Home » If Obama loses…


If Obama loses… — 38 Comments

  1. Neo:

    Remember: “After Hubris, Nemesis.”

    Always seems to work…

    PS: If Romney does win, the immediate tactic will be to drag out ALL Obama’s Dirty Laundry.


  2. I don’t see Obama running again. Obama has been disastrous for the dem party. They lost big in 2010 and are likely to lose big again this year. The dems are going from ‘the end of history’ with Obama’s election in 2008 to a possible ‘dustbin of history’ in 2012.

  3. If he wins, a certain race class is claiming they will riot… you can watch video as community organizers explain to the African Americans in a room how even whiteys women and seven year old children that shoot better than they do…

    Blacks Will Lose Race War

    then you got the twitter crowd talking riots, murders, and even presidential assasinations… as if thats all ok…

    “If obama dont get re-elected & romney wins .. on life every white persons getting pistol whipped and im startin a riot.”

    “You know you ain’t shit if you gotta “MAKE” Mafukas vote for ROMNEY ! …. Mannnn OBAMA better get back in office . Or BLACK FOLKS will riot.”

    “If every action IS met with an equal and opposite reaction ..what should workers do to employers if Romney’s elected? #Riot in the streets!!”

    “Extremely intelligent black woman” calls for assassination (city council womans aide)

    screen grabs of twitter assasination of romney:

    The rate of violent crime increased by a whopping 17% last year, according to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), marking the biggest jump since 1993. Property crimes also went up 11% last year.

    [T]here has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people. That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

    Criminal Victimization, 2011
    U.S. Department of Justice
    Office of Justice Programs
    Bureau of Justice Statistics

    how bad is the game?
    Sharmeka Moffitt bad…

    On Sunday at 8 p.m., Sharmeka Moffitt called 911 from a walking trail in Winnsboro [Louisiana] and told authorities she had been doused in flammable liquid by three men wearing white hoodies. She suffered extensive burns on more than half her body and was taken to LSU Health Sciences Center in Shreveport for treatment.

    After two days of investigating the case, authorities said Tuesday that the forensic evidence indicates Moffitt set herself on fire.

    so you can add her to the list of people “making history” (like highlander blowing up black peoples homes in the south to make it appear even more racist!!)

    Joseph Baken, Alexandra Pennell, Aimee Whitchurch, Christel Conklin, Quinn Matney, Aubriana Banks, Sarah Marshak, Tawana Brawley, Crystal Gail Mangum, Kerri Dunn, Leah Miller, Ahmad Saad Nasim and a lot lot more…

    and postal mails are being sent to people in Florida telling republicans that they cant vote and not to show up, and its all official looking (ergo the FBI involved)

    and obamas money mostly coming from foreigners in violation of law… among other things..

    so what do YOU think the VOLK will do to the SCAPEGOATS? Shoa II?

    by the way, all this makes Charles Manson and the Family 40 years prescient and ahead of their times (if you know WHY they put a fork in the belly of a pregnant woman)

  4. The transcript:

    “I’m Norma McCorvey, the former Jane Roe of the Roe vs. Wade decision that brought ‘legal’ child killing to America.

    “I was persuaded by feminist attorneys to lie; to say that I was raped, and needed an abortion. It was all a lie.

    “Since then, over 50 million babies have been murdered. I will take this burden to my grave.

    “Please, don’t follow in my mistakes. DO NOT vote for Barack Obama. He murders babies.”

  5. I wonder how graciously Michelle and her family will depart the White House, and how pleasant they will be, participating in the Inaguration. I would not be in the least surprised to find out that the regular housekeeping staff will be quietly putting away all of the fragile and/or small and valuable historical relics, in the months between the election and the inaguration.

  6. I continue to think that if Obama loses – fingers crossed! – that he will not run again in 2016 and that he would not be welcome if he tried.

    I don’t think Obama likes the job of being President – he likes the perks, the prestige, etc., but not the job. Once out of office, he’ll get lots of money, in certain environments he’ll still be fawned over (think, Davos) – all of the perks, none of the responsibility! He’ll stick with that.

    He’ll go back to his “visionary” mode and, for some, will enter a perpetual Valhalla that the rest of us poor plebes just weren’t enlightened or sophisticated enough to understand.

    Also, the Dems eat their young…they are ruthless about failure. Politics is life and death to them. I think the Dems will tear themselves apart and whoever comes in – Cuomo? – will have to be someone who can be accepted by both the Clinton loyalists and the Obama alumni.

    We shall see…

  7. If Obama loses he will be yesterday’s news. The magic will be gone. It will no longer be racist to bad mouth him.

  8. Barack is one of the smartest people you will ever encounter who will deign to enter this messy thing called politics.

    Barack is smart by Michelle’s standards?

    High praise indeed.

  9. I don’t see Obama running again.

    Me either, and I don’t see the Dems giving him the nomination if he does, any more than I see Ricky Martin making a comeback, and for the same reason: he’ll be yesterday’s news.

    Now someone doing his Obama impression, a sort of Obama 2.0, THAT I could see. But Obama himself, nope.

  10. Speaking of Obama losing (potentially, anyway), there is apparently a post over at newsbusters.org which has Brian Williams of NBC News being astounded that Obama is not running away with this election.

    This is the bubble that these people live in; i.e., the media and even, I suspect, the pollsters.

    There is a game afoot that they don’t even see coming. The Detroit Free Press endorsed Romney today. It joins the ColumbusDispatch and other papers.

    Again, I offer that 2010 was a new standard, not an outlier and I expect to see 2010 re-eancted in two weeks. Michael Barone posited that this election seems like a 1980 re-run but in slow-motion.

    I realize that anything can happen, but nonetheless, I have my bottle of Schadenfreude chilling in the fridge. I know the caution is to not get cocky, but preparing my bubbly in the hope of celebrating isn’t being cocky. This is cocky:

    Scahdenfreude, a dry tart wine with a sweet aftertaste. When toasting one’s victory just isn’t enough, celebrate your adversary’s defeat with . . . Shadenfreude!

  11. If Obama loses, well….It Was That Damned BUSH!!!111!!!!!!

    And if he loses McGovern style…, well, he’ll have a tough time showing his face in Dem circles. A spread of 10% should be enough to keep him off any future ticket.

  12. “If Obama loses, well….It Was That Damned BUSH!!!111!!!!!!”

    Haven’t you heard? The Obama campaign is now blaming Obama’s lack of success with this election on CLINTON!

    Hopefully, as they go further back in history looking for a president to blame for something, they will stop with George Washington.

  13. I’m with Judith above. Even if the Dems would have him (I doubt they would. The Clintons are sharpening their knives right now over Bengahzi) he’s going to find out that being an ex-President has most of the perks of the office without the messy bits.

  14. Obama will probably make a try in 2016 (assuming he loses next month ojala) but by that time a clearer understanding of his “accomplishments” will preclude any but a besotted few from taking him seriously.

    He’ll be the President everyone would like to forget, like Jimmy Carter, the embarrassing Mr. Obama.

  15. If I were a betting man, I would bet that Obama will win. Florida, Ohio, Virginia, and Colorado. He won them all in 2008 and could lose three of them and still win in 2012.

    The electoral college is not looking good for us.

    Sorry for the bad news.

  16. “If I were a betting man, I would bet that Obama will win. Florida, Ohio, Virginia, and Colorado. He won them all in 2008 and could lose three of them and still win in 2012.”

    Good thing you’re not a betting man. 😉

  17. Too me about BHO not running again if he loses. He will either relax into the lecture circuit, write his third memoir, and cash in or his fragile ego will implode and he’ll transition to berserker mode thus exposing his true character to the world. The reason his anger, pettiness, and coldness is coming to the forefront is he can’t handle the thought of being rejected by the adoring hordes of 2008. It troubles him in the night when the lights are out.

  18. I don’t get this notion of Obama running again. I mean, he *might* do that (though I kind of doubt it), but even if he did, how is he going to beat Hillary again if she runs, as I suspect she will? She really should have beaten him last time, and it was only strategic errors (specifically, ignoring caucus and red states, which enabled Obama to build up his margin with huge victories in those states, even as he was getting beaten in most of the big states). She won’t be making that mistake again, and if Obama loses, he’s a failed president. Period. I suspect that there will be a *lot* of buyer’s remorse among Democrats, and they’ll be more than happy to give Hillary another shot.

  19. The bigger question is, will the Democratic Party be forced from here on out to run minorities for president to capitalize on white voter guilt and to deflect any criticism with the race card.

    If I had to bet on 2016’s Democratic nominee, if Obama wins in 2012, it will absolutely be Michelle. If he loses, the Obama name will be tarnished and they’ll need a surrogate, so I’ll go with Deval Patrick, governor of Massachusetts (much less ‘cool’ factor, but he can talk without the aid of a teleprompter, and most importantly, the race card can protect him).

  20. As Ex-President, he’ll NOT put a sock in his flappin’, victim, whiney Pie Hole for a day. No can do,’Yo.

    Have one-tenth the class of President Bush? NOPE.

    And, as for bringing the Catastrophe Obama back in 2016..? Oh, yeeesssssssss…! Make our F’ing Days!! Think: Jimmah Cawtah comes back to challenge Ronald Reagan in 1984. ‘Nuff said.

  21. Obama can blame himself for allowing Romney to dominate the topics during the debate. I’ve been listening to a local radio show, and if they are correct, the word count shows that words like economy and debt far dominated other words.

  22. I agree with the post indicating that the electoral numbers don’t work for Romney. Romney will not carry Ohio and that will prove fatal. Obama bought Ohio with the auto bailout. I live in the midwest and believe me, that resonates. A lot of people here believe they would be without jobs or pensions but for the bailout. Romney’s op-ed in the New York Times is constantly paraded in ads. You have to remind people that Chrysler and GM did wind up in bankruptcy.

  23. The use of the word “deign” seems perfectly reasonable to me. Politics is full of egomaniacal assholes. If a decent person enters this arena he is surely deigning. Whether you think Obama is a decent person or not is another question of course.

  24. http://hotair.com/archives/2012/10/25/magic-gone-in-ohio/


    She cried to the southern wind
    About a love that was sure to end
    Every dream in her heart was gone
    Headin’ for a Showdown

    Bad dreamer, what’s your name
    Looks like we’re ridin’ on the same train
    Looks as through there’ll be more pain
    There’s gonna be a Showdown

    And it’s rainin’ all over the world
    It’s raining all over the world
    Tonight, the longest night

    She came to me like a friend
    She blew in on a southern wind
    Now my heart is turned to stone again
    There’s gonna be a Showdown

    Save me, oh save me
    It’s unreal, the suffering
    There’s gonna be a Showdown

    And it’s rainin’ all over the world
    It’s raining all over the world
    Tonight, the longest night

  25. Simon: ah, but only an unapologetically egomaniacal asshole would use the word “deign” in that context. I’ve been around a long time, and I’ve never heard any candidate (or candidate’s wife) say anything remotely similar.

    Running for office is a privilege, not something you “deign” to do.

    If I’m not mistaken, you’re a Brit who came to this country? Do I recall that correctly? If so, maybe the “deign” part doesn’t ring as falsely to you; perhaps it’s a tone thing. But it sure rings falsely (and very obnoxiously) to me.

  26. “I wonder how graciously Michelle and her family will depart the White House, and how pleasant they will be, participating in the Inaguration.”

    I would hope they would show at least half the class that President Bush did on his way out of office but I’m not sure I’m willing to bet my hard earned money on it.

    I also think that, if Obama loses, an armed guard needs to be placed on the R keys of all the computer keyboards in the White House.

    “in certain environments he’ll still be fawned over (think, Davos)”

    Yes, I guess we’ll still be subject to that for the next 30 years, even if he is soundly defeated.

    “The Detroit Free Press”

    For what its worth, the reports I saw said it was the Detroit News that endorsed him. I don’t know the significance of the difference, since I don’t know much about either paper.

  27. Oh, and that use of the word “deign” is, I think, really bad. But so is that “never been proud of my country” line, too. I guess they’re two peas in the same arrogant pod.

  28. Yea, the “deign” choice of words is somewhat telling.

    But, I think the “this messy thing called politics” is messy precisely because of people like Obama and the messy way in which they fight for power.

  29. “but only an unapologetically egomaniacal asshole… ”

    Based upon your Magritte photo and your general firm, level headed posts and usually patient comments; I never imagined neo-neocon using the term asshole. But, hey, more power to you. 😉

  30. “actually, I was addressing Simon, and quoting what he said in this comment of his.”

    Yes, I knew you were quoting Simon, but you still typed a-s-s-h-o-l-e. I have no complaints, it just startled me into adjusting my mental picture of prim and proper neo-neocon behind the apple. (Not the slightest insult intended.)

    BTW, you maintain a wonderful blog. You present a wide variety of topics to ponder, you are tolerant and attentive of those who post comments, and you put forth a keen and insightful analysis of the topics that affect us all. Long may you run.


  31. I am almost certain that Obama will take full responsibility for any outcome. Only then will he proceed to blame Clinton, the media, the racists, and so on.

    The logical dissonance is quintessential Obama.

  32. Naaaa. He’ll be a pariah to the dems. I’m betting on Secretary General of the UN. But hey, Hugo Chavez should be keeping Saddam company soon and his spot will be open.

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