Home » Oregon: Maybe it’s the weather


Oregon: Maybe it’s the weather — 18 Comments

  1. They liked Harding….

    I saw that quote too and thought it odd. Warren G. Harding, as in Teapot Dome Scandal and perennial favorite as one of the worst presidents?

    Here’s wiki on Gladwell on the “Warren Harding Error”:

    In his book, Blink, Malcolm Gladwell became the latest of a long string of political pundits and ordinary voters who felt that Warren Harding’s electoral success was based on his appearance, essentially that he “looked like a president”. Gladwell argues that people’s first impression of Harding tended to be so highly favorable that it gave them a fixed and very high opinion of Harding, which could not be shaken unless his intellectual and other deficiencies became glaring. Gladwell even refers to the flawed process by which people make decisions as ‘Warren Harding Error.’

  2. It’s really just the Portland Oregonians. The rest of the state is actually pretty conservative. It just happens that a bit more than half the state lives in Portland.

  3. And not even all of us from Portland!! But John is right–it’s mostly just the people from Portland, but Eugene is very liberal, too.

  4. Let’s hope he does not get the nomination. He would be Jimmy Carter the Second! UGH! I pray the voters snap out of it by November and we get an adult for president! God bless! Padre Steve

  5. Face it. The entire Willamatte Valley is stone freaking liberal.

  6. OK, maybe not “stone-freaking”, but fairly close.

  7. Roughly in the neighborhood of “stone-freaking”.

  8. this just out, and i didnt know where to post it…

    Given the information, I would say take it with a grain of salt and just wait and see if anything happens.
    I have no idea as to veracity of this at all… None… I haven’t taken any time other than to be a bit amazed either way.

    Two veteran anti-communist journalists, Herbert Romerstein and Cliff Kinkaid, will hold a press conference tomorrow in Washington DC to formally release findings about Obama’s communist affiliations. Romerstein served as an investigator for the US House Committee on Un-American Activities (1965-1971), Minority Chief Investigator for the US House Committee on Internal Security (1971-1975), and professional staff member for the House Intelligence Committee (1978-1983). He is the author of The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America’s Traitors.

    “Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection” by Herbert Romerstein,
    and “Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection” by Cliff Kincaid.

    The reports are based on direct fact-finding and special access to historical, congressional, and investigatory documents.

    If they do report, it should be interesting… looks like the circus is coming to town.

  9. “Face it. The entire Willamatte Valley is stone freaking liberal.”

    Not true. I live in Portland and work in the suburbs. Last election my neighborhood was full of Kerry signs. As I drove into work, nothing but Bush.

    East Portland is the hotbed. It’s affectionately (and not so affectionately) known as The People’s Republic of East Portland. As an indicator, their House Rep once actually biked to an appointment at the White House. White House security was baffled.

    PS: Last night Portland elected a gay mayor. Let’s see:

    Medical marijuana, check.
    Assisted suicide, check.
    Mass transit, check.
    Gay mayor, check.

  10. And you’ve missed a few other areas. Hood River, full of rich people with a second home. The Dalles, has a Google campus–need I say more? I was surprised that he did as well out in Eastern Oregon. There was a time when Oregonians complained about the folks coming up from California. Now so many of them are ex-Californians that you no longer hear anything about it.

  11. Well Benton County held up its usual wide margin liberal voting block with results from this last election solidifying once again that the county is whay may be described, as “stone-cold liberal”.

  12. OK, maybe not “stone-cold”, but roughly in the neighborhood.

  13. Tom McCall, a former Governor of Oregon, hit it right on the head (in 1971 no less)

    “Come visit us again and again. This is a state of excitement. But for heaven’s sake, don’t move here to live.”

  14. The “cool, cerebral type”? The same Oregonians (all right, Portlanders or Portaldites or whatever they call themselves) who tied ribbon around a big section of downtown and declared it a “hate-free zone”? (Because of course hate is welcomed everywhere else in Oregon.) My eyes are still rolling.

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