Home » Then again, there’s women…


Then again, there’s women… — 28 Comments

  1. As you say, we have come a long way to the eradication of anti-black racism.
    But equally obvious, with the election of Obama, we have come a long way in the eradication of white guilt.
    I believe white America voted for the post-racial Obama to prove that they were post-racial, but in the end based their votes on racial motives.
    The true post-racial voter shunned Obama because of his ideologies and policies, and was not cowed by guilt.
    As for Clinton and Palin, such is the fate of strong motivated women. If they are a threat, they must be savaged.

  2. I must confess that I am always suspect and fear of any strong, high motivated woman. Why? Mainly because any strong person arise some fear, but at least with men I can understand their motives and goals, but every woman is enigma. What can be more fearsome than a strong personality which it is impossible to decipher?

  3. neo, take a look at the composition of the US military. The United States trusts black men to protect us from external threats. Any society that accepts a certain demographic in such a fashion, with the trust and implicit acceptance that implies, is already past “racism”.

    Yet look at women in the military and what is said about them. They yet still have to prove themselves. And women make up more of a percentage of the US population than blacks ever did.

    Blacks were kept out of combat branches in WWII except for certain exceptions like segregated bomber squadrons. This was an indication of the social status and their acceptance in society by whites. The same is true for women and gays in the military.

    Blacks won’t accept gays.

  4. Sarah Palin won my loyalty some months ago, Neo. That has some specific meanings, similar to the oath to protect the United States Constitution from all foreign and domestic enemies.

    There are many simple and anachronistic folks like me, apparently in rural regions, Neo. They will feel the same way even if they won’t ever say it.

    You don’t turn your backs on the people and the things you are loyal to simply because it is inconvenient. You don’t make them protect you from the consequences of your own actions. I didn’t do so for Iraq. I didn’t so for America’s military either. I defended both against Leftists because loyalty goes both ways. It would be dishonorable to sacrifice them simply to protect myself from criticism, Leftist criticism. An Obama can throw his Grandma under the bus by calling her a “typical white person’ and throw his family member “Rev Wright” under the bus when Wright said something that made Obama look bad, but I am not an Obama. All criticisms from me were constructive criticisms. Many were left unsaid because of the potential of enemies to use them against my allies: OPSEC concerns.

    Honor and loyalty are anachronistic values but they still exist in the human condition, even if the Left has warped duty into slavery and loyalty into feudalism.

    What is “honorable” and “dutiful” now is to stay loyal to the Race. Don’t side with the whities and all that. You become a race traitor if you say you are voting Republican cause the Republican party created, secured, and protected slavery it seems.

    Loyalty to the Left and the regular Democrat voters now mean party allegiance first and foremost. Don’t say anything that might disrupt the message, regardless of whether that criticism is right or wrong or whether individuals have their free speech guaranteed by the US Constitution that protects all of us.

    Loyalty does not mean to me an Andrea Yates kind of motivation: where the best interests of the nation requires the sacrifice of people who are in the way, who mess things up by talking about a different narrative. That’s not how ensure that the US Constitution survives and that is not how you protect the American people.

  5. It’s hard to correct our own problems, Neo, given that our loyal opposition would have criticized people like Noonan and other anti-Palin folks as being inconsistent with the conservative message and philosophy.

    That is what the loyal opposition is for, to produce constructive criticism so that we can look at our own party and policy platforms in order to improve them. But instead of being loyal, the Democrats chose to highlight the worst excesses of human nature. They chose to turn our attention to frivolous things. They chose to invest our time defending the US President from charges of lying and killing troops for political and economic gain for his family and party. That is what we, conservatives or Republicans or classical liberals, spent our time doing.

  6. Sarah Palin said that she was constantly prepped in order to know what the message of McCain would be so as to not contradict anything the Presidential candidate was going to say or do.

    That makes sense but I suspected that Sarah Palin’s own personal message, seen in her actions and in her debate with Biden, would have been far more powerful. Not powerful enough to win the election but more powerful than McCain’s debate points with Obama certainly.

  7. On Thursday I thought about writing a letter to Gov. Palin. On Friday morning I was listening to Bill Bennett and a woman caller said she had sent her an e-mail.

    So last night I went ahead and did it. Here is what I came up with:

    Dear Governor Palin,

    I am writing to offer my condolences on the loss of the election last Tuesday. You waged a hard-fought campaign and have nothing to be ashamed of.

    I was not an early supporter of Senator McCain. I didn’t vote for him in the Pennsylvania primary. But when he selected you as his running mate, I was one of many who became instantly galvanized and enthusiastic about the campaign. I even ended up volunteering at my local campaign office, something I had never done before in my 50 years. I also planned to attend the rally in Quakertown, PA the Tuesday before the election which was cancelled due to the weather. I was disappointed, of course, but it was the right decision. The weather was miserable that day.

    To me, you were a breath of fresh air in a political environment dominated by Ivy League educated Washington insiders. The Founding Fathers envisioned a government populated by ordinary citizens who would serve for a time, rather than by career politicians. You came closer to that ideal than anyone else I’ve seen in a long time.

    I also want to let you know how offended I was by the vicious personal attacks leveled at you by the media, the Democrats, the pundits, and now, after the election, by certain people within the Republican Party itself. Naturally, anybody in public life is going to be the subject of unfair attacks and insults, and I have no doubt that you’ve developed a thick skin. Still, I’ve never seen it as bad as it was in the last two months, and I want to take this opportunity to remind you that there are many of us who did not agree. I think I can safely speak for millions of Americans in that regard.

    Thank you. My best wishes to you and your family.

  8. Sergey,

    I’ve known and worked with some strong women who have had power in the fields of medicine and science. Generally, the ones who were interested in getting the job done were great. They were down to earth and treated others well. (I had a boss who let her staff have a big say in who would be their next supervisor. She also kicked a doctor out of our clinic because I complained of his treatment of a patient and was backed up by clinic nurses.)

    And then there are those who want to be the first woman whatever and chew up anyone, male or female) who stands in their way. You have to look at how and why the women got to the top.

    I think Sarah got into politics because she was interested in accomplishing specific tasks. She moved up because others trusted her to take on bigger tasks. I can’t believe she spent most of her life planning how to get to DC, unlike someone else who has been in the news lately.

  9. Neo,

    Women of accomplishment, like Pailin can’t be real feminists unless they are liberal, democrat, pro-choice, elite east/west coast educated or from the proper backgrounds.

    Never mind that Pailin served successfully as a mayor, bucked the republican party establishment in Alaska and forced the state party head to resign from the oil & gas commission and pay fines. Again bucked the party and won the nomination as their candidate for governor over an incumbent governor and then won the election against a popular two term former governor as an underdog. That she went on to become a popular governor with more insight into energy policy than both presidential candidates combined. Forget all that!

    No she’s ‘Caribou Barbie’ and trailer trash. ‘Pailin’s Failin’ sniffs Noonan and a host of other frustrated and bitter phonies, who collectively haven’t accomplished anything comparable as far as I know.

    Now anonymous aides spread lies and the media dutifully pass on the lies without any attempt at verification. (Would you call that MSM lying, when they knowingly help spread false rumors Spragge?)

    Why? Beyond being a woman, she connected with the electorate in this campaign. The democrat/republican/media/beltway/plutocrats fear her because she’s a genuine populist and just may not want to join their club. Because she’s a real person and comfortable in her own skin. She’s someone you’d enjoy talking to or having a drink with.

    I have loathed our establishment media for quite some time, decades. They have been in the tank for the democrats as long as I can remember, though they pulled out all the stops on this election. I suspect in direct proportion to their desperation. As a student of history I have been under no illusion about how bankrupt and corrupt the democrats and republicans both are at present.

    What sort of, yet not really, surprised me was the degree of desperation on the part of the democrats, and that they would willingly try to drag this republic down in order to gain power. However, the republicans earned defeat this election and deserved this defeat for their corruption, obscene greed, arrogance, and capitulation to democrats on a host of issues they should have stood firm on.

    As for Hillary, though I dislike her, I almost felt sorry for her treatment too. I say almost because I haven’t forgotten how she treated her and Bill’s opponents when they were in the Whitehouse. Nor am I under any illusion that had Hillary been the nominee instead, the MSM would have lied and smeared just as intensely for her.

    Just one final side note, but why is anyone who is a Christian automatically suspected as being incapable of separating church and state and being fair? Yet leftists of all stripes, who have repeatedly shown and acted ideologically and unethically not been called to account for their behavior? Ever wonder?

    I also suspect that if most blacks weren’t solidly tied to the democrats, they too would find a less sympathetic media. And for god’s sake, what ever you do, don’t discuss the 90+% of blacks who voted solidly for Obama, no bias there. I’ll be called a racist for daring to bring that up!

    I suspect that many in the media easily slip into using race and sex when the individual does not conform to their ideological agenda or threatens to possibly upset the status-quo. Are they bigots? Perhaps some. Are they misogynists? Again, perhaps some, certainly more than are bigots. However, what I found to be most revealing is that more than either above, they are in service to a political persuasion and most of all their own corrupt self perpetuation and will gladly knife anyone who threatens either.

  10. “Blacks were kept out of combat branches in WWII except for certain exceptions like segregated bomber squadrons.”
    which shows that yermadwankr knows nothing about ww2

  11. which shows that yermadwankr knows nothing about ww2

    HFD, are you visiting us from Blackfive again? How many sock puppets do you have anyways.

  12. Neo, I too wrote a letter to Sarah. I don’t know if she’ll ever read it but I acknowledged her intelligence and told her how much I respected her struggle and was horrified about the journalists lack of due diligence and complete and utter negligence in finding out facts before reporting them.

  13. Hi, Neo

    As to whether, as a nation, we have in some quantifiable way diminished anti-black racism with the election of Barack Obama I will leave to others to discern.

    What I am quite certain of is that we have violated MLK’s dream that we should not judge someone on the color of his skin but by the content of his character.

    That is the true sin in what the media failed to do during this campaign.

    I have read far too much about the travails of Mr. Obama to be satisfied as to the good content of his character. I eagerly await to be dissuaded of my opinion.

  14. I will support Sarah Palin whatever she decides to do in the future. If she runs, and I hope she does, I will be there. We lost a golden opportunity this election, traded it for lies and deceit, cheating and dirty politics.

    In the meantime – I will hope some people come around in the media. But there are many who have earned my eternal disrespect, if not outright hatred.

  15. I must confess that I am always suspect and fear of any strong, high motivated woman. Why? Mainly because any strong person arise some fear, but at least with men I can understand their motives and goals, but every woman is enigma. What can be more fearsome than a strong personality which it is impossible to decipher?

    It’s a point well-taken. In the military, in my civilian job and in musical groups, I have occasionally worked for women-here is how it breaks down:

    The best are the “Mama bears” who have turf, protect it, and me, while I do my job making her look good. We both succeed.

    The next best are the “Geek Girls” who are very smart about the principles, science and process, but can’t do the in-fighting and politics leaving me to run interference while they run the show.

    The worst are the “Amazons” who spend all their time trying to write their name in the snow with pee like guys but end up getting urine all over their legs and bystanders because of their woefully short urethra.

    Simplistically: Some female bosses still need to compete with me, and I can break them and leave them in tears. My male bosses don’t try to compete with me; they try to help me move up so I can be a boss someday.

    Except for the ‘Mama Bears’; they are better as bosses than men! Sarah Palin always struck me as a “Mama Bear”. I’d probably be happy if I worked for her….

    Maggie Thatcher was a Mama Bear. Mad Maddy Albright, The Butcher of Belgrade, was a Geek Girl and Hillary is an “Amazon”.

  16. >>Maggie Thatcher was a Mama Bear. Mad Maddy Albright, The Butcher of Belgrade, was a Geek Girl and Hillary is an “Amazon”.

  17. Whoa… My post: It somehow got whacked.

    What I was saying was:

    Neo? She has studied ballet and psychology; she is no stranger to pain, self-discipline and human weakness.

    I’ll bet she would be a good boss–tough yet understanding. I’d be happy working for her.

  18. Long and short, I think Governor Palin was a heck of a lot nicer about it than she could have been. In both videos.

    We have all heard it said the clothes make the (wo)man. That may work for the first impression. Beyond that, the (wo)man makes the clothes. We also know about the term “empty suit”, eh?

    We are now beginning the proof is in the pudding stage.
    Honestly, I hope my expectations are wrong. For the good of the nation.

    It is time for me to sit back, and watch. We’ll see how the first 100 go.

    Maybe I can get a tingle up and down my leg, too.

  19. I wrote a letter to Sarah Palin on Wednesday. I hope she gets a ton of mail.

    Sockpuppet, you err. The segregated squadron in WWII was a fighter squadron flying the famed P-51 Mustang. They became known as the Tuskogee Airmen. They entered the air war in Eurpope fairly late and by all accounts perfomed as well as any other. The hype about them has taken on rather mythical proportions, but I suppose that is understandable.

  20. The campaign did establish several truths: 1. establishment feminiss are not in favor of the advancement of women; they are in favor of the advancement of women who think like them. There were apparently serious allegations that somehow Palin wasn’t a “real woman.” One such assertion was from a Brandeis professor named Wendy Doninger and I was sorely tempted to write her to say I’d seen her picture and Sarah Palin’s picture and as to who was not a real woman…well, my natural good manners stopped me there.

    2. The mainstream media have forfeited not only any claim to objectivity, they have forfeited any claim to being fair, or to caring about fairness. I notice the Washington Post’s public advocate now says that by golly, yes, they were overtly pro-Obama. Curiously, no one at the Post thought about this before the election was over.

    3. The Democrats will continue to trumpet that they are the “party of the people” but in fact they are not. They do have the interests of interest groups within the lower-middle and working classes, but as to those people in the mass, they have little but disdain and contempt for anyone in that group who does not follow the advice of their betters. The viciousness slung at Palin shows this…ye gods, she hunts, she has a bunch of kids who have funny names, she graduated from the University of Idaho, etc.

  21. Neo,

    I’m not sure that Gov. Palin’s media treatment has been sexist so much as typical gutter south side chi town and D.C. beltway politics, but there is something that bothers me a lot–and it might be sexist.

    I understand the ancient war between men and women, and the various negotiations and treaties that take place across the globe every day. But what is it about a talented, accomplished, charismatic and beautiful woman that brings out the worst in some opponents–both male and female?

    I get the jealousy. I get the fear. But it doesn’t seem to happen so much with guys; e.g. JFK, and Pres. Clinton.

    Regardless, Caribou Barbie will kick Beltway Ken’s flabby butt all day long, and more power to her and the First Dude, and their beautiful kids.

  22. Men are used to fighting for status. They have rules for it, and it’s generally much easier to signal level of seriousness, nature of the conflict, etcetera. Since men have traditionally been the keepers of power and status, they have a ton of cultural memory and institution to help keep it that way.

    When women fight, there are very few rules, even moreso in an age when women are reckoned to be “unaggressive”- which anyone who has any unromanticized memories of being a little girl knows is NOT true. They are just socialized not to give the appearance of aggression- hence all the “confusing” and “enigma” sorts of remarks. Not confusing or enigmatic at all to observant women, who know damn good and well what feminine aggression looks like.

    In short, when you have no idea how far a strong, motivated individual is willing to go and what kind of tactics they are likely to employ- they are much more threatening.

    Or, to quote a dog trainer’s perspective, “males fight to make a point- females fight to kill or maim.”

  23. It seems that a big portion of feminism and minority right movements are not what they try to pretend, but Trojan horses of radical left aimed at society destruction.

  24. Palin is a HUGE threat to the self-appointed “Olympians” (Robert Bork’s term) who lust to control us all. Allegedly for our own good, but really to slake their thirst for power.

    So she must be destroyed.

    Lesser lights, like McCain (Democrat-Lite), or those with little charisma, can safely be beaten up some, then allowed to crawl back to the Left’s table for crumbs.

  25. sergey Says:

    “It seems that a big portion of feminism and minority right movements are not what they try to pretend, but Trojan horses of radical left aimed at society destruction.”

    Of course. The race, class, and gender groups are just warmed over Marxists. They’ve just added more groups because workers were not enough to win with…

  26. The New Agenda seems willing to confront all of this – PUMAs and other progressives willing to speak out regardless of the political orientation of the woman in question. They are really getting on Obama and wanting him to appoint a number of women to his Cabinet. I doubt he will.

  27. I also doubt it, because relationship of Mayor Daley with feminists never were rosy, and all Obama’s handlers are Daley’s creatures.

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