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Why is the press reporting this story? — 19 Comments

  1. Here it is.

    It resembles an eighth grader’s class project. It’s laughably amateurish. Think “Plan 9 From Outer Space”.

    On the other hand, Ann Barnhardt has made a number of videos that are much more hard-hitting and in-your-face. She actually relishes and revels in insulting Islam. And her videos have been around longer on the internet.

    So how come she’s never been accused of inciting riots?

  2. The reason is to focus attention on the person the Obama regime claims is the culprit. Here he is and he’s not entirely clean, is he? This is a bad guy and he has no worthy motive. He’s a felon and his movie violates the commonsense principle that speech which has no redeeming value is prohibited.

    The Obama regime is trying to re-define free speech in the public sphere, much like they tried to try Zimmerman in the media.

  3. Meanwhile, Bill Maher (“Religulous” movie; million-dollar Obama donor) is waltzing around free, wallowing in cocaine and whores.

    There’s a blistering op ed from the usually taciturn Glenn Reynolds up at Instapundit, “This Is Not America”: “Barack Obama must resign.” He makes the case, with several other stouthearted patriots, that this man took one oath only — to preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. He has breached that oath by siccing the authorities in California on an innocent man whose only “crime” is to create an Internet video that embarrassed the president and his minions.

    Actually it didn’t embarrass them at all, in my opinion. They were hugely relieved to get the lead from the Moslem fanatics on a scapegoat they could use to deflect any domestic criticism.

    This is terrible. I actually copied and pasted Glenn’s post and sent it to more than the Choir; waiting with some trepidation to see what bilge splashes back on me. But man, looking through my email contacts, it struck me that I know so few patriots, and so many doctrinaire Leftists. . . .

  4. Good for you, Beverly!

    I might follow your lead. I just post to FB, and have a small group of people I usually just post political stuff to, but it’s worth getting this out there because I really don’t think many are paying attention. “They’re rioting because of a movie. Seems like a bad guy. Screw ’em” seems to be the accepted reaction. It’s awful.

  5. Obama’s response is turning comically ridiculous. As the Muslim hysteria already embraces the absurd, there’s the comity that Islama, oops, I mean Obama, already told us about.

    First it was Romney’s fault, then an unknown director’s fault, next it’s going to our fault. Oh wait, that one’s been done to.

    It looks like Obama is running out of people to blame.

  6. I put this comment on the post above this one, but it belongs more properly here.

    Rickl, you are absolutely correct. The one you linked to by Ann Barnhardt has been out there for several years now. Why no protests over that one? Is it because she is challenging the jihadis to do something about it?

    And there’s another one out. Produced by a man who donated a million bucks to Obama. Who knew? Of course it’s an equal opportunity blaspheming film. Read all about it here:
    And no protests in the U.S. or ME over that one.

    The imams and radicals use any convenient excuse to whip up the Muslim street. This tiny little film was convenient for them. This time it also happens to be a convenient alibi for the administration. After all, Obama promised that, “The Day I’m Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease.” Read about that here:

    The evidence is pretty firm that what is really going on is the same old same old. The Muslims don’t like infidels, even when we kow tow to them. Very inconvenient for Obama.

    Oh well, as I always say, “Heckuva job, Barry!”




    infringing on their precious rights to not have a warrant generated for their phone calls. or whatever precious rights they supposedly want to be able to plot against America with freedom to not be wire-tapped.


    I could care less if somebody wants to listen to me talk to my girlfriend.

    But if I say something that offends a muslim oh my goodness yes I would have my face hidden. It’s bad enough that my family would be crying their eyes out because they would fear for my safety that Yes I’d have a scarf over my head.

    This whole thing has me so angry – reminiscing about idiot liberals arguing about their rights…

    My anger is so evident these days I know.

  8. It looks like Obama is running out of people to blame.

    At the risk of ruining the movie for you…

    “He’ll ALWAYS have Bush….”

  9. “He’ll ALWAYS have Bush….”

    Coming to a theater near you soon: “Blame ROMNEY for everything!”

  10. The LA Times comments are…disturbing. I won’t said “scary,” because I’m not scared. But disturbed and concerned, yes. This could get completely out of control.

  11. Oh, the answer is “d,” except when they think they are advancing the Democrats’ (should I have used scare quotes?) narrative.

  12. To be a bit crude, this strikes me as a carload of clowns circling the tiny car and now they are busy screaming and pointing fingers to select a clown who pooped in the car.

    The blame for all this preplanned mayhem rests on the shoulders of the thousands of Islamists who are committing murder and creating chaos and destruction. Makes me what to buy 365 copies of the Koran, wrap them in bacon and set them on fire day by day on youtube. I say if thousands of Americans pushed these fanatical idiots to the extreme and then stand back as they destroy their own cities and their own demented culture, the demented culture will become cannibalistic and they will soon tire of the fanaticism. Meanwhile, be prepared to shoot any towel head who approaches with 500 yards of American and withdraw all our diplomats under armed guards with C130 gun ships circling over head and carriers filled with cruise missiles read to respond off shore.

    In other words, force a show down and see who remains standing. Leave them on their own, boycott their oil or other resources. Let them pound sand and drink camel urine/blood. 6 months?

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