Home » Benghazi: what did Obama know…


Benghazi: what did Obama know… — 19 Comments

  1. I don’t think Americans will tolerate this or the lack of curiosity from the media. It’s one thing for him to lie about petty things (which he does often and with ease) in the name of politics. It’s quite another to lie to America about an attack on our soil against our people. This is intolerable.

  2. I know what he didnt know or learn about:

    c. 410 — Augustine, Sermon 12 [Ben. 62] on the New Testament (Matt. 8.8 and 1 Cor. 8.10)

    c. 1100 — The Charter of Liberties

    c. 1159 — Policratus (the first justification for rising up to remove tyrants)

    June 15, 1215 — The Magna Carta

    1265-1274 — Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica [murdering tyrants is out, but resisting them is ok]

    August 1, 1291 — The Schweizer Bundesbrief

    April 6, 1320 — The Declaration of Arbroath

    1536-1560 — Institutes (John Calvin)

    1556 — A Short Treatise of Politike Power

    1557-1644 — The Geneva Bible’s

    anyone who read all of the above, would find themselves on the doorstep of the founders of the nation of free men…

  3. It’s one thing for him to lie about petty things…

    there have been several serious doozies, with the most blatant being a lie to a audience of african americans telling them a lie about a law and vote in state he voted on with less than 3 weeks passed between the vote and the lie.

    And the actual vote puts the chase to the lie, and his vote, is what the lie says the vote was but wasnt! so even then he was voting against to use the negative vote to manipualte african americans and incite them.

    what for?
    to incite more of whats been happening and we have been ignoring the way germans (Volk) ignored the attacks on jews (scapegoats)

    The rate of violent crime increased by a whopping 17% last year, according to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), marking the biggest jump since 1993. Property crimes also went up 11% last year.

    so how does that lead to whats being fomented?

    [T]here has been a large increase in the rate of violent victimizations for whites, Hispanics and younger people.

    That means white non-Hispanics and Hispanics experienced an increase in violent victimization rates, while the rate for black non-Hispanics was stable, according to the DOJ stats.

    you can read more of it here at Judicial Watch:
    Obama DOJ: Growth in Violent Crimes Against Whites

    yes indeedy… exactly like germany 1933
    (even putin is returning to soviet style behavior from the 1930s)

    its their romantic era they pine for…
    and will have a second go at

  4. We will see about all this tonight on the MSM news programs. I think these emails constitute the proverbial “smoking gun”. If Pravda doesn’t report it, then we know how much traction it will get. I do wonder how long the MSM can continue their charade.

    As all of this comes out, I wonder if Romney had some advance notice, and that’s why he played the Libya line so cool in the debate.

  5. holmes writes (12:51 pm), “I don’t think Americans will tolerate this or the lack of curiosity from the media.”

    Seems to me Americans

    – have tolerated it
    – do tolerate it
    – will continue to tolerate

    “None is so blind as he who will not see.”

    As long as sufficient numbers of Americans have their sports, celebrities, and all their other trivial pursuits to occupy their steadily atrophying minds, they will continue to tolerate it.

    Too bad for those of us with our eyes and ears open.

  6. The blind arrogance with which Obama supporters continue to defend the stunningly inept mismanagement of the Libya situation before and after 9/11/2012 is astonishing.

    While news media in other countries was reporting these attacks as planned attacks from the beginning, Obama and his people were trotting around trying to distract attention to an obscure video. Meanwhile, anyone frequenting the message boards of generic news sites at that time saw hundreds if not thousands of Obama supporters smugly citing the “fire in a theater” argument to support restriction of our right of free speech. It was very clear what Obama and his supporters blamed for the incident.

    As it became impossible to hold on to the position that the attacks were the result of spontaneous riots caused by random offended “folks”, Obama and his supporters simply changed their story. Apparently, there is no concept of truth – truth is simply what they say today. Now, his supporters say, “He SAID it was an ‘Act of Terror’ the day afterward,” when it was clearly not the position taken by our government until days later. I saw one post elsewhere with a snarky comment to the effect that they were still gathering information the next day – you know, smart people do that. Sure, tiger. Smart people gather information before forming an opinion, a statement, a policy, a position. In the interim, they usually make statements saying things like, “We are still gathering information.” It takes something entirely different to invent a completely unrelated, but self-serving, account to present to the world, by multiple individuals officially representing the US Government in various circumstances, until that position has to be abandoned due to too many awkward facts to the contrary surfacing.

    It is obvious that this president knew the nature of this event shortly after it began but refused to address it honestly. He clearly hoped it would go away without the truth coming out in mainstream media.

  7. “It is obvious that this president knew the nature of this event shortly after it began but refused to address it honestly. He clearly hoped it would go away without the truth coming out in mainstream media.”

    And he was right.

  8. Note especially the first link in my comment above which would change the headline to:

    Obama: What did he do and when did he do it.

  9. http://www.blackfive.net/main/2012/10/the-conseqeunces-of-benghazi.html

    The Consequences of Benghazi
    Posted By Blackfive
    [October 24, 2012]

    Without a doubt, there are more consequences than are listed here, and we certainly should understand why certain decisions were made to do nothing, to reduce security, and, for weeks, to blame the enchillada on radical youtube video…

    First of all, we lost four very good men during the attack. Men that are irreplacable.

    Second, we know now that the President, the VP and the SecDef knew what was happening within a relatively immediate timeframe. The way it should have worked was that the SecDef should have given the President options. Of course, one option is to do nothing. Apparently, even after knowing what was happening and having drone footage ~2 hours into the fight, the President decided on nothing. This is problematic if you work for State in the ME. You know now that the President won’t help you in times of dire need. You will either stop taking any risks or you will decide to use more force than might be necessary. Either way, it’s not good for our State people over there.

    The President made the decision to not use F18s (even in a flyover to shake the resolve of the terrorists). The President made the decision to go to Vegas to a campaign dinner.

    So what is worse than our State people now knowing that the President will do nothing if they are attacked?

    Al Qaeda knows that now, too.

  10. Our ambassador died and Obama lied. Put THAT on a bumper sticker.

    Honestly, the whole Libya debacle makes me truly angry. Obama has to be the worst CIC in the history of this country.

  11. “Al Qaeda knows that now, too.”

    There are too many coincidences involved in the Benghazi massacre that point towards the thought that somewhere, perhaps in the rotting head of the fish, there is a back channel to Al Qaeda orchestrating the disturbing consequences of the Arab ‘spring’.

    Obama is the voice of rage and ruin:

  12. There are no coincidences involved in the Benghazi massacre. Consider the possibility that Stevens was either (1) caught in his own trap or (2) set up and hit.

    He and the others were quite deliberately, and repeatedly, left without security–first by its having been removed over weeks and months, and later by having its requested re-supply and increase refused, multiple times.

    The rest of the country didn’t know Stevens was involved in illicit arms transfers to jihadis–a sort of Libyan version of “Fast and Furious”–but the head of this administration and his cohorts knew it.

    The drone which we now know was in place and transmitting the whole event live had to have been arranged in advance–that’s simply a matter of electronic necessity.

    There are other decorations to the story.

    Think about it.

  13. Incidentally, at this point these wizards would love for everyone in the country to conclude that they were simply incompetent. It would provide the best cover they could possibly hope for. I myself don’t believe that anyone at the high levels we’re talking about is capable of being this incompetent.

  14. Even at just the level of incompetence!

    We’re not talking a soda jerk who can’t work the new ice cream dispenser.

    Elections have consequences and electing incompetents who don’t know squat and trust that our enemies really want to be our friends if only we let up a bit on them is an incompetence that rises above incompetence because the consequence is more than spilled ice cream, it is blood and guts in the street, our children’s blood and guts in the street, and damned are we to allow affirmative action and white guilt result in the loss of so much treasure and security and allies in exchange for the likes of Reverend Wright and the Doctors Bell and Cone supported by professional hate mongers and hustlers hired and/or approved by MSNBC.


  15. “Incidentally, at this point these wizards would love for everyone in the country to conclude that they were simply incompetent. It would provide the best cover they could possibly hope for. I myself don’t believe that anyone at the high levels we’re talking about is capable of being this incompetent.”


    I agree, Benghazi smells like a set up from inside the Beltway.

  16. How about: “Obama got Bin Laden; Al Qaeda got SEAL Team 6, with Stinger missiles, supplied by Obama.”

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