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Garbage in, garbage out — 13 Comments

  1. Don’t you just love it when the left-handed pitcher serves up a knock-it-out-of-the-park ball and the batter does exactly that?

    I think they’ve been taking Wile E. Coyote lessons.

  2. Your lady parts is dating a garbage man and they want free contraceptives from Obama and the next generation i-phone.

  3. Here in the Los Angeles area “We clean your toilets!” is a direct quote from the current Mayor Villaraigosa. He’s a risible figure who makes Obama look like Winston Churchill. Yes, this is the very same buffoon who made a mockery out of voting procedure at the recent Democratic convention; at least he’s consistent in his idiocy.

    During an immigration march back in 2006 (fun times for L.A.) he yelled that statement in an effort to place himself on the side of the Hispanic protestors. Maybe you have to live in SoCal to get the humor, but it was unintentionally hilarious, and continues to be a standout sound bite highlighting the asininity of Villaraigosa.

    When I saw the Garbage Man ad, I immediately imagined Obama yelling “WE TAKE OUT YOUR GARBAGE!”

    And I laughed so hard. Nothing is quite as pathetic as using the normal anonymity of sanitation workers in an effort to drum up voter empathy. I wouldn’t recognize my garbage collector if I saw him either. I daresay 999 out of 1,000 people wouldn’t recognize their garbage collector. We are all such bad, bad people. Maybe if we vote for Obama, we can meet our garbage collectors and become friends. Or something.

  4. I wouldn’t say that I recognise my friendly neighborhood garbage-collection guy … but we do know who he is, because he is at the wheel of that big yellow truck with the automatic grabbing-arm that picks up our wheelie-bins on the designated collection days. We wave at them, when we see them…but then I am a freelance writer and editor, and my daughter works three eccentrically-scheduled part-time jobs, so we are at home in the late morning hours, when the garbage/recycle collection guys are doing their thing and we are usually walking the dogs.

    I’d sport a guess that those of our neighbors with regular jobs with traditional 9-5 hours are usually at work, when the trash/recycle guys come around, so I wouldn’t be surprised if people with long hours at a traditional job don’t know their trash collecter by sight. I wouldn’t think they know their mail delivery person by sight either.

    Just as a note, my mother used to leave the trash guys a six-pack of beer, with a bow on it, the next trash-collection day after Christmas. Have the rules changed, that we have to give them a hug and a kiss, too?

  5. A six-pack of beer is not politically incorrect. So is anything with sugar in it.

    Ask Michelle Obama what she and her family regularly left for their garbage man.

    Bwah hah hah.

  6. Payscale for sanitation workers:

    In NYC: “City-employed sanitation workers — whose job requires a high-school diploma or a G.E.D. — start at $27,842 and peak, after five years, at $44,441 (though raking in overtime increases this “significantly”). Not paltry pay — just about $4,000 less than a cop or a teacher makes — except that in the private sector, without the diploma, sanitation workers start out pulling in $44,200.”

    “… the average sanitation worker in the United States still pulls in $20,381 to start, according to CareerBuilder.com. The average hourly rate for a trash collector in New York City is $24.81, based on statistics from Payscale.com. With overtime and union scale increases, the annual salary of a trash collector can double in five years.
    “Municipal sanitation workers are unionized, which means overtime pay and step increases in salary. Full-time city employees often receive complete medical packages, including dental coverage for an entire family. There are not many industries in which extensive health benefits are available without education requirements beyond eighth grade or high school. Most sanitation workers also get some combination of vacation and sick days, often mandated by a union contract with a city.
    “Perhaps the main draw for those entering the field of sanitation is retirement benefits. A full pension usually kicks in after 20 years for municipal sanitation workers.”

  7. Pingback:Top 30% guy wants Mitt to hug him | Fausta's Blog

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