Home » Election today in Venezuela


Election today in Venezuela — 9 Comments

  1. I spent a lot of time in Venezuela in the 60’s. At that time, it was pretty democratic…a president made it all the way through his elected term…a first for Venezuela. I’ve been very sad seeing it turn into a dictatorship.

    BTW, ladies, this Capriles guy is a good lookin’ man.

    Hope he wins.

  2. Ché¡vez won the legislative elections in 2010 by egregious Gerrymandering, a form of fraud he is unable to commit in nationwide elections for President. Thugo’s PSUV won about 64% of the legislative seats although it won only about 48% of the vote.

    The difference came by the way the legislative districts were drawn up. Both Venezuelan and US law require legislative districts to have roughly equal populations. In Venezuela, Hugo Ché¡vez and his minions feel no such obligation to draw up voting districts with more or less equal populations, even though the Venezuelan Constitution, written by Hugo’s minions, requires it. “I am the law,” Hugo says.

    Miranda State elections results show Chavista gerrymandering at its “finest.” In Circunscripcié³n /Circuito/voting district 3, which we will call Miranda-3, the M.P.J./MUD [oppo] candidate won with 122,847 votes, which represented 59.7% of the total. Doing the math, a total of 205,774 votes were cast in Miranda-3, a district the oppo won. In Circunscripcié³n/Circuito/voting district 7, which we will call Miranda-7, the PSUV [Chavista] candidate won with 54,980 votes, which represented 65.53 % of the total. Doing the math, a total of 83,901 votes were cast in Miranda-7, a district the Chavistas won.

    While a PSF [Pendejo Sin Fronteras] may claim this was due to higher voter turnout for the oppo relative to Chavistas, an examination of the number of registered voters shows this claim to be a sham. You can click on Miranda-3 and Miranda-7 to find out the number of registered voters. We find out that in Miranda-3, which went oppo, there are 360,118 registered voters- 321,909 in 2010. We find out that in Miranda-7, which went Chavista, there are 166,266 registered voters- 137,843 in 2010.

    To the degree that the oppo has witnesses at the election centers, it will be able to prevent the biggest possibility of fraud: changing the results registered at an individual center by reporting a different result to the central office. There is both an electronic and a paper tally. The electronic tally is reported to the central electoral office. If the oppo is there to get its hands on the paper tally, it can stop this, by comparing the paper tally with what the electronic tally at central office reports. The urban centers will be well covered with oppo witnesses. The fraud will occur in the rural districts, where the oppo is not as well represented.

  3. IF Senor Capriles wins, the rage, squeals, serapes rending and threats from Chavez and his toads will be a nice run-up to the Dems on the night(and many following)on November 6th when Mitt hands the Anointed Infantile Majesty his arrogant head.

  4. “Win or lose, Chavez says he’ll accept result of vote” is the AP headline today. Yeah, right, Hugo, sure you will. In a nominal democracy, even.

    That’s why I worry about a November surprise from Hussein here in the good old USA.

  5. When BHO is defeated there will be riots in the inner city areas across the country. Obama & the MSM will feed the flames. Its good to be in flyover country.

  6. Well, el Jefe Hugo is back in with 54% according to the, ahem, entirely objective Electoral Council. It musta been he kept the independents.

  7. When reading Daniel’s blog I felt like I was reading a blog from America’s near future.

    BTW, just completed almost all of Klein’s The Amateur. Frankly some parts, like Obama’s initial demands on Israel, were too macabre to be believed. As for the rest, that he is ideology driven incompetent; are more or less a confirmation of already accepted observations.

    If the part about Israel is true, then Hillary as well as Obama are straitjacket material.

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