Home » Rescue 911: toddler plunge


Rescue 911: toddler plunge — 5 Comments

  1. I’ve seen parts of this show a few times but always seem to tune in well after the show has started.

    I just watched this one. Pretty damned intense. Plus, these folks all seemed very familiar to me culturally (good ol’ Scots Irish southerners) so I liked that as well. That older man makes a great hero; the Dad as well. That little boy is very lucky to be alive.

    Very rare to see southerners depicted these days as the good, decent, intelligent folks they are. They’re (we’re) among the last — if not the last — of the “unprotected” minorities in America. That’s why I always thank God for folks like Fred Thompson, Billy Bob Thornton, Tommy Lee Jones and (even though I despise his politics), James Carville. Julia Roberts too!

  2. I like your videos. It’s kind of hard to comment because they say it all, but they do revive your faith in humanity.

  3. Neo,

    I watch every one and look forward to them here. I don’t comment on them because I have nothing to add. Please keep ’em coming.

  4. I’ve not watched them because for the last six months I’ve been nursing my aged computer with failed sound card through its last days. I’m missing a lot by not being able to watch videos, but my Scotch nature rebels at parting with all the dollars.

  5. I always watched the show, too: very moving and life-affirming, showing the best of people.

    As for commenting? agree that res ipsa loquitur. 🙂

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