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The affidavit and what it reveals — 6 Comments

  1. In an earlier post i said i noticed that imigrants tend not to get the power of integrated society….

    They are habitualized to other conditions
    So they act or do things that those familiar know better

    Most americans when it comes to the current despotic system act exactly out of place as these guys look to you

    Ur EXPERIANCE lets u see what they dont
    To convince them u have to get beyond belief to ghinking

    Its comical tradjedy of the infinite goof

    Your basically repeating my missive but from symptom not cause – that knowledge if integrated changes behavior

    So u look at them and put out the logic
    Yet u forget ur own parry of the same!!!
    U were not interested and neither were they
    Lack of interest leads to lack of consideration wbich leads to inaction that others who did learn can see IN OTHERSbut not themselves

    Same when someone makes up an dxplanation talking to someone that knows more….

    Summed up to
    You cant bs a bser

    Just imagine if they gave u that same answer

    U would have a hard time convkncing ghem

    Interesting documentary last night got wife n i in a short argument… they put up a card trick n she could not tell me how they knew which card she picked

    Everytime i tried tk dxplain… shexwould azsert and fight
    Took slowing down the tape and showing her that none of the secknd set matched he first…. so if she took the mental shortcut to see if hers was missing… she would be fooled… her attention was on her card…not the others… my freaky memory could recite both sets….

    Until she stoppdd defendjng she could not see the trick and sociuld not change belief…. her reflex is to guard against that

    Same thing here…
    One the deal implication or premise is believed you incorporate it and its active in your choices wrong or right

    But jntil u do
    You will claim h know
    Defend ur belif Nd act taht way
    And those that know will see you and know

    The terrorists will say gheh nnow about cameras
    But knowing didnot change belief
    Sk did not get incorporated into action

    Now u look n u see
    Just as i look and see what i cant explain in a way ghat will jostle u the way video did my wife


  2. Didn’t care. They don’t call the “suicide” bombers for nothing. You can suicide with the bomb or after — after has the advantage of you getting to take more with you. Which they did.

  3. Note to frother: “u have to get beyond belief to ghinking

    Its comical tradjedy”

    Slow the F down lest you froth right out of the frame.

  4. News today is full of stories that surviving cretin says they acted alone. Oh, and his brother made him do it.

    You see he apparently had an epiphany, and is now telling the Feds all they need to know. Or maybe all they want to hear.

    Just when you think the government, and their merry media band, have strained credulity to the extreme, they go a step beyond.

    Anyone shocked that the FBI apparently missed the trip to the Russian Caucasus region (a hot bed of extremism) allegedly due to a misspelling on an airline manifest? Really? That’s the excuse? As I recall from my traveling days, most countries have passport control when you leave, as well as when you enter. But the good old USA leaves it to the airlines to check passports on departure. Still, we do pay folks to sit in booths at international arrivals so as to create long lines of weary travelers; and presumably to check passports, visas, do-not-enter lists, etc. Clearly, something went badly awry somewhere when a guy who was previously questioned by the FBI turns up at one of those checkpoints with a brand new Russian passport. Can you think of any questions to ask him? Will heads roll? Big Sis? Nah!

  5. I’m not buying this nonsense at all. The older brother led the insanity, and he’s dead. How exactly he became a bomb building sociopath may well have died with him. Just because baby brother says he got it all off the internet in response to anger over U.S. wars does not make it so.

    Seems to me like someone else was pulling the strings; I don’t understand how a mediocre human being like Tamarlan Tsarnaev managed to orchestrate something this successfully yet had no contingency plan for his own escape.

    And vanderleun, thanks for making me laugh. I needed that.

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