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The race card timeline and accusations of racism — 38 Comments

  1. As Thomas Sowell said last week:

    “Anyone who is honest with himself and with others knows that there is not a snow ball’s chance in hell to have an honest dialogue about race.” Link at Thomas Sowell

  2. I think McCain could safely charge Obama as follows:

    He perambulated his infant son on the street

    He practiced nepotism with his uncle and first cousin

    He attempted to interest a 13-year-old girl in philately

    He participated in a seance at a private residence where, among other odd goings-on, there was incense

    He has declared himself in favor of more homogeneity on college campuses

    He has advocated social intercourse in mixed company — and has taken part in such gatherings himself

    He has been deliberately averse to crime in our streets

    He has urged our Protestant and Jewish citizens to develop more catholic tastes

    Last summer he committed a piscatorial act on a boat that was flying the American flag

    Finally, at a time when we must be on our guard against all foreign “isms”, he has coolly announced his belief in altruism — and his fervent hope that some day this entire nation will be altruistic !

    Then again, maybe not.

  3. Neo:

    On your main page, the links for “I wrote a post” and
    “this offering from Timothy Noah” are truncated (even though they are complete on the comment page).


  4. neo,

    A certain post above really should be stricken from the record. He should be invited to go back to the DailyKos and get out his feelings to his heart’s content over there.

    When the Left has legions of people uttering such fulminations, I fear for the nation and its future.

  5. Oh, I don’t know, Fred, it seems reasonable to suggest that “Jonathan” is emblematic of the REAL reason I won’t vote for Obama. And did I mention he’s white?

    …at least as much as he is black….

  6. I was just going to suggest that “Jonathan”‘s post remain as an example of the vaunted “enlightened tolerance”, but I see it has been sanitized already.

    Too bad.

  7. Actually, the comment from “Jonathan” seems to be a visitation from my dear old troll (very droll, isn’t he?) “stevie” from Toronto.

  8. Stevie! They must be proud of you up there in Toronto!


  9. “But then that wrinkly white-haired guy used me in his campaign ad, which I guess means I’m running for president. So thanks for the endorsement white-haired dude, and I want America to know I’m, like, totally ready to lead.”

    Paris Hilton

    Hay, you got third candidate are you ready to vote for her!

  10. It is kind of hard to move beyond race if Obama’s people will not stop yammering about it 24/7.

  11. Let me get this straight. A post racial society is one where a black man’s character can never be questioned for its content?

    Modern liberals are obssessed with applying value to people according to their heritage. Racist one and all.

  12. And speaking of heritage, this line from Timothy Noah in the article quoted by Neo is ridiculous:

    ‘People were brought here for their bodies.’ Better either to leave the whole topic alone…

    Obama was not brought here for his body and neither was anyone he is descended from. In fact, the true story is just the opposite, his father was brought here for his mind – to attend college. Obama is a first generation African-American in the truest sense. There is no history of slavery in his family whatsoever.

  13. “Let me get this straight. A post racial society is one where a black man’s character can never be questioned for its content?

    Modern liberals are obssessed with applying value to people according to their heritage. Racist one and all.” by SteveH

    Give that man a prize. Best comment on the board yet. This where things are right now. When they keep plying the electorate with the race issue, they are only exposing to everyone a key psychological strategy: play on da white man’s guilt.

    Who the hell with any brains at all if falling for that shuck and jive?

  14. This only works if you care about being called a racist.
    It’s so blatant a manipulative scam that there’s no need to even defend yourself. Everybody knows it’s a scam. Nobody thinks you’re a racist just because some political hack says you are.

  15. To add to what Richard states:

    25 Reasons You May be a Racist [Peter Kirsanow]
    The tendency of Obama supporters to see racist impulses behind every criticism of their candidate has evolved into absurdity. Now even the first black president feels compelled to declare he’s not a racist. By this measure, nearly every American is at risk of being branded a racist at some point in the campaign. To assess whether you’re at risk just consult the list below ( apologies to Jeff Foxworthy ):

    1.If you think Obama’s the most liberal member of the senate you…may be a racist.

    2.If you object to Obama raising your payroll, capital gains and estate taxes you…may be a racist.

    3.If you’d prefer a president have at least some foreign policy experience you…may be a racist.

    4. If you’re in favor of drilling for oil and building nuclear power plants you…may be a racist.

    5. If you think “Vero Possemus” is Latin for “Massive Ego” you… may be a racist.

    6. If you wonder why Obama was hanging around William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn you…may be a racist.

    7. If your pastor is nothing like Rev. Wright or Father Pfleger you… may be a racist.

    8.If you don’t want the majority of justices on the Supreme Court to be like Stephen Breyer you…may be a racist.

    9. If you’re not impressed with Obama’s 100% NARAL rating you…may be a racist.

    10. If you’re not sure whether Obama opposed or supported FISA reauthorization you…may be a racist.

    11. If you don’t think America is a “downright mean” country you…may be a racist.

    12. If you think Obama should’ve visited wounded troops at Ramstein and Landstuhl you…may be a racist.

    13. If you think the surge is working and that’s a good thing you…may be a racist.

    14. If you oppose racial preferences in employment, school admissions and contracting you…may be a racist.

    15. If you think “we are the change we’ve been waiting for” is a line from a Monty Python skit you…may be a racist.

    16. If you prefer that a president have a smidgen of executive experience you…may be a racist.

    17. If you’re appalled that Obama voted against treating infants born after an abortion attempt the same medically as other infants born alive you…may be a racist.

    18. If you were proud of your country even before Obama’s candidacy you…may be a racist.

    20. If you don’t think American troops are just “air raiding villages” you…may be a racist.

    21. If your grandmother isn’t a “typical white person” you…may be a racist.

    22. If you don’t think rural, working class people are bitter and “cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them” you…may be a racist.

    23. If you’re not sure invading Pakistan is a particularly good idea–what with their nuclear weapons and all– you…may be a racist.

    24. If you don’t want the president to meet without precondition with the leaders of state sponsors of terror you…may be a racist.

    25. If you don’t care how Hollywood or the European elite think you should vote you…may be a racist.

  16. Actually, the comment from “Jonathan” seems to be a visitation from my dear old troll (very droll, isn’t he?) “stevie” from Toronto.

    Your admirers are legion, Neo. Or at least, their personalities are.

  17. Richard Aubrey Says:

    August 6th, 2008 at 10:06 am
    This only works if you care about being called a racist.
    It’s so blatant a manipulative scam that there’s no need to even defend yourself. Everybody knows it’s a scam. Nobody thinks you’re a racist just because some political hack says you are.


    No, but if you attend a racist church for over 20 years and financially support its racist pastor, you might just be a racist!

  18. Shields and Brooks sort of discussed this Friday. Shields confounded the issue by bringing up a racist pin but offered no date. He did offer this doozie:

    “I mean, the charge yesterday that Obama had introduced and played the race card was so over-the-top by the McCain campaign. I mean, it was truly — it boggled the mind. And it went beyond any concept of rationality.”

    This was a most unusual segment for that show IMO. Interestingly, on July 11 Shields said this

    “Every day. I mean, this is not about the Pledge of Allegiance, Jim. It’s not about, you know, Willie Horton. I mean, this is a big-time election. I think that’s part of it. ”

    So it would seem that at that time, well after the Obama statement of June 20, “They’re going to try to make you afraid of me: ‘He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. … Oh, and did I mention he’s black?'”

    Shields at least did notice some egregious behavior by McCain.

    Brook’s strategy was ti say as little as possible and discourage those who wanted to talk about this:

    “But to talk about it in the midst of this day by day, you know, YouTube to-and-fro is just going to demean whoever does it.”


  19. No, but if you attend a racist church for over 20 years

    How come you call it church when they behaving as a racist place?

    But the fact you can see full Black church of full While church, this just to saw you how you society a racist society even in God House!!

  20. “No, but if you attend a racist church for over 20 years

    How come you call it church when they behaving as a racist place?

    But the fact you can see full Black church of full While church, this just to saw you how you society a racist society even in God House!!”



  21. The term “racist” lost nowadays any meaning. It can denote almost everything – that is, specifically denotes nothing. When language became corrupt beyond repair, how we can have honest debate in the topics, where no exact words left unscrewed?

  22. Racism used to be judging things or people as innately superior or inferior based upon their skin color or genetics.

    Now racism means “social inequality” and “identity”. If you aren’t of a certain identity, like black, and you work against your class and race interests, then you are racist and working for racists.

    Bill Clinton was the first black President because to identify with black people meant you were black because doing good things and having black skin is synonymous.

    No longer are people judged solely on their character or actions anymore. Now you are judged based upon identity politics. If you aren’t part of the communal and Big Brother identity, then you may be racist.

    This also means blacks and what not inside the religion of liberation churches, can never be racist.

  23. Ymarsakar Says:

    …This also means blacks and what not inside the religion of liberation churches, can never be racist.


    Well, of course this is the propaganda that the liberal machine attempts to implant in society and our brains.

    But it is nonsensical post-moderism on the face of it. Quite clearly, if you lump people into racial groups and then villify the groups based on race, that is racism.

    This is what Obama’s church esposed for over twenty years. As a donating member in good standing, he was endorsing racism with his dollars.

    But I think you know all this – you were simply outlining the liberal propaganda clearly.

  24. “What?”

    That took a few minutes of thinking, but I think I can translate:

    “How can you call it church when they are racist?

    The fact you can see a Black only church or a White only church just to shows you how your society is a racist society even in Gods House!!”

    I only know of a VERY few white or black only churches – most tend to be mostly (or even in some cases purely) one way or another but it is through choice of the parishioners. I’ve been in several all bakc churches with friends and felt fully welcome and they have been to the church I used to go to and they felt welcome there. There are, of course, some that are insular and try and stay within their race (it would be hard for a white person to go to Obama’s old church) but they are the exception, not the norm.

    About the only religion’s churches (or I suppose Mosques) I have ever been around that is almost totally insular were Muslim – with them or out. The ones that were friendly were VERY few and far in between. There are a handful of christian denominations that way also.

  25. I think we have to drag out all this nonsense into the sunlight to point out that the problem with electing Obama is not a problem with black people, it’s all these idiot liberal lefties (such as the people writing this stuff) who will go to Washington with him….

    You may have forgotten what they’re like, but read up right here for a quick reminder…

    Can we / you stand four years of listening to these people? Or being forced to since they control the government and have actual power?

  26. Now you are judged based upon identity politics. If you aren’t part of the communal and Big Brother identity, then you may be racist.

    Ohhhh you can call them CERTIFIED LAIRS race.

  27. Is correct that story that CIA had sparates WC for Blacks and another for Whites till 1990!!!?

  28. If by WC you mean “water closet” or bathroom, then no, this is goofy.

    Stuff like that ended in the late 50s in the Northern US, or worst case 60s.

    I have never seen anything like that since the very early 60s, and I have lived in the DC metro area (and been in any govt offices) for about thirty years.

  29. OriginalFrank Says:

    “Stuff like that ended in the late 50s in the Northern US, or worst case 60s.”

    Southern. Never heard of such stuff in the North or West.

  30. Some northern places in the 50s (I saw as a young child) had separate drinking fountains, and the south I presume in the 60s (was gone before I saw much of the south in the late 70s).

    If Obama can get Americans to base the election on racism,
    then it will take their attention off the fact that he has no experience,
    no credentials, and no issues.

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