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Jim Moran comes out of the closet — 7 Comments

  1. Talk about simplistic… what do they do with all that wealth? Use it to expand their companies and create more jobs, spend it on stuff (which creates more jobs), save it which provides capital to others to buy houses or expand their companies… both creating jobs…

    They also get taxed a lot on it.. even now…

    Taking wealth from people who know how to use it to give to others is like throwing sand into the works… it doesn’t help create as many jobs (when the poor spend the money it does create some) and it slows growth…

  2. Very wealthy people also usually donate a great deal to charity — even as the tax code encourages it (with deductions). That way it circumvents govt. waste and hopefully more money per dollar goes where it’s intended to help various groups who rely on private fund-raising.
    (Even if Barack Obama is ignorant of the generosity of Americans, personally, and many corporations have programs contributing matching funds. We know Obama himself only knows “generous” one time: just as he was preparing to run for President). He DID buy a $2.5 mansion (with the help of Rezcko)and 7-figure income. (which he didn’t care to spread around himself)

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  4. Persons like James Moran are effectively screaming out: The design of existence is unfair and wrong. “Change the world” amounts to the design of existence is unfair and wrong. I used to be one of those persons. I was committed to trying to change the world. It was my purpose. It was also a horribly unhappy way to live.

    Conservatives accept the world as it actually exists, and try to help everyone flourish as much as possible inside that design.

  5. Corporations are not typically owned by individuals, but by large numbers of shareholders. Corporate profits after operating expenses and reinvestment don’t go into fat cats’ pockets or under mattresses, but back to their shareholders. Many shares (over 80%) are held by retirement and pension funds. When duplicitous politicians like Moran are allowed to confiscate corporate profits the shareholders lose their investment. Anyone who owns a retirement investment account or is vested in a pension fund is profoundly ignorant to vote for such a person.

    Chalk another one up to the Department of Education for keeping generations ignorant of basic economics.

  6. Moran, and others who like to invoke Robin Hood as a positive archetype, completely missed the story.

    Robin Hood didn’t steal from the RICH to give to the poor… he stole from the GOVERNMENT.

    Robin’s victims were the despotic king and the Sheriff of Nottingham… not the “rich.”

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