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Dzhokhar “cooperative”? — 11 Comments

  1. “To spare themselves criticism or the demands of a public for action.”

    To spare themselves from having to attack their own allies.

    People have short imaginations when it comes to the extent of the Left’s evil.

  2. Investigations while in the public spotlight are messy, and could potentially lead to all sort of scary and embarrassing (for Obama) stuff Easier to chalk it up to workplace violence – oops! – lone, disgruntled immigrant brothers and move along. Same reason Obama is so fond of drone assassinations.

  3. How very odd his middle name is “Hussein”, isn’t it?
    Oh, but I’m over-reacting. I should be looking to other speculations about Obama’s pro-Muslim conduct, all unprovable, shouldn’t I?

  4. Ace is tired of Splodey-dope’s name, so he’s dubbed the freak “Gozar” [Ghostbusters ref.].

    Elder brother now called Speedbump.

    It’s blazingly clear that the Admin. and its henchmen are pro-moslem, as the Great Barry is one himself. Yes, he is. Said it on tape. That’s a “slip of the tongue” no actual non-moslem would make, referring to McCain’s “not having made an issue of MY MOSLEM FAITH.”

    I’m with you, Don Carlos, in the “plain as the nose on your face” contingent.

    Shoot, maybe he’ll get NASA, our newly repurposed “moslem-outreach agency,” to take up the case.

  5. Don Carlos …

    As if Buraq is not a mulsim name…

    As if Obama is not a muslim name. The Kenyan Obama clan goes way back, back, back, back… unto the days of enslavement.

    Obamas that are NOT muslim… do not compute.

    And, no, he’s NOT Irish.

    The Wan is not only the first human dirigible (stiffened gas-bag) but he can steel himself with styrofoam columns.

    Should baby Assad cross Barry’s lipstick in the sand — the world will witness a pink tornado — truly spin dizzy.


    Deep within his psyche — there’s not much there, there.

    ‘Tis the case for all Reactive-Dependent Gonnabees.

    The typical end-game for Gonnabees is complete collapse — with an almost Hitlerian bent for self-medication on the way south.

    In the Wan’s case: figure on an insane tobacco habit … just for starters.

    As for his ‘vacations’ — they are necessary to keep the Wan on his wheels. He’s already tapped out, stress wise, by the slim prospect of losing the Senate — looking twenty months out.

    BTW, the antics in the gold market are a tip that someone’s about to clip Buraq’s credit card. If the currency crisis breaks while the kid is (nominally) ‘in’ office…. All bets are off.

  6. There’s no precedent for this but it might have O worried:
    It appears that neither he nor Hillary should have been on the Indiana 2008 ballot. Couple of dem operatives have been convicted of electoral fraud. Their forgeries, subtracted from the total names, leave O and H short of the necessary.
    Wonder if this will be buried as deep as Gosnell.
    I have to say that O’s body language strikes me as the most consciously hubristic I’ve ever seen.

  7. It was good to see Ace post this yesterday – I’ve been yelling at the television and radio since the first reports came out – literally hours after he was awake, that he was “singing like a bird”. I spent an hour ranting in a post here last week there is no way they could have concluded anything he said was true, but as usual, the media – even Fox, reported it without much curiosity about the claim. The FBI didn’t have a clue who the suspects were until a victim identified him.
    This will go the same way as Benghazi. We’ve got all we’re going to get, and regardless of what the House may uncover investigating it, the media will have lost interest – and wouldn’t report anything that implicates lying or coverups anyway.

  8. Good Ole:

    We are not on the sidelines (“{We shall see”). We are all in the game. Perhaps the Mesoamerican (Mayan, Aztec, etc.) ball game, sometimes called “The Sport of Life and Death.”

    It is inferred from Mayan glyphs that some of these games were stacked, with the unprotected (nude) players all on one team that always lost, and were all killed at the game’s end.

  9. “This will go the same way as Benghazi. We’ve got all we’re going to get, and regardless of what the House may uncover investigating it, the media will have lost interest — and wouldn’t report anything that implicates lying or coverups anyway.” southpaw

    Yup, that’s the extent of it.

    As for neo’s three choices, I pick door #2.

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