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Framing the Rudd election — 19 Comments

  1. For an update on Merkel’s situation, see John Vinocur’s Politicus column on the Europe page of today’s International Herald Tribune. Schroeder and Foreign Minister Steinmeier are trying to set up another “He kept us out of war” campaign and will use the Russian bear and Iran to do it. You might also want to check out Vinocur’s archived articles.

  2. I have hope the tide is turning. Besides Merkel and Sarkozy, there is Gordon Browne who is not as supportive as Blair but continues to profess friendship with America and it’s importance to Great Britain, and also now there is the new leader in Belgium. Every election victory helps.

  3. I believe the Danes went Right recently.
    Putting a couple of their navy ships in anti-piracy work. This relieves the US in the Horn and Gulf areas of a bit of concern, leaving that much more to pay attention to other bad guys.
    Also fighting with us.

  4. Nah, it couldn’t be that – it is obviously Australia voting by proxy in the US elections. We are simply grasping at straws when it is obvious Iraq is in shambles, the economy is in the toilet, and the reign of the neo-con is over ushering in the age of peace, love, and harmony that was promised in the 60’s (just apparently not while the moon is in the seventh house and Venus and Mercury are aligned it seems).

    All republicans should read this and DESPAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIR!

    Err, or something like that.

  5. “…and reporters are simpletons.”

    What does that make the people who read newspapers and watch TV news?

  6. Be that as it may (and I cannot fathom your endless tirade against the New York Times), I find it ironic that Bush will be credited for being the French over to the American side and highly doubtful that we’re about to see French troops in Baghdad.

  7. Bunky:

    “What does that make the people who read newspapers and watch TV news?”

    Sad and angry, I suspect. People who read newspapers and watch TV news are, generally, disgusted by the ignorance and illogic displayed by the reporters.

  8. What does that make the people who read newspapers and watch TV news?

    Trim says sad and angry. I just say skeptical. But that only applies to those who do understand that headlines are simple, and that (many) reporters are simpletons or biased, or both.

  9. Regarding the Chicago Tribune, it can’t really be called conservative or liberal. It’s all over the map, mainly the map of ignorance, and it has many clueless columnists who write a lot of pap. Its reporting on the Middle East is just pathetic. Once in a while it has a decent column from Victor Davis Hanson or Charles Krauthammer.

  10. Sorry, what was the electoral defeat of Tony Blair that you referred to ? Last time I looked he won the last election he fought in the UK and retired undefeated handing over the role of prime minister by agreement to a chosen successor. Who has continued to keep British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan in support of the US.

  11. Last time I looked he won the last election he fought in the UK and retired undefeated handing over the role of prime minister by agreement to a chosen successor. Who has continued to keep British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan in support of the US.

    Boy, that’s a spin job if I’ve ever read one. Blair handed his job over to a successor because nobody wanted him in power any longer. And you are clever to state that British troops are remaining in Iraq, when in fact all that will be left will be a residual force as most of the British troops go home.

  12. Blair’s time was up, Iraq or no Iraq, though everyone knows that favor for him had dissipated due to the Iraq war. And now the Australians are gone. Whose left? There’s that little country in Eastern Europe called…. Bulgaria? Quite a coalition of the willing, huh?

    And please, can we stop trashing the press just because it doesn’t usually agree with the Neocon line? Where is the press that’s bringing good news about this war? Are they all delusional? I’m willing to listen. Can they all be liberal scallywags?

  13. jimmy: I wonder why it is that you confuse my criticism of the MSM for omitting relevant facts that disagree with the line the MSM wishes to present with “trashing” the press for disagreeing with the “Neocon line.”

    Anyone who reads me should perceive that I have an interest in looking at issues in depth, rather than following any “line,” neocon or other. You may not agree with my conclusions or my point of view, but please don’t insult me by accusing me of following in lockstep with a party line of some sort.

  14. Let us not forget, Neo, that the Brits also kicked Churchill’s party out after the war was over. People are just so ungrateful.

  15. Btw, Merkel has her own problems given that she had to jon in a Grand Coalition with SDP to acquire the majority of votes needed for her party to gain the Prime Ministership.

    That means that SDP is going to be able to campaign while having access to all kinds of government powers and funds. You know what they will do then.

  16. Yes Rudd got in and I think it was only because, as you said, the Howard government hads been in a long time. In my opinion it won’t take too long for them to stuff up though. The Labour party traditionally has no business people as elected members, and a government is big business.

    What have we elected? A hodge podge group of teachers and unionists with a few run-down rejects from the media thrown in for good measure.

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