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Necco update — 19 Comments

  1. Jamie Irons

    By “Neccos” do you mean what we used to call, in the late Paleozoic of my childhood, “Necco Wafers”?

    I haven’t encountered those in 40 years (not sure we have them in California, though I don’t think I’ve really looked).

    Don’t listen to those spoilsports who claim they’ll rot your teeth!

    Jamie Irons

  2. You’re more determined than me.
    I had full intentions to finish up the bottle of Citron Absolut I got for the election night, but failed miserably.

  3. The black ones too? Yuck.

    I always handle the N’s carefully in the store and examine the translucent wrapper to see if I can find ones with minimal or no black N’s.

    None can be done, but you have to handle a lot of the rolls.

  4. vanderleun: despite my taking the precaution of looking very carefully through the wrappers, examining three or four packs as the clerk in the Store 24 studied me with great interest, there were still an awful lot of licorice ones in the pack I finally chose.

    I saved them for last and ate them anyway.

  5. I suspect that the Necco company may have seen a small, mysterious, but definite bump in sales starting shortly after your post appeared . . .

  6. I once read that the machine making Necco Wafers is the oldest continuously operating industrial machine in the United States. Who says that trivia can’t be trivial?

  7. Okay – I am jealous – couldn’t find the darn things anywhere. I need a fix – I got this monkey on my back – call A&E I need an “Intervention”

  8. I lived a block away from the NECCO factory in Cambridge MA. (the New England Confectionary Company) They also made Junior Mints. I ate a lot of Necco’s and Jr. Mints when I lived there…the smell, I never tired of it. I never got into the factory but I walked by it every day. I love the white ones.

  9. One of my accounts was right across the street from the old factory in Cambridge – the smell of warm caramel was wonderful – probably the only tolerable thing about Cambridge!

  10. Last night, I made a chocolate cookie recipe from smitten kitchen, and it has sea salt in it, which makes it delightfully sweeter than with regular salt. Who knew? The only downside is that I have to wait 24 hours before I can bake them.

  11. Oh, and Dove Chocolate is now being made to the west of me at the M&M Mars plant up the road a piece. So in addition to Y&S Candies with its intoxicating Twizzler odors to the south, the Kelloggs Plant to the southwest Hershey to the north and Pepperidge Farms to the east of me, it smells like heaven in my neck of the woods!

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