trust him for anything re-Syria. Nope. Nein. Nyet.

  5. Off topic, but this is interesting:

    The Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) is scheduled for liftoff tonight at 11:27 pm EDT. Live coverage on NASA TV begins at 9:30.

    What’s interesting about it is that it will launch from Wallops Island, VA, and people near the coast from Maine to North Carolina have a chance to watch the rocket’s ascent, weather permitting. I live in the Philadelphia suburbs and I’ve watched a couple of launches from Wallops from my front yard.

    Wallops Island has been a test site since the 1950s. Most of the launches have been small suborbital sounding rockets for atmospheric research. There have also been some orbital satellite launches. LADEE will be the first ever moon mission launched from Wallops.

    The launch vehicle is a Minotaur V, a five-stage solid fuel rocket. The first three stages were a Peacekeeper ICBM, which was operational between 1986 and 2005. That’s right: the rocket you’ll be watching tonight used to sit in a missile silo topped with a nuclear warhead. So if you watch the early part of the ascent, you’ll get an idea of what the beginning of a nuclear war might have looked like. Talk about beating swords into plowshares!

    Here’s the link for NASA TV.

    Here’s an article about the mission with emphasis on visibility from various locations:
    How to See the Historic LADEE Nighttime Moon Shot on Sept. 6

    Here is the NASA press kit, which has information about the rocket, the spacecraft, and the mission profile.
    (You may get a warning about a certificate, but just click Continue. It seems to be a glitch.)

    There will be liveblogging at NASASpaceflight.com here:
    (You can just read along, or register and comment, but be forewarned that the administrator and moderators are sticklers for staying on topic.)

  6. Barack Obama is heading for a humiliating defeat over Syria: this will be a massive blow to his presidency

    Politico has an eye-opening piece today revealing the extent to which the White House is staring defeat in the face over Syria. According to the influential Washington-based publication, President Obama doesn’t have the votes in the House of Representatives to secure a win, with large-scale opposition among Republicans, and lukewarm backing among Democrats:

    If the House voted today on a resolution to attack Syria, President Barack Obama would lose – and lose big. That’s the private assessment of House Republican and Democratic lawmakers and aides who are closely involved in the process. If the Senate passes a use-of-force resolution next week – which is no sure thing – the current dynamics suggest that the House would defeat it.

    That would represent a dramatic failure for Obama, and once again prove that his sway over Congress is extraordinarily limited. The loss would have serious reverberations throughout the next three months, when Obama faces off against Congress in a series of high-stakes fiscal battles.


    meanwhile word has it that there may have been another nudge of an attack… time will find out.

  7. Here is one vote for fool: Smart power? Obama’s team thought US might win Iran’s support against Syria.

    Why, you might ask, would Iran abandon its ally Syria and side with the United States against Bashar al-Assad? As U.N. Ambassador Samantha Power told the liberal Center for American Progress, “we thought perhaps a shared evidentiary base could convince Russia or Iran – itself a victim of Saddam Hussein’s monstrous chemical weapons attacks in 1987-1988 – to cast loose a regime that was gassing its people.”

    In other words, Iran didn’t like it when they were being gassed, so of course they wouldn’t want Syrians being gassed either.

    I find it difficult to imagine a more foolhardy belief, that evidence of Syria’s gassing its people would turn Iran against it. At the very least, it is probable that Iran paid for the gas.

    Given the evidence of torture in Iranian prisons and the numerous terrorist attacks and assassinations that Iran has promoted worldwide- such as the bombings in Argentina two decades ago- only an utter fool would believe that evidence of gassing could turn Iran against Syria. An utter #%#@E##$# fool.

    Which does not rule out knave.

  8. this next one is interesting:

    then on the page
    Pope Tweets Against Syria Strike, Writes Putin, Plans Saturday Vigil

    am i the only person on the planet that doesn’t tweet? does the dalai lama tweet? gosh durn, i sure didn’t know ol red shoes himself tweeted…. 🙂

  9. That question at the very top has always been irrelevant to me. I play along mostly because it’s like a question about chocolate or vanilla.

    The real issue I looked at was whether the Leftist alliance was good or evil. That had both tactical and strategic implications.

  10. As most of us who follow this website already know, we are led by Krazy Klown sociopaths. So I won’t go into the evidence, known to most of you.

    Let’s step back a bit. . . . . .

    If a normal U.S. non-crazy administration would look at the Big Picture, it would see that Assad’s government is a better choice than the so-called rebels, who are Al Qaeda, jihadists, Muslim Brotherhood Dar-al-Harb sharia-loving fanatics would be. Assad’s ruling group, the Alawites, have protected non-Sunni peoples including Christians.

    What can possibly be good about the Al Qaeda, MB types? NOTHING.

    Bookworm Room had a great post a few days ago about how viciously Arabs fight. That’s their normal way of fighting. Everything we despise about them is their normal culture in action. We should just leave them alone to massacre each other when they fight.

    Of course, the only chance we had to change the Arab culture was in Iraq, where Obama the Nutcase threw away the U.S. victory when he didn’t get a status-of-forces agreement. At that point, we lost any influence we could have had over Syria. I don’t think Obama the Fruitcake knows how to read a map.

    The Saudis are NOT our friends. We are their bitches. A normal, not mentally disturbed, administration would get U.S. oil production online as fast as possible. This is so obvious that I can’t believe I’m writing this.

    To summarize: (1) The sky is blue. (2) Don’t support the “rebels” in Syria. (3) Don’t do Saudi Arabia’s work for them.

  11. And after Obama is gone from office the MSM and a chorus of professors and followers will hail as one of our best presidents. Last time I checked Rasmussen his popularity has not suffered.

    Rather amusing really.

  12. This could be a long evening (Too many martinis and cockroaches falling from the ceiling. As a host, you’re always embarrased by that!) so I’ll only say one word to you. Plastics. The future is in plastic.

  13. Walter Russell Mead puts it in a nutshell:

    If [Congress doesn’t authorize the use of force], it will be the closest thing the American system has to a parliamentary vote of “no confidence”, where Congress explicitly declares to the world that the President of the United States does not speak for the country.

    If the President of the United States does not speak for the country, then who does? If the answer is no one, then the United States is simply a loose cannon on the world stage. Mead goes on to say:

    We hate to say it, but that is so dangerous that there’s a strong argument for Congress to back the Syria resolution simply to avoid trashing the credibility of the only President we’ve got.

    But that’s a terrible argument. It translates to this: Barack Obama is acting like a dictator, a man whose will becomes the will of the state. If Barack Obama personally draws a red line, then that red line becomes the red line of the United States of America. This is profoundly un-American, yet here is the argument — now that we have a dictator, we must accept and ratify his dictatorship, because otherwise the nation will loose credibility. If I was physically able to vomit out a poisonous philosophy, that would be the one.

    When I was young, I used to hear the constant refrain that “It doesn’t matter who we elect, because they’re all the same.” if nothing else, the Presidency of Barack Obama should expose this notion as the evil lie that it is. It DOES matter who we elect, because they are all NOT the same. We elected a man of poor character and now we pay the national price. The time is over for hope. Now all that is left is to pay for God’s grace to deliver us from our mistake. Somehow.

  14. Grace is for repentence, not for a “sequester” of consequences.

    We are going to pay. The question is, will we have the character to humbly accept what is coming and give, now, what was withheld.

  15. One of the Saudi “princes” said to one of our generals, some years ago, “You are our janissaries.”

    With Hussein in our White House, voted in by quisling “Americans,” the son of a bitch had it right.

  16. Janissaries:

    “According to military historian Michael Antonucci and economic historians Glenn Hubbard and Tim Kane, every five years the Turkish administrators would scour their regions, primarily the Balkans, for the strongest sons of the sultan’s Christian subjects.

    “These boys, usually between the ages of 10 and 20, were then taken from their parents and given to the Turkish families in the provinces to learn Turkish language and customs, and the rules of Islam.

    “The slaves were indoctrinated into Islam. They were supervised twenty four hours a day and subjected to severe discipline, prohibited from growing a beard and taking up a skill other than war, or marrying.”

    All starting in the 1300s. Also, though they were severed from their native Christianity, they weren’t allowed to convert to islam, because islam forbids the enslavement of moslems.

  17. Top-ten-reasons-why-corn-should-be-in-OUR-diet:

    10. Mash man mash. Mortar and Pestle. Taco!
    9. Food of the Aztec elites. Worked for them until a couple white guys showed up.
    8. Straight rows. Crop circles and hip hop artists (“artists” tee hee) need them.
    7. Diesel pollutes. Do corn and wind power. Kill eagles. Yeah!
    6. Let’s not make the same mistake we did with hemp.
    5. Children. of the corn. Children of…the…Un-born.
    4. Life would be corny without corn. Hey! There’s an exception that proves the rule.
    3. FEMA can hide their concentration camps in corn.
    2. KFC (yum), you and me, and a dog named unicorn. (It makes sense in Hollywood.)
    1. Corn makes poop worth a second look.

    # 1 one: It’s postulated that if janisarries had corn, they would not have needed beard prohibition. Uh huh. They would have corn rowed those beards. That’s what the Sumerian statutes show.

  18. Why does it matter whether the Left reviles Obama in a few years or not?

    It’s not like you can stop the Left from giving America more Obamas. That’s sort of the point.

  19. Art:
    What a great line: “if it wasnt for pundits throwing mental sand in our brains, these guys would be as predictable as a sun rise.”

  20. }}} It turns out that no one has been around to answer that 3 AM call. Or they’ve answered and said, “Sorry, wrong number.”

    No, much much worse — It’s “WTF are you calling ME for? It’s 3AM. Call me at 9am when I’m in the office…”

  21. I’ve been saying fool *and* knave for quite a while. It beggars belief that BO’s current shambles of a Syria policy is the result of some carefully concocted scheme. I believe that for him his domestic goal of imposing a statist agenda on Americans overrides everything else and foreign policy is just a means to that end. Hawk or dove, pro- or anti-Assad (or whoever) he acts strictly in light of domestic politics.

    But it’s not exactly a “don’t care”. His views on foreign policy are still fundamentally informed by his world view which consists of contempt for American values, American power and Americans themselves. That is where Obama the knave comes in.

  22. Someone has launched a meme: that Qatar can access European markets by routing a long distance gas line through Syria.

    It’s bizarre.

    1) Shi’ite Iraq is never going to suffer the transmission of Sunni gas when Shi’ite gas (Iran) is so ready to hand.

    If there is a play, it would be that the Levant is hooked up to Persia and Iran is able to export to Europe.

    2) Sunni KSA is never going to suffer Qatari gas transmission when that nation is the biggest financial backer of the Muslim Brotherhood.


    The ONLY play that makes sense is Iran to Turkey and on west. Syria and Iraq are not required.

    However, no European power will contract with Iran because of its fanatical government and atomic build out.

    Yet, everywhere I turn it’s being run up the flag pole.

    Disinformation, I’d say. Thank you Central.

  23. 1) Shi’ite Iraq is never going to suffer the transmission of Sunni gas when Shi’ite gas (Iran) is so ready to hand.

    as of today, your wrong…
    the useful idiots re under control
    and with 1.5 trillion on the table…

    russia just checkmated the whole thing…

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