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“People considered ketchup spicy”… — 13 Comments

  1. Crisco on white bread? Blecccch! I do happen to like Jell-o, however, especially with fruit. Mandarin oranges and pear chunks are particular favorites of mine.

    Regarding ketchup, my mother regarded that particular condiment as a perfectly serviceable spaghetti sauce. Put a little oregano in it, a bit of grated Parmesan cheese on top of the spaghetti, and she had a quick dinner for a finicky 7-year-old (me). When you don’t know any better…

  2. waltj: I LOVED ketchup on spaghetti. My neighbor’s mother used to make it into a gourmet dish. I am quite serious; it was stupendous. She put butter and ketchup on the cooked spaghetti, and then cooked it a second time (baked? sauteed? not sure). Delish.

    When I was very young my parents used to take us out to a really fine mom and pop Italian restaurant and I would order spaghetti with ketchup.

    Maybe I should write a post about this.

  3. My mother used to make a great tomato aspic using lemon jello and tomato juice and horseradish. How about combining ketchup and jello?

  4. Well, neo, you have now gotten some serious nerd credentials (not that you didn’t have them before.) I say that because in the hit nerd sitcom The Big Band Theory alpha nerd Sheldon’s favorite dish is spaghetti with sauce and cut up hotdogs in it. It’s his favorite because his mother, a fundamentalist Christian from the Texas panhandle, used to make it for him as a child. And you can be sure she didn’t use any of that fancy-pants marinara when a bottle of Ketchup was at hand.

    BTW: I can attest to the fact that in France ketchup goes by the name “Le sauce American.”

  5. My elementary school used to serve jello for lunch every day. Usually with whatever fruit they had chopped up and stirred in. Tolerable, but then somehow they got the idea to put pearl onions in lime jello…

    I’ve told a few people about this over the years and nobody believed me. Recently at a get-together the topic of school food came up and out of nowhere an old friend said, “what was with the lime jello with onions in it?”

  6. White bread and Crisco: The Horror, the horror.

    My mom made spaghetti with hot dog rounds, too.

  7. During my Navy days ketchup or as it was called, “Red Lead,” went with everything. Sure perked up those powdered eggs, mystery meats, and dehydrated potatoes.

    Jello was a staple aboard ships. Inexpensive and easy to produce, it was served frequently. If it had calories and was edible, we lapped it up. (Not much choice when the nearest restaurant was across many miles of ocean.)

    I still like jello as a light dessert, but Red Lead is gone forever. (Too much sugar and salt.) Although ketchup on spaghetti does sound interesting.

  8. I am reminded of “Mock Pizza” from my childhood, which consisted of ketchup + oregano on a saltine cracker.

    What to eat if you have no way of satisfying a pizza Jones.

    My Scots-Irish mother made a DELICIOUS pot of spaghetti, which we had fairly regularly. A Sicilian friend approved.

    She also baked a lot of bread. Don’t know why she didn’t try pizza very much, it at all. Or why I didn’t try to make pizza when I began cooking myself during my high school years.

  9. I’ve also read that when Jello first appeared it was a status symbol because it showed you had a refrigerator.

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