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From classless… — 52 Comments

  1. Here’s another point on this video and woman. I can’t stand tatoos on women. Like they’re tough in the man’s world and gonna be a gangster criminal. Hollywood bullshit. If anyone has lived a little of the real thing, they know how stupid this posture is. I’ve seen women stand up strong men, but it’s a different weapon they are using; its a weapon of right versus wrong not body against body.

  2. Utterly pretentious and insipid. How Team Obama thinks this is persuasive boggles the mind. The actor portrays a teenager who religiously reads People and would as readily vote for Justin Bieber over BHO if only JB was on the ballot. I guess desperate times call for desperate measures.

    It smells like teen spirit: http://tinyurl.com/9gqucuq

  3. Probably works at Starbucks and expects (not the man) but insurance or government to provide condums and Birth Control pills.

    I digress.

    I wanted to say real quick that Colin Powell diminishes himself in many people’s minds and I don’t think he realizes that with his strange comments. There his opinion – but he presents himself as a low information voter in my mind.

    If Colin Powell had simply said he supports Barack Obama because he agrees with the approach of imposing a penalty on people who do not take the personal responsibility of obtaining health insurance I could’ve supported that because I actually do believe people should take more personal responsibility and purchase health insurance and there should probably be consequences for not doing so.

    But will Colin Powell take such an approach ? No.

    As somebody who is ALWAYS elevated by the media as one of the most respected people in America – we are on to that game… he’s lost respect from me.

    Fool me once. I’m not fooled again Colin. You have time to do research. Do it.

  4. I say again: the 19th amendment. We tried it, against our better judgment, but it didn’t work out.

  5. The actor portrays a teenager

    Actor? You’re sure? If so, that’s the most effeminate actor ever.

  6. “I’ve seen women stand up strong men, but it’s a different weapon they are using; its a weapon of right versus wrong not body against body.”

    I know a 42 year old sansei woman in Montreal that stands about 5’4″ and weighs around 120# who could easily go body against body with 95% of males around the world and leave them on the ground. It would be over in 4 seconds and she would not break a sweat. She would be smiling as she walked away. I know this is true because I’ve trained with her at seminars many times over the last 10 years. I have felt and seen what she can do. As far as I am aware she has no tattoos but if she does and I were you I would refrain from commenting. 😉

    1.) Superior strategy is the foundation of victory. 2.) Never resist the attack, welcome it with enthusiasm. 3.) Timing overcomes speed. 4.) Balance, suppleness, and technique overcome strength.

  7. She’s an actress and director:

    Dunham was born in New York City.Her father, Carroll Dunham, is a painter of “overtly sexualised pop art”, and her mother, Laurie Simmons, is a photographer and designer who creates “disquieting domestic tableaux” with dolls.

  8. On Colin Powell again.

    There are people who are impressed by his endorsement at my job.

    It’s sad. I chalk it up to laziness.

  9. Nihilism.

    What a horror.

    Where are family, babies, marriage, home, field, farm, neighbor . . . and most importantly, Father. My daughter knows there are serious consequences for her mistreatment. Helps make her safe.

    What happened to this girl? Was she abandoned?

    I sense the kinship to Islam, the hatred for women, and the love of death. Being born to die. Which gives life a strange power. But a power unlike love.

    Here’s just an easily googled example of the opposite:


    Socialism by the Russian mathmetician. He looked at ancient history, medieval history, and modern history and found one of the common grounds of socialism is the state takes over family.

    Socialism is the age old evil alternative.

  10. Baklava,

    I hear you on CP. He once had a sterling reputation, and at one time served the country well. Now he is diminished in my eyes.

  11. Parker, is her name Nikita, because I think I’ve seen her on TV.

    Maybe you’re just afraid to really test her and that barrier of authority is like the magician’s veil of distraction.

  12. The value of man, trenchant:
    More is the human mensch, if
    He were really what could make
    The balance of nature break.

  13. According to my husband (who keeps up with these sorts of things), Lena Dunham is The Talk of the Town in NYC.

    But, what is it with the Dems and Russians? First Soviet warships at the DNC convention, now this copy of Putin’s ad? I don’t believe in coincidences like this.

  14. No Curtis, I’m not afraid and I have put her down mores time than she has put me down and I’m 20+ years her senior.

    “I bet if you were really pissed off and going for real, things would be much different.”

    Getting really pissed off does not do anyone any good although it is the typical mood of the Chris Matthews of the world. However, channeling anger into a mushin desire to defeat the opponent is a useful tool. I’ve never been in real (bullets flying by, mortars exploding) combat; but I have faced large, strong, young men (with a bit of experience) who happen to be my skeptical students that I encourage to attack me with everything they have. So far, they end up on the mat face down with their shoulders or elbows of necks near, but shy of dislocation. Once they are released they always smile and say, “I want to do what you can do.” As an instructor that is the highest praise, although one never gives the student the impression that one relishes their praise. Or at least that is what I was taught by my Nipponese shihan.

    However, I do not want to come across as overly macho (or feminist in the case of my Montreal acquaintance). I realize there are millions of people on the planet who can hand me my ass on a platter. Conversely, I know with a great deal of confidence that hand to hand that there are billions I can readily defeat (hand to hand) without breaking a sweat, even though I have pasted the barrier of Sir Paul’s 64.

    And, at 8 blocks I can put hit the center of anyone I choose coming down my street. (Scope required.)

  15. The tattoo is the perfect touch. This is sure to win over those undecided middle-of-the-road voters in Ohio!

  16. “The tattoo is the perfect touch. This is sure to win over those undecided middle-of-the-road voters in Ohio!”

    “My guess is it doesn’t ever air in Ohio.”

    😉 and 😉

    Well put, gentlemen or women (as I do not know your gender based upon your monikers).

  17. I left a sulfurous opinion of this somewhere else: it’s both vulgar and the most crudely sexist political ad I’ve ever seen. Wow.

    Okay, here’s a warning from 1835, from a peerless observer of our dear nation.

    Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville, Volume II, Section 4: “Influence of Democratic Ideas and Feelings on Political Society”; Chapter VI: “What Sort of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear”:

    “I think, then, that the species of oppression by which democratic nations are menaced is unlike anything that ever before existed in the world; our contemporaries will find no prototype of it in their memories. …

    “Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: …

    “After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd.

    “The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting.

    “Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.”

    Word. [Pass it on. I sent it to my whole family, including the lefties, without comment; indeed, it needs none.]

  18. The tattoos are tacky, and will look hoooorrrrible when she’s an old lady with wrinkly skin, assuming she lives that long.

    That both her parents are into sexual and other depravity in the New York Obscene Scene doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. This kid had the deck stacked against her.

    But Parker, sensei’s aside, I have to say that I find all the anorexic “tough” starlets kicking muscular stunt men around in Hollyweird movies absolutely ludicrous.

    One anecdote about 9-11 that I actually loved was from a woman who lived downtown with her husband. When the second skyscraper imploded, he decided they were going to get the heck off the island, and told her so. They threw stuff in a bag and headed for the kayak pier on the Hudson, and he tossed the bag over the fence, then boosted her over, climbed over himself, jimmied the lock to the boats, picked one up and dropped it into the river, and said, “Get in. We’re going to New Jersey.”

    She was a lefty writer-by-trade, but she admitted she was in awe of him that day. You know, a bit of the ancient aura of the Hero was around him.

  19. So her message is that she’ll give it all up for birth control pills. Isn’t there a name for behavior like that?

  20. COUGH!

    Ah, we didn’t hear – “I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message”, though it was an official campaign video. That would have been, well, really really creepy and weird. But, I would not have been overly surprised. That might just have made the creep factor unbearable though, smart move to not do that. (cringe)

    Yes it is weird and creepy any way. And, I’m not a prude, I lived in San Francisco for 34 years and counting — but…

  21. Awwwww. So cute and cutting edge liberal. You’d almost never guess she’d enslave everyone around her and destroy modern medicine to prove how compassionate she is.

  22. Oh I get it – she’s Obama’s “Julia” in the flesh. Dating and then marrying the state as part of her cradle-to-grave benefits,
    I suppose this works with the cool Lena Dunham fans (I could not watch more than 10 min of “Tiny Furniture” and I dumped Lefty HBO years ago), but I don’t see how sexualizing Obama and encourage young ladies to vote based on this will resonate with anyone outside of this tiny demographic.

  23. No one would ever want to have sex with THAT! A 35 year old tatooed freak. Reminds me of Fluke. Yuk!

    Romney/ Ryan 2012.

  24. SteveH says:
    “You’d almost never guess she’d enslave everyone around her and destroy modern medicine to prove how compassionate she is.”

    Love that.

  25. This woman is Lena Dunham, who’s responsible for an HBO show called “Girls” that I haven’t seen, and a movie called “Tiny Furniture” that I have seen and rather liked, though it was awfully depressing. It was an original and oddly compelling little semi-autobiographical piece, starring herself in the lead and her friends and family playing her friends and family, set in her real-life parents’ apartment, in which Dunham depicted herself as a new college graduate returning home to upscale NYC without a job or a CLUE how to live as a grownup or even enjoy her life. She wanders through the movie making one bad choice after another and getting sadder and sadder, and there’s not much redemption at the end. I thought Dunham was rather brave to depict herself as she did — pathetically half-grown and lost in the world. (Of course, she wasn’t REALLY that lost in real life, since she was in fact turning the detritus of her life into what turned out to be a successful little movie that made a name for herself, followed by an even-more-successful HBO show.) But in any event. — the Lena Dunham image is that of an unhappy immature self-absorbed lost soul. She created and marketed that image on purpose. WHY did the Obama campaign think this was an image they should adopt, that this young woman would look admirable and cool to even younger women and entice them to vote? Can it be possible that today’s very young women DO want to be like this?

    Oh and by the way — as a commenter on some other blog pointed out earlier this morning — is it not creepy in the extreme, and are we sure that it is coincidental, that this video features a young white woman named Dunham, of all things, speaking suggestively about sex with a much older black man named Obama? At least Lena Dunham’s first name isn’t Stanley.

  26. According to my husband (who keeps up with these sorts of things)

    So sorry to hear this, Irene.

  27. I posted about this on Ace last night, but I think it bears repeating:

    This is horrifying, but not for any of the reasons people have listed so far. Sure, the “actress” is an unattractive harridan. Sure, the ad is tasteless, vulgar, and offensive. Sure, it’s self-defeating.

    That’s not what’s horrifying.

    What’s horrifying about this ad is that Americans — free people born in a free republic — are not supposed to have creepy sexualized worship fetishes for politicians. Barack Obama — or Ronald Reagan — are public employees, just like the man who picks up dead possums on the road for the highway department. They are our hirelings, our staff. They serve us. For voters — the masters, the sovereign people — to fetishize their employees means they have forgotten what it means to be a free people.

    Don’t be shocked by the sexual vulgarity, the literal whoring, or the banal “edginess.” Be shocked because it shows free-born Americans yearning for a master. A king.

    Obama and his cult must be defeated in two weeks. Not just edged out of office, either. Resoundingly beaten. Beaten the way Japan and Germany were beaten. The whole sick ideology of “Obamaism” must be soaked in the stench of failure and mockery so that no one will ever try to pervert our Republic this way again.

  28. Trimegistus: but since Obama won with the “anointed one” approach in 2008, he has already proven it can be successful with Americans. It will be tried again even if he is defeated in 2012, if the right combination of factors (and the right candidate} emerges. Americans, after all, are humans, and humans are susceptible to this sort of thing. Resisting it depends on maintaining our ability to transmit our traditions and values (including that of liberty) to the younger generations. We have not succeeded in that task.

  29. “free-born Americans yearning for a master. A king.”

    Yes, setting aside the particular bizarre item on display here, that syndrome is very strong on the left, maybe all the more because they don’t seem to recognize it for what it is, and in fact think of themselves as anti-authoritarian. It was on display in the Clinton years, though not as clearly and powerfully. It’s especially noticeable in that single woman demographic that seems so important to the Obama campaign (“Julia”!), and one can’t help thinking it’s a sort of sublimation of the desire for a husband and/or father. And it may very well be the future of the country.

  30. If I were conspiracy-minded, I might think that there’s a connection between liberals’ continual emasculation of American men and their promotion of sexualized adoration of Democrat politicians.

    But that’s absurd. That would require them to be destroying the fabric of society just for political advantage.

    And they would never . . . um . . .

    Oh, dear.

  31. “free-born Americans yearning for a master. A king.”

    “Men fit to be slaves” – Tiberius

  32. She thinks it’s clever; a certain type of Dem thinks it’s funny (“Voting is like sex! tee hee!”). It reminds me of when NOW was trying to recruit young women but had no idea how out-of-touch they were with everyday women, particularly when their president was Patricia Ireland, who had both a husband and a “wife.” This ad is just that out of touch: it shows that Dems think that all women are good for is to give up their voting virginity to the cause.

    OB, while you’re getting rid of the 19th amendment, make sure that we women aren’t subject to taxes, either. I won’t worry too much when some idiots decide that my property belongs to my brothers or my father; I’m sure I’ll be long dead before American conservative men parrot the Saudi idiocy.

  33. I’ve seen Dunham’s HBO show “Girls” once or twice and believe me, that was enough. It’s one of the most depressing portraits of young women I’ve ever seen. This sums it up pretty well:


    Her show follows four twenty-something women who live in Brooklyn. Dunham’s character has an unpaid internship in lieu of a paying job, she’s being supported by her parents but is about to be cut off, and she endures humiliating sexual encounters with a “boyfriend” who forces her to act out his porn-addled fantasies.

    It’s supposed to be funny but it’s actually sad and pathetic. As is her Obama endorsement.

  34. Trimegistus and everyone else. There would one overwhelming advantage to an Obama victory, the havoc he would produce may actually open some of the less clouded minds to the nature of the threat he represents. Note, these new men will be the ones coming into voting age now, the ones still learning, not the 18-35 age group that overwhelmingly supports him. They are lost.

  35. neo-neocon Says:
    ” Trimegistus: but since Obama won with the “anointed one” approach in 2008, he has already proven it can be successful with Americans. It will be tried again even if he is defeated in 2012, if the right combination of factors (and the right candidate} emerges. Americans, after all, are humans, and humans are susceptible to this sort of thing. Resisting it depends on maintaining our ability to transmit our traditions and values (including that of liberty) to the younger generations. We have not succeeded in that task.”

    Many would not wish to succeed, as a number of excellent observations made clear in describing: “the nililism” … of someone who … “You’d almost never guess [would] enslave everyone around her and destroy modern medicine to prove how compassionate she is”… ; a social symptom of, ” … free-born Americans [now] yearning for a master … ” a case of Obama’s “Julia” in the flesh”, realized .

    But then, as regards freedom, what use has a post modern nihilist for any freedom apart from the “freedom” to have its inchoate expressions attended to, and its physical and emotional pleasures underwritten by others who are tasked to its support?

    What’s the big deal with this negative liberty business anyway?

    The post modern recognizes that they are ultimately going nowhere to no ultimate purpose. That life is their being propelled aimlessly along under the inertia of a congerie of appetites and impulses which are sustained by a half-conscious will pointlessly dedicated to their service.

    Politics then, is just the matter of socially determining who in this no-exit world shall be anointed the performers, and who shall be relegated to the paying audience.

    Justice: as a place for everyone, and everyone in his place; till the curtain comes down for good.

    Modern Liberalism’s fundamental interpretive axiom then is: We’re going nowhere, but goddamn it, you had better accept that we’re all going there yoked together … or else.

    You see, it’s called “caring”. A kind of huckstering, but one we can all believe in … or be made to believe in.

    Her father, and his subject. http://artforum.com/diary/id=12983

  36. Ugh. What a dopey ad. So embarrassing how liberal women are so pressured to be sexualized and slutty. I used to be a liberal woman myself and I was far more respected by conservative men than I ever was by liberal dudes. I actually am a fan of her show “Girls”. I think it is hilarious, but sad and nihilistic and disturbing. However it’s pretty accurate of a certain class of New York female, and I can’t help but watch it in a sort of horror and recognition and admiration for how well done it is. But I certainly understand why some people hate it. It’s pretty offensive. But this ad is just ghastly. I may not be able to watch “Girls” anymore now.

  37. Julia NYC,

    I know what you mean about Dunham’s show as a funny but sadly accurate social commentary. If I thought Dunham herself actually had a moral core of some sort I could appreciate it at that level.

    But Dunham’s Obama ad just proves what I’ve suspected all along about her. She simply can’t connect the dots between her “lifestyle choices” and lack of self-respect. For her there’s a big financial payoff in all this, but for the vast majority of her peers it’s just the opposite.

    In many ways it feels like this close election might actually decided by stupid young women like Dunham.

  38. This ad looks like one used by the Sandinistas and described by P. J. O’Rourke in his report on the election in Nicaragua in 1989 (?). A poster showed a good looking young couple wearing Sandinista red scarfs and holding hands. The slogan was (in Spanish) “When you do it for the first time, do it for love!”. It was meant to encourage the youth vote (voting age had been dropped to 16 for the occaision).

    Of course, when the actual votes were counted in that election, the Sandinistas were soundly defeated much to the shock and dismay of leftists around the world.

    We can only hope the American electorate proves as intelligent today as the Nicaraguans did then.

  39. Trimegistus:”Resoundingly beaten. Beaten the way Japan and Germany were beaten.”
    I said this on Bennett a few months ago.
    An example must be made.
    By God I hope the next AG is allowed to prosecute.

  40. I love her show and quite liked Tiny Funiture, but I do wish she would cover up those awful tatoos. And this ad sucks.

  41. you’ve come a long way baby…

    i wonder what they will do in another 90 years given they have come so far

  42. OB, you haven’t met any serious advocates of revoking women’s voting rights, have you? Scary guys, very unAmerican.

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