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Obama continues to be… — 20 Comments

  1. It’s like having an Instalanche! And what else are we going to do? We can no longer count on either fairness or competent reporting from the MSM. I’m getting most of the info on Benghazi from foreign newspapers now. I keep thinking somewhere that there is an American report thinking that speaking the truth about Benghazi could mean a Pulitzer for him or her, but it seems to be more important to reporters to cover for the Administration.

    One of the big benefits of a Romney win is that the press will once again have to report on the news. Their biases are obvious now and they will have less and less impact on the information we get.

  2. Curtis: Just now I was able to get there for the first time, but it’s a more simplified version of the page, with the article’s text in a strange format. It’s back, but it’s limping along, dealing with the Drudge deluge.

  3. Obama is getting desperate. The felony and murder allegations did not stick. His other trick of unsealing divorce records seems to be failing too. He is running out of options for destroying his political opponent.

  4. Weekly Standard also has the internet program on Benghazi. Fox will do a new timeline on Sunday at 10.

  5. The election is near and Obama’s chances for reelection appear to be declining. This is great news but I worry about just what trick an amoral character like Obama may try to reverse his fortunes.

    And I wonder what retribution Obama may have in store for this nation between the election and inauguration should he lose.

  6. This is great news but I worry about just what trick an amoral character like Obama may try to reverse his fortunes.

    Yep, or more to the point, speaking of amoral characters, what trick George Soros may gin up.

    Trigger collapse of the financial system by spooking justifiably nervous financial types? Nah, too 2008. Must think … must think …

  7. Occam:

    I recall reading that the great and powerful O has alienated Soros too.

    After 2008 Soros apparently thought he would have the president’s ear and access to the WH but it didn’t quite work out that way and the mastermind felt slighted. He may not be so quick to tinker with world economies in order to ensure an outcome like 2008…

  8. Team Obama has trotted out the dog on the car roof brouhaha, the school bully routine, the Romney’s a murderer scam, the Fluke denied contraceptives flim-flam, Allred’s divorce testimony 3 card monte, and now the great BS artist is portraying an upright man as a BS artist. All along the BHO re-election plan has been beneath the office of the presidency, pathetic, and over the last few weeks increasingly desperate. BHO in his arrogance probably thinks he an still pull this off; but democrats with one foot on the ground, and now even a trickle of the MSM, are inching away from the scent of defeat.

    Around midnight on 11/6/12 I believe we will smell his defeat.


  9. Wish I could be as confident as parker and a few others here.

    The popular vote is looking good — or I should really say better — but Romney-Ryan’s got to run practically all the swing states to rid us of The One and his ilk.

    And remember: the Republican candidate has to win by at least 4 or 5 percent in a state just to overcome the graveyard vote and the suddenly discovered ballots vote.

  10. “Wish I could be as confident as parker and a few others here.”


    There is plenty of time for pessimism should BHO win; but going into the finale days there are many reasons for optimism. Without being overly foolish, it is usually a better course of action to visualize victory than to contemplate defeat. If you contemplate defeat don’t step onto the mat, instead retreat.

  11. This reminds me of the end of the 1972 presidential campaign. It was obvious that he was going to get buried in a landslide, and George McGovern told an ornery voter, “Kiss my ass”. Unlike Obama, McGovern was usually a class act despite his politics. We can only hope that Obama loses by as much as McGovern did.

  12. parker Says (7:54 pm ) —

    “There is plenty of time for pessimism should BHO win; but going into the finale days there are many reasons for optimism. Without being overly foolish, it is usually a better course of action to visualize victory than to contemplate defeat. If you contemplate defeat don’t step onto the mat, instead retreat.”

    I’m not being pessimistic at all, in fact I agree with you when you say “there are many reasons for optimism.” There are.

    For me, optimism is different from confidence, and certainly different from cockiness.

    When you say, “around midnight on 11/6/12 I believe we will smell his defeat,” I just can’t manage that final leap. I’m guardedly optimistic, but at the same time I’m watching and hoping and praying.

    We shall soon see, friend . . .

  13. “Be of good cheer.”

    I don’t want to get overconfident, but this along with the ludicrous “First Time” ad just reek of desperation on the part of Obama’s campaign.

  14. He wants to appeal, apparently, to the “youth”. Now the smart youth will realize that there are NO jobs for young people these days, or – not many, and who cares if the Prez is “cool” and swears and is on Letterman and in “Rolling Stone”? Seriously. Give me a square president who gets the job done any day over a silly poser of a fifty year old man who is trying to sound like someone half his age who is rebelling against his parents still. But I am close to Obama’s age so I am immune to these postures. I want square and smart, I hope the young people figure it out.

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