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Hamas: sexual sadists — 52 Comments

  1. If you read any account of the sacking and looting of any city up until about the twentieth century, you will find that what Hamas did has been pretty much the norm throughout human history, long before the advent of widely available pornography, however violent. One account, from the sack of Constantinople by the Crusaders in 1204:

    …with one consent all the most heinous sins and crimes were committed by all with equal zeal. Could those, who showed so great madness against God Himself, have spared the honorable matrons and maidens or the virgins consecrated to God?

    Nothing was more difficult and laborious than to soften by prayers, to render benevolent, these wrathful barbarians, vomiting forth bile at every unpleasing word, so that nothing failed to inflame their fury. Whoever attempted it was derided as insane and a man of intemperate language. Often they drew their daggers against any one who opposed them at all or hindered their demands.

    No one was without a share in the grief. In the alleys, in the streets, in the temples, complaints, weeping, lamentations, grief, the groaning of men, the shrieks of women, wounds, rape, captivity, the separation of those most closely united. Nobles wandered about ignominiously, those of venerable age in tears, the rich in poverty. Thus it was in the streets, on the corners, in the temple, in the dens, for no place remained unassailed or defended the suppliants. All places everywhere were filled full of all kinds of crime. Oh, immortal God, how great the afflictions of the men, how great the distress!

  2. A Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim . Islam is a barbaric cult. NOT a religion!! Get over your delusion of coexistence!! Sexual violence is the basic tenet of this cult . It attracts the ignorant single male and gives him power and meaning to his empty soulless existence! It empties society of the female soul and spirit and denigrates women of their humanity . So much easier to rape and torture them. Kept them in the basement and ignorant no role in society

  3. Nicetas Choriates:

    I listed the sacking of cities by barbarians, and I’ve certainly read descriptions. However, for the most part, the time frame was earlier than the turn of the 20th century. In addition, if you follow the link I gave, Hamas did a lot worse than rape and murder. As did many other barbarians, of course.

  4. I don’t plan to follow the link to the Legal Insurrection article. I know Hamas/Palestine is evil incarnated.

    The problem is, my judgement based on twitter posts, MSM news, etc., that the folks that really need to check it out won’t read it either.

  5. The poor Gazans are getting what they wanted. October 7th was a declaration of war against Israel. I’ve little sympathy for the Gaza civilians. Nearly all of them celebrated the 10/7 massacre. Besides, civilians always die in wars, it’s not unusual at all. And it’s worse in this case because Hamas operates mostly without uniforms or command structures. The IDF should execute any fighters without uniforms that offer surrender. They have no Geneva convention protection.

    Hamas and Gaza got what they wanted and they’re getting it good and hard.

  6. It is true that sexual relations between men and women in Islam are not the same as in most other cultures. Bluntly put, the genital mutilation of young girls causes them, and is intended to cause them, to be sexually frigid. In the many countries where FGM is practiced, no man can have the mutually satisfactory sex life which is found in a happy marriage where the wives are not “cut.” Women are sexual objects, not loving participants. Carried to extremes, as in the Gazan incursion, this becomes sociopathic. Women are objects, Jewish women are even more so, and the hatred endemic in all of Gazan culture expresses itself in appalling barbarism.

    According to what I have read, the sexual perversions endemic to the society were also carried out upon males.

  7. Kate, Neo, what if I love you? You don’t need to love me back. I’ve been reflecting on the sheer hell.

  8. I saw an interview with two Arab women who are “Peace Activists” and who watched the video that Israel showed. Both were horrified. One was a Syrian who may have been a Christian, but I am not sure. Anyhow, she had seen a lot of the horrors that ISIS visited up Syria and she found this worse. Not because it was really any different in the horror, but because Hamas took pleasure in it, and seemed to enjoy themselves. ISIS may have as well, but at least, apparently, they did it with a straight face.

  9. I read the LI article before I came here. I also didn’t watch the videos.

    I want to grab those smug bitches and bastards who go around tearing down pictures of the missing, and tie them to a chair and force them to watch. Then they can go serve sandwiches to Gazan soldiers.

    For those who provide material support, a free ride on a C-17 to within 100 miles of Gaza. They can be guided to the rear ramp, and we shall see if a 1200 foot fall affects their ability to swim the rest of the way.

    And for those in the Biden/Obama administration who enable, the only jobs available to them should be working in Gaza or the West Bank. Let them live with those they support.

  10. The bastards defiled what should be the most sacred and most intimate moment between a man and woman. and, I have to, I don’t know. I just don’t know. I can’t imagine. But i can.i can believe a great deal of horror but I don’t want to believe this.

  11. I can imagine if I can imagine it, it can be done. I don’t want to accuse someone of a crime they didn’t commit. But God forgive them.

  12. I’m surprised the NYT actually put out that article. But I’m happy they did since so many on the Democrats still get so much of their news predominantly the Times and in general (erroneously) view the Times as beyond reproach.

  13. 20th Century examples of the melding of rape and slaughter abound.

    The record of Japanese Inperial forces in China are almost one long story of sexual butchery and atrocity when first conquering, and then, when as in Manila, Philipines, being expelled.

    The Mau Mau in Kenya, the rebels in the Belgian Congo (Stanleyville massacres, nuns hacked and cannibalized), and the still well known maurading and butchery of the Hutu militias are notable 20th century events; as were the activities of Soviet troops in East Prussia as they defeated the Nazis on the Nazi’s home turf and sought sexual revenge on the female civilian population.

    And then there is Algeria as the first clashes began

    ….’Most of the victims were French farm owners or minor officials, reflecting the French population in the rural areas. They were also often mutilated, their throats cut, their genitals dismembered, their bellies slit open and their insides taken out as well as their hands and feet cut off. ” Date: 26 March, 2008
    Auteur: Peyroulou Jean-Pierre

    [ I used that cite for convenience rather than trying to quote my Alistair Horne book, “A Savage War of Peace”. But as with many internet searches on contentious issues nowadays, looking for “Algerian massacres” will mostly provide agenda based results focusing on French retaliatory attacks. To a lesser degree one sees the same with the 1204 sack of Constantinople, ignoring the role of Byzantine Imperial politics, the Venetians, and precursor events such as the Massacre of the Latins, 1182 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massacre_of_the_Latins ]

  14. Okay, I know this sounds crazy, and maybe my comment will get banned, but I think that rational supporters of civilization need to to start openly discussing the possibility that genocide is the only answer.

    How can Palestinian society possibly be reformed? Where could they even be exiled? No one wants them. They’ve embraced a death cult, so give them death. But it’s important that everyone share the responsibility.

    Representatives from every country that’s funded Hamas must actively participate in the extermination of the so-called Palestinians, and it should be neither easy nor painless. Put each of them down, one-by-one, like the rabid dogs that they are. Record each death for posterity. Salt the earth.

    The alternative is the gruesome slaughter of innocents, and quite possibly nuclear war.

  15. I cannot support genocide. However, all funding for UNWRA, Hamas, Fatah in the West Bank, and the NGOs which fan the flames must end.

  16. Beginning at least as early as the Munich massacre of Israeli athletes in 1972, western governments, non-governmental organizations and Israel itself have poured money into Palestinian organizations in an attempt to buy a decent Palestinian society. Throw an old man off a cruise ship, get a million. Hijack a plane, get a few more. What was learned was not that producing a decent productive society has benefits but that producing a vicious society drenched in Jew hatred gets rewarded.

  17. I just read the LI article, but could not watch the videos. I am a little traumatized just reading the article. I am not a person who doesn’t know about the terrible things that people can do to people. But, I really think this is on a new level. I agree with those that said these young college students need to be forced to see the videos. And I also agree no mercy to the Palis.

  18. I’m going a little OT on Kate’s comment, but this is why I think Trump will win the nomination and may well win the general election depending on the mood of the country at that time. Let’s face it, he’s the only one who can truly be trusted to take a flamethrower to all that shit (excuse my language).

  19. Cornflour:

    Not a good idea.

    Some might have said as much after WWII about the Germans and the Japanese. But de-Nazifiction, etc., worked. Of course, both nations were already more civilized than Gazans are, but both had become very violent and both committed many atrocities, and the Germans in particular had a very hateful and destructive ideology. However, de-Nazification only was able to occur after complete and total defeat as well as occupation.

    It would be good if the UAE were able to be in charge of some of the re-education of Gazans. That country has changed its education system to eliminate the teaching of anti-Semitism, and has had some success. Also this more recently.

  20. DNW:

    Of course 20th Century examples abound. But they are not business-as-usual, as they were in the time of barbarians regularly sacking cities. I was referring to the latter in my 12:49 comment.

  21. Nonapod:

    I was surprised it was the Times, too. Human decency won out for the moment over their anti-Israel stance.

  22. Young Muslim men are the most sexually starved people on earth. Kate at 1:16 has it correct. Islamic society is forever warped by the treatment of females. The Hamas outrages were only an extreme example.

  23. cornflour, I have had similar thoughts. But as of course you know, if we did that, we would no longer be the culture we are trying to preserve. By destroying them, we would be destroying what’s most valuable in ourselves. I am not judging, I understand why you proposed this, I don’t have a better answer, and this is why I’ve been feeling too despairing lately to comment very much. But I hear you.

  24. Is it wrong to wish to have been in Southern Israel that day with a long barreled 12 Gauge with modified choke and rifle sights and hundreds of rounds of 00 Buckshot and rifled slugs, just to beat back the barbarians?

  25. I read the LI piece and the NYT account, against my own inclination. I have been despondent all day.

    I then saw one of the Vermont shooting victims on TV saying he would “always support Hamas and Gaza.”

    Is that really something you want potential jurors to hear?

  26. Mercy to the barbaric is cruelty to the civilized.

    I don’t hate cockroaches, I simply firmly step on them.

    Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, etc are symptomatic. The causal factor is Islam itself.

    84%-86% of Egyptians support the death penalty for apostasy.

    June 23, 2015: “According to a new nationwide online survey (Below) of 600 Muslims living in the United States… a majority (51%) agreed that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to shariah.”
    “More than half (51%) of U.S. Muslims polled also believe either that they should have the choice of American or shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply shariah.”
    “nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”

    I think it highly doubtful that the hundreds ( thousands?) of foreign Muslims coming across our southern border are more moderate.

  27. Genocide is an inappropriate term when applied to the current war in Gaza. Gaza is a place which is inhabited by some Palestinians. Palestinians live in a number of other areas. In addition, Israel’s aim is clearly not to exterminate the people in Gaza.

  28. Barring unconditional surrender and return of all hostages, I’m for leveling Gaza and rendering the tunnels unusable unto the seventh generation.

    I draw the line at genocide.

  29. Are there, yet, any feminist or women’s groups which have said this treatment of women is unacceptable?

  30. Richard Aubrey:

    Phyllis Chesler is a prominent 70s Second Wave Feminist. She’s been off the reservation for a while. But she’s definitely put her foot in it now:

    Modern Feminism’s Failure to Condemn Hamas

    The feminists have deserted Jewish women. And it wasn’t just Jewish women. There were Arab Muslim women, and there were Thai Buddhist women. No doubt many Christian women or some Christian women who were also raped, murdered, and kidnapped.

    –Phyllis Chesler, “Modern Feminism’s Failure to Condemn Hamas”



  31. While Hamas, not Israel, has been controlling Gaza since 2006, many UN goons have claimed it was an open air prison. Dishonestly.

    Kigali, capital of Rwanda, had multiple pairs of military fighters with automatic rifles, patrolling the streets, when I was there some 15 years after their genocide.

    It will take at least a generation of strict policing to create a culture that avoids public expressions of Islamic Jew Hate. Rwanda changed their language to English. It would be good if Israel made English the official language of occupied Gaza, and required all Gazans to learn it.

    Also to treat most of the unwanted Gazans as POWs, until they demonstrate a willingness to live in peace with Israel.

  32. Tom Grey –

    Making English the official language only works insofar as you don’t have other alternatives that the entire population can turn to. Since Gaza is a homogenous culture, that isn’t the case. They all know Arabic. And since Islam requires Arabic (the Koran only “counts” if it’s in Arabic), you can’t do away with Arabic so long as the residents of Gaza still practice Islam.

    Thus, as often seems to be the case, it all comes down to Islam. Convince everyone to stop following Islam, and a different national language becomes feasible. But convincing everyone to stop following Islam will also likely mellow out the population toward the Israelis – particularly the Jews.

    I heard the news once again announce unironically today that the vast majority of casualties in Gaza are women and children. And once again the unbidden question silently crossed my mind: “If these numbers are accurate (but I don’t believe they are), what are all of the men doing?”

  33. Tom it will take more than a generation. Good news is a lot of Muslims despise their creed as much as I do. They are not yet at liberty to say

  34. @ Neo > “I was surprised it was the Times, too. Human decency won out for the moment over their anti-Israel stance.”

    Somehow I doubt that the NYT newsroom had a sudden attack of moral probity sufficient to counter the animus of their staff & leadership against Israel.

    A more likely set of possibilities:
    (1) Someone(s) with more clout than an editor* over-ruled the dominant narrative for some reason. Money is a likelier motive than sympathy for Israel. The backlash against the Poisoned Ivies for their pusillanimous presidents and the growing ire of the public ** over disruptions by pro-Hamas protestors may have instigated a reconsideration of where their “brand” should be positioned even with their relentlessly leftist readers.

    (2) Although the Democrats are funding ALL sides of the Middle East bellicosity, at the moment Biden Inc. is pretending to support Israel***, so perhaps the Memo went around to be more sympathetic to Israel for awhile to keep his poll numbers from cratering even more with their own party members. Later, they will once again lead with the “more in sorrow than anger and for your own good” yarn-spinning.

    (3) The initial reports from Israel about the massacres, gruesome as they were, have been serially superseded by more and more violently sadistic accounts, beginning with the first video shown to selected audiences, followed by individual anecdotes and hostages’ testimonies, and now this. The mind-boggling response from the beginning defied belief: denying the death reports, blaming Israel itself, withholding condemnation of Hamas as long as possible, etc.. Now it seems that each incremental rise in denial is paralleled by a rise in the Israeli revelations.

    There may be some thought that by publicizing this iteration the NYT will “allow” the left-wing to acknowledge what all the world except the Muslims and University idiots have known since the first day, and end (or at least tone-down) the denials so that Israel won’t release any further, worse (if that can even be imagined) stories.

    Just a few ideas. We may never know what the paper’s reasoning is.

    *James Bennet, most of you will recall
    In a masterful stroke of gaslighting, publisher A. G. Sulzberger said that “none of these changes mark a retreat from The Times’s responsibility to help people understand a range of voices across the breadth of public debate.”

    He didn’t mean it then, and he hasn’t suddenly decided to practice what he promised.

    **The Bee, of course

    ***Tobin h/t Powerline

  35. It would be good if Israel made English the official language of occupied Gaza, and required all Gazans to learn it.

    Tom Grey:

    It would certainly give the Gazans something different to do … as opposed to finding more ways to hate and kill Jews.

    Arabic is one of the toughest languages for English speakers to learn. Different script. Few cognates. I assume that goes in the other direction too.

    French is kissing cousins to English and it’s more than enough work for me.

    I like the idea of making Gazans learn English. Out of the box. But I doubt it could happen.

  36. In addition to script and cognates and different grammatical structure, Arabic has some sounds English speakers have a hard time producing. Worse than German in that respect.

  37. Huxley

    thanks for the Chesler piece. I’ve read others saying one or another portion of the theme here.

    “Who Stole Feminism” is good, as well.

    Must admit my question was rhetorical.

    Years ago, Tammy Bruce said that feminism exists to serve the left. If a women’s issue will advance the leftist cause, it’s a Big Deal. If it does not…it’s meaningless. The women in question can take a hike.

    But in a case like this, you’d think that some of the more innocent hangers-on would break loose. Just this once. Just this once. That’s the outrage, and a puzzle. Lots of feminists are, so to speak, part time. When they get a chance and somebody mentions something. Meantime, they’re mostly decent people. Look after their neighbors. Do charity work at one or another level. But….here? Who got to them to tell them to shut up? Had it been a college football team groping some coeds after a drunken party….. They were all over the Duke lax ra[pe hoax. . The UVa rape hoax. Kavanagh.
    But this? Not sure how to put this. What happened to them?

    While, given the limitations of anatomy, much sicker stuff is not imaginable, the really sick thing is the public enjoyment of these savages. As has been said, some of the Germans had to drink themselves to sleep.
    Goebbels once said, “For those whose nerves are broken, we say, take your pensions, go.” Point being, there was a point.

    You think Hamas was cagey enough to copyright this footage? Likely there’s a market.

  38. I know what I would like to do. Most of the posts here seem to be venting. Given the political split in this country, and, the overt support for Hamas what practical action can be taken? Except for the cited article feminists only care about advancing their agenda. And “Queers for Palestine” speaks for itself. We are talking about the need for actions that Americans viscerally recoil from.

  39. I would suggest asking the question in a public setting. What have you said to condemn the atrocities against women on October 7? Why not?
    Not likely any persiflage about Palestinian occupations or whatever would satisfy most people.
    The justification about “apartheid” or “occupation” may sound to the feminists as if it’s good enough to fool the rest of us when uttered in a venue or publication where questioning or opposition is not allowed.
    The point, however, is to lay out the unspeakable hypocrisy to the listeners. No word salad would overcome it.

  40. Read John Hinderaker, quoting Glenn Reynolds, quoting Alex Berenson (and then the comments): Alex makes a reasoned analysis of both Hamas and their feminist apologists.




    At one point, Berenson corroborates one of my incidental speculations (“so that Israel won’t release any further, worse (if that can even be imagined) stories”); I should change that to “draw attention to” rather than “release” since apparently there already are worse stories circulating.

    Let’s agree everything the article reports – the soldiers shot in their vaginas, the gang-rapes, the mutilations – happened. (In truth, without looking too hard on Twitteer, one can find descriptions of even worse atrocities supposedly caught on video. I don’t know if Gettleman did not report those because it could not confirm them or because he believed he didn’t need to make readers’ stomachs turn any further.)

    His commentary on the despicable behavior of “women’s” groups (irony-quotes because none of these groups actually support women anymore, if they ever did).

    That radical Islamist culture is incompatible with Western society is not a surprise, not to anyone who was awake for the atrocities ISIS committed. Yet even by those standards Oct. 7 must serve as a warning.

    And women’s groups globally, including Muslim groups, are fools to ignore it – as they largely have. By failing to speak out and press less radical Muslim leaders to condemn the violence, they are setting the stage for their own degradation tomorrow.

    For these were Jewish women, yes.

    But Jewish is the adjective. Women is the noun.

  41. The Alex Berenson link is brutal.

    related thoughts from an old post from 2010:
    ‘Sexual Starvation and Jihad Fantasies’

    a bit: “Perhaps the best psychological explanation comes from United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror, the recent book by Jamie Glazov, the managing editor of FrontPage Magazine.

    In a chapter entitled “To Hate a Woman”, he describes in chilling detail the oppression of women in parts of the Muslim world and the “theological justification” for violence against females “from the very moment of their birth”.

    Islamist hatred of women has “fertilised the soil in which … terrorism and the new death cult have grown”.

    He claims there is an “Islamist war on private love [which] derives most of its energy from a deep-seated misogyny. Women’s empowerment, independence and self-determination, especially the sexual variety, pose a threat to Islamism’s very existence.””…..

  42. FWIW, read “The Rape of Nanking” documenting a similar level of barbarity perpetrated against Chinese women by Japanese soldiers.

  43. See also the book “Gendered Violence, Jewish Women in the Pogroms of 1917-1921”, contents available online at


    The book (esp. Ch 3 and 4) describes the horrific mass rapes of Jewish women carried out by White armies, Red armies, and Cossacks, sometimes on successive days in the same town.

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