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Roundup — 31 Comments

  1. The New York appellate courts should permit the appeal to go forward if they want to avoid a state-wide, ahem, business bloodbath. As things stand, New York can confiscate your property on flimsy pretexts if it just doesn’t like you.

  2. 1) Biden is upset his polling is bad.

    2) It seems there’s lots of tension between the Biden and Obama factions within the Biden WH. I expect this to get worse as Biden’s numbers get worse.

    3) Biden seems to be applying a lot of pressure on Bibi and Israel, since the war is one of those factors splitting his coalition.

    It almost looks like a doom loop.

  3. Biden’s failures are responsible for GOP gains among minority groups, but Trump also has more of a rapport with African-Americans and Latino voters (especially men) than any Republican has had for a very long time — if ever. Even a century ago when Black people who weren’t disenfranchised voted for Republicans it wasn’t because of any bond they felt with the candidates. I suspect the gains among Hispanics will be larger and longer lasting than those among African-American voters, but it will be interesting if Democrats can no longer count on 90% of the Black vote.

    It’s indeed horrible that government officials or a political party or campaign can get social media to censor, bury or spin the news, but if there’s no coercion involved — if the tech companies and media companies are more than willing to manipulate information for the benefit of politicians they agree with, is there really a case here?

    It was the “conservative” columnist at the Post who called on Harris to resign. Why is Kathleen Parker so concerned about the good of the Democratic Party? Shouldn’t Biden have stepped down for the good of the country? Would Harris be any worse than Biden?

  4. Time is running out but have said for a long time neither Sundowner or Harris will run. Still think a bait and switch will happen at their convention.
    Has there been many $450 M fines on a person?
    They will start stealing assets of Trump is my guess.

    All for a Kangaroo Court to stop Trump

  5. And from the “I Don’t Think that Word Means What You Want it to Mean” Department of Mis-State, Jake Sullivan (of “The region hasn’t been this quiet in over 20 year” fame) is just the latest pardner to sidle up to the word salad bar (indeed, word salad seems to have hit epidemic proportions in Go-Green DC—either that…or all that roughage is just the latest rage…):

    ” ‘Anarchy reigns’: Sullivan says Israel has failed to stabilize Gaza”—

    Nope, you can’t make this stuff up….

  6. well parker soiled herself back in 2008, and her team up with Client no 9, didn’t make things much better, apparently her bobby soxer sis, Peggy Noonan agrees for what it’s worth,

    Ah Sullivan the visitor from the munsch painting, don’t ever change, now his association with that Chinese regime think tank doesn’t show at all

    no raFah is like tora bora, the last stand of the haniyeh protectorate,


  7. We live in a Trump property, and sometimes even get to see him. A lot of Black functions here. They seem to like the bling, the glitter. The lobby is all gold and crystal, with marble floors. It looks elegant. Surprising how many, esp male, Blacks compliment me on my Trump hat. Hispanics seem more matter of fact about him – they like him, and nothing more needs to be said. The thing is, that there are a lot of working class people here in Las Vegas, and that is the group that Trump speaks to.

    I first saw this the day after his nomination in 2016, when he had a thank you meeting for the people who made the convention possible. That was uniquely Trump, calling them out, group by group, etc. Around here, even the Dem staff are impressed. One of the security agents tells the story of meeting him. He is obvious Irish, with his name. Trump asked him if he was, and after confirmation, told him why he loved the Irish. Then every time he met him after that would remark on it. Interestingly, that seems to be a Republican thing – GWB and Trump know/knew the names of the people working for them, and appreciate what they do. WJC, Obama, and FJB have no interest. FJB may be even worse in this area than Crooked Hillary was.

  8. Well at least SOMONE’s—finally?—been paying attention….
    “…Biden & Dems attempting a double coup d’etat against 2 democracies; ours and Israel’s!”—
    – – – – – – –
    By the way, miguel, that’s a scream…(!)
    – – – – – – –
    I don’t think one has to delve too, too deeply to infer that Parker believes that
    a) Harris’s presence as VP is keeping Decent Joe in the race; and
    b) If Harris falls on her sword, then Biden can then “decide” to exit in favor of someone else (which is what Parker believes should happen and ASSUMES WILL happen)…except that Harris’s hubris—an inability (i.e., REFUSAL) to be a “team player”—is what’s preventing Biden’s departure from the scene.

    Note all the assumptions at play here.
    To be sure, in Parker’s case, if ONE WANTS IT TO HAPPEN, then it must surely be so…

  9. On 2: the great legal scholar and Justice KJB, just stated the 1st Admendment could be used to hamstring the government. Isn’t that the point of the 1st???

    Wtf is Obama meeting with the UK PM??? Just more evidence of who is really running things.

  10. doesn’t he look like the character, all he needs is some wavy swirls behind him,

    of course his promotion has gone up from his role in benghazi, where he enabled the coverup of the al queda assassination of an Ambassador, and his top staff

    sunak has not gone along entirely with the net zero??agenda, matthew vaughns kingsman was very subversive, in painting obama in all but name, as one of a cadre of world willing to collaborate with a modern day bond villain who has all the accountrements of schwab with Samuel Jacksons’s swagger

  11. Yeah, physicsguy, that was pretty funny…
    …but then I remembered that Her Honor can’t even define what a woman is—or adamantly refuses (no doubt as a matter of highest principle) to give us the benefit of her vast knowledge and experience on this difficult and complex matter…so I concluded that her latest—impressive—eructation was just another aspect of a meticulously-honed standup, er sit-down, routine.

    Like they say, “If a government CAN’T void the First Amendment, then what’s a government good for anyway??”

  12. #4 is actually funny. Not gonna happen, but it’s funny coming from Kathleen Parker nonetheless.

    Affirmative Action VP is not going anywhere without something major coming unstuck in her life.

  13. Biden continues to hemorrhage support from black and Hispanic working class men. Nate Silver is sufficiently worried about this but Team Biden chooses to double down on scaring the college educated, pearl-clutching, white suburban women about “bloodbaths.”

  14. this clown show got decided dark at abbey gate at the gates of kiev, and the kibbutzim in southern israel,

    the women’s marchers suddenly got real quiet when it came to erasing real women from sports, when their safety was threatened, not by maga cap wearers but from other mixed up characters,

  15. the oral arguments are not encouraging, if prima facie evidence of censorship is not clear to them, really what is there to say,

    the stampede toward banning tiktok (which is bad okay) but would never be used against Rumble Twitter in its current incarnation or Truth Social, perish the thought,

    we discovered very quickly in 2020, who will lie without effort and those who would dig for the truth, it’s a sliver of an inkling of a shadow really, all the major dailies would pretend a virus didn’t come from a chinese chartered bio lab, who would lie about its spread pattern, who would blacklist effective therapeutics, who would engage in policy that would maximize the body count

  16. Bruce Hayden — Friends of my parents went to the wedding of one of the Nixon girls. As they went through the receiving line, Nixon thanked them by name and said something personal, like “How was your travel from [wherever they were from]?” My parents’ friends were very impressed — not that either of them really thought Nixon specifically remembered whoever was the reason they were invited — or even really knew who either was — but that he remembered his briefing on the guests, and seemed very personable, like he actually knew them. I think the other things that surprised then was that Nixon came across as genuinely personable. Friendly.

    Another friend of my parents met Reagan post-governship / pre-presidency, and it was a similar thing: seemed likely he genuinely knew my parents’ friend (though he really only could’ve through a briefing) and came across as very personable.

  17. @ Jeff Cox > “Justice Jackson’s comments are very —-”

    —- compelling evidence that DEI hires for SCOTUS are a very bad idea.

  18. Jake Sullivan (Hillary’s former errand boy) is apparently determining the administration’s foreign policy.

    Having zero military experience himself, he feels free to tell Israel’s combat hardened leadership how to conduct the war in Gaza.

    It’s time for the IDF to annihilate Hamas.

  19. I can’t recall a more disturbing statement from a Supreme Court Justice in my lifetime.

    It’s like an employee at McDonalds complaining that the counter limits the ability of the paying customers to flip hamburgers for the staff. Except the hamburgers are our natural rights and the counter is the Constitution.

  20. I may have missed it, but with respect to the first Amendment case, I don’t recall hearing any reference to the question of VISIBILITY of government input into social media coverage of issues.

    One of the aspects of government input into coverage of issues that I find most noxious is that it was done surreptitiously. Done this way, it is tantamount to mind control… encouraging the citizenry to believe that the majority has a certain belief, when in fact it is merely that other beliefs are being suppressed by an “invisible hand”.

    I have generally no problem with government use of the bully pulpit, although I know that Jackson and others seem to think it is insufficient to protect the public. Influence over the public discourse in this way seems to be a natural consequence of electoral success. But exercising control surreptitiously is another matter entirely. That strikes me as simply fraudulent.

    I wish SCOTUS would ask the government why in their view influence over social media (etc.) must be hidden?! I cannot think of any truthfully logical reason besides “So we can exercise influence without you being aware of it!”

    Someone should ask Associate Justice Jackson the same question!

  21. Those Founding Fathers were damned insurrectionists, hamstringing the government like that. Well waddaya expect from “white privelege” …

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