Home » In a 9-0 decision, SCOTUS does the right thing in the anti-Trump Colorado ballot case


In a 9-0 decision, SCOTUS does the right thing in the anti-Trump Colorado ballot case — 12 Comments

  1. I understand that politics weigh heavily with justices, but in this case, I’d give the Democrat-appointed justices credit for not going with simple partisanship, and instead more or less sticking with the law and the principle that voters should decide elections and not judges. But what was the “anything more,” the further that the five justices went and the other four didn’t want to go?

  2. I’m busy tonight, but I would like to see the legal “experts” on MSNBC and the hosts rationalize and explain this.

    The one I really hate (and I mean hate) is Neal Katyal. He wrote on Twitter that the CO. trial court did make a finding of insurrection. That’s correct as far as it goes. The important point is that SCOTUS decided the case on a matter of law. SCOTUS didn’t need to review any of the facts. And appellate courts rarely do that; and certainly not the S. Ct. Katayl knows that.

  3. Abraxas:

    They left open the question of who could do it. The majority said it could only be done by Congress through a 2/3 vote.

  4. Had it not been 9-0 I would have loved to have read the dissenting opinion.

  5. Thank you Banned Lizard. No way I ever see that had you not posted. And it was great.

  6. And why did the three Democrat-appointed SCOTUS justices rule against Colorado, anyway? Legal principles might well be involved, although that’s not always in evidence with judges, to say the least. But I definitely think they realized that such an act by states, if allowed to stand, represents a future danger to candidates of both parties.


    As well as a near-existential threat to the Supreme Court’s power, if puny state courts can start calling the shots affecting national stakes.

    One way I understand the world is that organizations are acutely sensitive to maintaining and extending the power of their fiefdoms.

  7. What a mid-wit.


    Reminds me of the great story of Bill Murray and Chevy Chase coming to blows just before a SNL show opened:

    …as the two flushed and furious performers were pulled apart, Murray spat the insult, “Medium talent!” at the departing Chase.


    Ooo. Burn!

    ‘Course, Murray was right.

  8. It’s one thing to accuse the Democrats of being willing to pervert the rule of law for their own benefit, but quite another to have them demonstrate that fact in dozens on instances. Republicans were probably not smart enough or ruthless enough to prove it, but Democrats just can’t resist helping them!

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