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Lenin, Dostoevsky, and me — 4 Comments

  1. “One man with a gun can control 100 without one.”

    Can’t vouch for that one, but I do know that Trotsky wrote to Lenin (concerning the Red Army in 1918): “Discipline cannot possibly be maintained without revolvers.” [Evan Mawdsley, The Russian Civil War, p. 56].

  2. Who would at once not see that those who love humanity hate individuals; that they would marginalize, enslave, and kill millions because they care about the tens of millions. Which racial purist’s, worker’s, or proletarian revolution of the last century has not shown this to be the signal feature of all utopias — including Islam’s.

    Progressive compassion is not the compassion of pity. It is a revolutionary compassion for the ‘other’ as pretext to destroy Western civilization, its concepts and influences — it has as its source the eternal Gnosticism — war against God for the envy of him. Dostoevsky saw it, introduced me to it, and he remains as one of the all time greats in my pantheon.

  3. “In high school we were assigned to read Crime and Punishment, as well as the “Grand Inquisitor” excerpt from Karamazov, and in college I read his chilling work The Demons (then titled The Possessed), about the spiritual and moral bankruptcy of the revolutionaries.”

    Need we say more about how the Liberal Thugs have captured and destroyed out once esteemed education system?

    They have used, abused and corrupted now now not 4 years worth, but 10 times 4 years worth of human lives and turned them into servants of the servants of the State.

    They will never get those years back.

    In the 60’s High School kids could read “Crime and Punishment”. In the 0-teens they can probably handle “Why I have Two Mommies”.

    This is our fault.

  4. Leftists of every kind are purported utopian moralists which in practice means nihilism which in turn means egotism. “The ends justify any means” always includes the thrill of any means but never the accomplishment of the ends.

    Contrary to popular non-Leftist conventional wisdom, the urgent, vital task for non-Leftists should be the construction of venues directed to high information people, not low information people.

    There is plenty of non-Leftist talent to create an NPR, a New Yorker, a New York Times, and numerous 501(c)(3) organizations devoted to all aspects of life.

    One goal (of many) needs to be the promotion of classic Western literature and Russian literature in particular, in an NPR, New Yorker, New York Times style appealing to the intellect.

    Another goal (again of many) is to promote the study of history and the lessons thereof. For the life of me, I cannot understand why the 150 year racist, hate-filled history of the Democrat Party is not the subject of daily commentary in non-Leftist venues.

    The pre-Blair BBC style would be a perfect template for a non-Leftist NPR.

    If I could, I would put Mark Steyn, Victor Hanson, James Lileks, Ace of Spades, neo-neocon, etc. etc. in a room with Conrad Black and Rupert Murdoch to figure this all out.

    One of the towering achievements of Leftists is their perfecting an intellectual appeal for their evil.

    I cannot believe it is impossible for non-Leftists to do the same for their good.

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