Home » More news on the Georgia Trump case and Fani Willis


More news on the Georgia Trump case and Fani Willis — 17 Comments

  1. Dershowitz “lamented how the ruling “undercuts our legal system tremendously.”

    How can any ‘ruling’ undercut a ‘legal system’ that no longer exists?

    Human nature is such that when something of great value is lost, at the least it takes time to accept the loss. Some people, like Alan Dershowitz, simply can’t accept that loss, so they pretend to themselves that it’s simply been… ‘misplaced’.

  2. “However, an odor of mendacity remains.”


    Powerline had a great riff on that line, relating it back, correctly I’m sure, to Burl Ives in the screen adaptation of Tennessee Williams’ “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.”

    What’s that smell in this room? Didn’t you notice it, Brick? Didn’t you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room? There ain’t nothin’ more powerful than the odor of mendacity. You can smell it. It smells like death.


    –Burl Ives, “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof — Mendacity” (1958)


    Those Southern writers!

  3. People mock, but, all the actions taken by this government and the progs will lead to an environment like the 2019 movie Mosul.

  4. Unfortunately for Georgia and the country the rot goes all the way to the top, past this comprimised judge, cough, to the governor.

  5. huxley:

    I loved that movie when I saw it. I was quite young and didn’t quite “get” all the nuances, but then it was kind of cleaned up anyway from the play version. But – Paul Newman’s eyes!! And Burl Ives was very good in it. Somewhat over-the-top but very very good. They sure don’t make em like that anymore.

    I was so young I had to look up “mendacity.” Later on it became a favorite word of mine.

  6. It’s odd that Wikipedia doesn’t have Judge McAfee’s birth date, just that he was born in 1988 or 89. I’m surprised he’s only in his mid-30’s. That’s young for a judge and he looks a lot older.

  7. Marisa:

    He’s in his mid-30s I guess. I think he looks a bit older because he’s lost a lot of his hair, but he certainly doesn’t look a lot older to me. Photos here.

  8. Just had thought , the power of Leftists is their ability to make everyone go along or at least not creating a perception not to fight their goals or pay the consequences.

  9. I’m puzzled by this entire process. The argument against Willis is that there is evidence that she embarked on this prosecution for her personal benefit (either kickbacks from her boyfriend, doing a favor for her boyfriend, or promoting her career by attacking Trump) rather than for the “interests of justice.” Her conflict is obvious to pretty much everyone but McAfee (who also has a conflict of interest because he’s running for election two months in a jurisdiction where Willis for some reason holds considerable political power).

    That said, either Trump, et al. committed crimes or they didn’t, and the fact that Willis is corrupt doesn’t address that issue. The simple answer: declare Willis’ entire office conflicted and turn the prosecution over to the state. Let a new set of legal eyes decide whether to proceed.

    Equally appalling is the lack of a pardon mechanism. The case needs to be moved to a venue where Trump has a fair chance. The Mark Steyn case shows that inner city juries will decide against conservatives regardless of the evidence. Fulton County is undoubtedly among the counties in Georgia most biased against Trump.

    This is a very big deal indeed. There’s a wrong being committed for which there is no remedy other than an appeals court at some distant point deciding that the jury found Trump guilty when no “reasonable jury” would have done so. I can’t see this ending well if a sham proceeding results in a guilty verdict and Trump is hauled off to a state prison. Some adults need to take charge here.

  10. No he didnt commit any crime, except speaking truth to power she committed embezzlement multiple frauds upon the court missprisonment and everything else under the sun

  11. Wasn’t it the Georgia Governor’s office that refused to investigate acknowledged voter fraud when asked to by Trump, that then claimed the request was a request to create false votes, and then that leaked it to the media?

    The Governor must have decided to switch horses if the opportunity arises!

  12. yes Kemp is an accessory to the fraud, because consent decrees pushed y the likes of Marc Elias, because of the Dominion machines he bought as Secretary of State,

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