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Sanjay for Surgeon General — 16 Comments

  1. I’m pleased to see that your usual sharp and incisive mind, always so astute and quick, cannot be swayed by somebody chosen more for his telegenic qualities in the first YouTube administration, than a host of other qualities and experience. It is good to see that, at long last, you have some standards!

  2. I hate to be a wet blanket, but I really think that the current director of the CDC, who has an MPH in addition to an MD has better qualifications, both in terms of her administrative experience and her medical expertise in infectious diseases, anthrax, and health care delivery.

    It saddens me to think that we have had to resort to being grateful when Obama manages to pick someone who is not tainted in scandal or grossly under-qualified, but from what I’ve read on most sites, no one seems to take the Surgeon General’s role seriously. Four years of low expectations ahead.

  3. I’ll admit my ignorance about the Surgeon General. All my knowledge about the office comes from watching C. Everett Koop on TV looking like a character from Uncle Tom’s Cabin and droning on about health stuff. So I had to look it up.

    According to Wikipedia: “The Surgeon General of the United States is the operational head of the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps (PHSCC) and thus the leading spokesperson on matters of public health in the federal government.”

    The PHSCC is considered on of the uniformed services – sort of a branch off the U.S. Navy. This All the doctors in the PHSCC get Navy commissions. That means Sanjay gets to be an Admiral!

    Not sure whether he’ll be a great leader of this 6,000-member organization. But as a spokesman – well, that’s pretty much what he does now, isn’t it? As SG, he’ll just be doing it in a uniform and fewer people will pay attention to what he says.

  4. P.S. – Although he’s an Admiral, the SG actually reports to the Assistant Secretary of Health. I’m sure the PHSCC does good work, especially during disasters. But evidently, we’re not talking about a major player here.

  5. It’s to be expected: a pop-culture kind of appointment.

    Quite appropriate for the “American Idol” Presidency…

  6. I actually have no problem with him for this particular position. It does not carry much in the way of decision making power and I think he will follow his core beliefs and say what he feels. I have no problem with anyone on either side of the aisle who does that. All in all I like the guy.

  7. Hey, maybe I’m just too serious, but it looks like the past couple of Surgeon Generals have had MPHs and also have had expertise in bioterrorism. I realize that the world will instantly love us when Obama takes office, but shouldn’t we still be prepared against acts of domestic bioterrorism?

    The Surgeon General is more than a spokesperson, s/he is also charged with articulating “scientifically based health policy analysis and advice to the President and the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) on the full range of critical public health, medical, and health system issues facing the Nation.” Features reporting and commentary on TV does not really prepare someone for that sort of advisory role, in my opinion, particularly when one’s medical specialty has little to do with major public health issues. In addition, the Surgeon General has administrative responsibilities on a scale that Dr. Gupta completely lacks.

    Is he a better choice than Panetta or Richardson? Maybe. But given the health challenges we’re facing as a country, I really think Obama should have focussed his selection criteria on substance over style. It’s possible that Dr. Julie Gerberding (the current CDC director) was asked and declined, but I’m surprised Obama was not able to find someone with better qualifications, particularly given Michelle’s professional connections.

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  9. Tellingly, in our Manhattan office we thought we overheard our Obama-worshipping colleagues gushing that Bam-Bam had picked DEEPAK CHOPRA to be the Surgeon General. We three contrarians were gagging with disbelief — and hugely relieved to hear that Bam-Bam had actually chosen a surgeon for the post.

    And he’s hot as a pistol, if that photo is any guide. At least we’ll have eye-candy for four years.

  10. No, Daniel, Gupta was the electronics whiz, played by magician Ricky Jay. You’re thinking of Dr. Kaufman, played by Vincent Schiavelli…

    This Gupta does admittedly look better than Ricky Jay, tho…

  11. Paul Krugman and John Conyers don’t like the guy. As they say, the enemy of narcissistic goombahs is my friend.

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