Home » Lethal journalism: the Gaza hospital strike by Israel that wasn’t


Lethal journalism: the Gaza hospital strike by Israel that wasn’t — 37 Comments

    Jordan lost second vote. What do the holdouts want? Have they said? Again, Stupid Party rides again. The World might just really blow up and these Reps are not being responsible. Please don’t tell me they are voting the way their constituents want.

  2. We’ve gone from 500 people killed in an Israeli airstrike that leveled an entire hospital to having to file an auto-insurance claim.

  3. They want to let the gravy train to block any accountability to the administration thats my two cents

  4. It’s interesting to see what organizations were quick to jump on the “Israel bombs hospital, 500 dead” band wagon. Aside from our own Lefty press there was the UK Daily Mail and The Irish Independent. Not surprising since Islam is the second largest religion in the UK and the third largest in the Republic of Ireland. On the other hand not many Jews availing themselves of the open borders policies of the UK and ROI.

  5. Our press wants so badly to paint Israel as the bad guys that they’ll fervently leap at the wildest claims made by demonstrable lying psychopaths who are bent on the destruction of modern civilization. Yet they seem bemused that public trust in the fourth estate is at an all time low.

  6. I am concerned at last that Israel is at a critical point. My enthusiasm about Israel dates back to the Entebbe raid that rescued hostages that we could not accomplish a few years later. Since then I have been a fan even though I am not Jewish. I had hoped to visit a couple of years ago but it was not to be. Even Lyndon Johnson, as bad as his judgement was about Vietnam, was a serious supporter. Now, we see the Biden regime threatening resupply of munitions. Better they should go to Ukraine where we have no serious interest than to a long term ally. The US used to have long term interests, shared by political parties. No more.

  7. I watched CNN run the story with the Hamas claim in large type and the Israeli counterargument in tiny type at the bottom of the screen. In the live report the correspondent did discuss the Israeli claims in greater detail (as well as those of US intelligence), but claimed that they weren’t able to verify them. They are a damn news organization! It’s their job to investigate and evaluate the veracity of competing claims! And if you can’t verify, then stop the incessant repetition (obviously meant to rile the feral masses) until you can.

  8. Published 1 hour ago by the IDF on YouTube, what “journalism” won’t be broadcasting anytime soon. Headlined “GRAPHIC RAW FOOTAGE: Massacre Across Israel From the Eyes of Hamas”. I too warn here — don’t watch this unless you have a strong constitution fit against seeing murder and death, because that is what this is (10:50 mins): https://youtu.be/wAFDI63yvNQ?si=3nXFhs0MqkOvF-6l

  9. “Jew-hating leftists”
    Thank you Neo…it is THIS.
    I’m tired of the word anti-Semitic. Like racist, anti-Semitic is almost too tame for the vile and ghastly stuff we’re seeing and hearing from the left.

    “For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander. These are what defile you.” It’s from the heart that the left despises Jews. Deep. Visceral. Hate.

  10. “there’s no excuse for our media except wishful thinking.”

    Our media’s motivations are far more nefarious than “wishful thinking”.

    It is malice aforethought.

  11. So now we have over 300 people in the Capital Rotunda protesting against Israel, and a large number are Jews (including Rabbi’s). Self interest is not in evidence. And, will they all be charge with Insurrection and Attempting to over throw the Gov’t?’
    So they were arrested, but will they go to jail?? Get real.

    Neo, I have not seen what the Rep holdouts demands are. I do understand the idea they want power and control.

  12. OK now, I must ask, “Does anyone believe anything that is published by “Big Media”? And I include every newspaper, every TV conglomerate, UPI, Reuters and AP. My rule of thumb is to start by believing the exact opposite of everything they put out, then gradually attempting to see if there are any surviving factual needles within the gigantic haystack of lies produced.

  13. @ Miguel – thanks for the post from The Tower. Although written in 2014, every principle in it still applies – if not more so.
    Some of the examples were familiar, but the ones I hadn’t heard of before about just how badly the news is actively and passively censored are sickening.
    I think that it would be better to get NO news than the travesty that comes out of the Middle East (and other dictatorships alluded to).

  14. I thought that some might not have seen this but would want to.

    It is one of the less expurgated or blurred videos. One section is blurred here, but seen clearly on other presentations – where you can hear the groans of an Israeli victim of a gunshot and the shooting out of ambulance tires.

    However most other mainstream media snippets cut before the “happy ending”. As the terrorist’s body-cam records it, he takes one to the torso, drops his AK, and, as the Illiad put it, groaning, flops forward to bite the dust.

    Some with sensitive natures, may wish to forgo the viewing.


  15. Just the News is the only impartial account I’ve found from yesterday, exemplifying the journalistic standards that should apply.

    Hundreds of people in Gaza City were reportedly killed Tuesday when a rocket or rockets struck a hospital, but the number of confirmed victims and who launched the strike remains unclear.

    The Health Ministry run by Hamas said an Israeli airstrike is to blame and that the hospital is packed with wounded and other Palestinians seeking shelter, according to the Associated Press.

    The health ministry says at least 500 people have been killed.

    An Israel Defense Forces spokesperson told The Jerusalem Post newspaper that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad had fired a barrage of rockets at the time of the hospital’s explosion, and one of those rockets appeared to be responsible for the explosion. Shortly after the incident, the military force said they were looking into what happened and that while many strikes are being conducted throughout Gaza, there are also many failed launches and many false reports from Hamas.

    Photos and video purportedly of the al-Ahli Hospital on social media show the building on fire, structural damage and bodies. However, the photos could not be independently verified, the Associated Press also reports.

  16. Steve @ 7:03 pm,
    Exactly (and yet, I initially fell for the mass casualty number, too, even if I was extremely skeptical of the purported responsibility of the Israeli armed forces for this hoax “massacre”).

  17. Harsanyi breaks down the details, and I love his sub-head.
    “The disinformation is coming from inside the house!”

    He also says this about the infamous photo of the “destroyed” hospital:

    Even as Hamas’s propaganda was being exposed, the Times moved forward with the story without any genuine substantiation. Since the newspaper had done absolutely no work in verifying these serious claims, it was left without facts or art. So editors simply put a picture of a bombed-out building (not the hospital) on its front page, strongly insinuating that Israel was responsible for the tragedy (that wasn’t.)

    How can that be seen as anything but malicious?

    One of my most vehement complaints about news media, print or digital, is the affixing of un-factual photos to sensationalized stories, which have the effect desired but are lies by design (even if they have a tiny print disclaimer of “stock” or “file image”).

    The Federalist has at least 3 more stories today expanding on HospitalGate (to coin a phrase).

    I didn’t see any stories on their site yesterday, so maybe they are hewing to the “72-hour-rule” now discounted to “24-hour” or perhaps they always wait a day to offer opinions rather than breathlessly breaking news just to print something.

  18. Doc Zero – to be blunt about it:

    How about a round of applause for the DNC Media and Democrat politicians who uncritically amplified Hamas propaganda, spreading a story that has already caused violent riots and will probably get people killed?

    Pro tip, kids: assume the rapists and baby-murderers are LYING.

    After years of bleating about “disinformation,” you clowns encountered a textbook example of it – furnished by an organization you KNOW is barbaric and evil, that perpetrated unspeakable atrocities just days ago – and you failed utterly. You had no immune system response at all.

    This was EXACTLY the kind of situation professional journalists should be on guard against. It’s exactly the kind of thing you’ve been telling us for years that only credentialed members of the media guild can handle. And you ended up flat on your face, complete failures.

    The cold truth is that not only are major media outlets far more gullible than they pretend, but they were LOOKING for a story exactly like this. Hamas furnished the anti-Israel headline they were dying to run. It slotted very neatly into their oppressor/victim narrative.

    The media types and despicable politicians who ran wild with this story had to suppress their recollection of the Hamas atrocities to treat them as a credible source. How could you swallow their garbage if the image of blood-splattered playpens was still fresh in your mind?

    Unless, of course, you APPROVE of those blood-splattered playpens at some level, or you subscribe to oppression theology that blames Israelis for every horror visited upon them, because the Palestinians have no agency. Then you’d be willing to rip-and-read Hamas press releases.

    Congrats to DNC Media, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and the rest of that scurvy crew for giving Hamas EVERY REASON IN THE WORLD to blow up Palestinians and blame it on the IDF. You just gave terrorists the biggest incentive since Joe Biden paid Iran $6 billion for 5 hostages. /end

  19. From John Podhoretz today, a look into the past which differs in few ways from the present.


    1982-09 J’Accuse – Norman Podhoretz, Commentary Magazine
    “The war in Lebanon triggered an explosion of invective against Israel that in its fury and its reach was unprecedented in the public discourse of this country. ”

    RTWT it is very long, detailed, and perceptive about the history of Israel, the PLO and anti-Semitism in the West.

  20. So they got busted….

    As Aunt Polly remarked,”Didn’t get a lick amiss,I reckon.”

  21. So the hospital wasn’t hit by an Israeli bomb, and the explosion was an errant Hamas missile hitting a parking lot, killing a number of people.

    But the problem is that the governments of Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Morocco (and even Canada) have all endorsed the original claim that Israel bombed the hospital. And they are making foreign policy decisions based on that claim.

    If Israel does invade Gaza, which seems likely, other countries in the region are likely to get involved, and that includes the US and Russia.

  22. I watched CNN run the story
    Have their ratings exceeded Paw Patrol‘s recently?
    other countries in the region are likely to get involved, and that includes the US and Russia.
    Russia cannot conquer six square feet in the Ukraine and the Navy knows perfectly well that their commander-in-chief is demented.

  23. our navy is full of DEI apologists, and pronoun obsessed midshipmen,

    of course Gaza took the opportunity of the Hudna since 21, and the arab parties that were the tent poll behind the four cabinets before bibi and the protests to stock up to train,

  24. Art Deco: the only reason I was watching CNN was that it was the only English channel news I could get in a European hotel. And while CNN’s ratings may be down in the US, I think they have greater reach in foreign capitals where the street protests have been more prominent.

  25. “And now we learn there is some evidence it didn’t even hit the hospital – just the parking lot and some cars. I haven’t had a chance to fully check that out, and I don’t see many outlets reporting it, but it may indeed be the case that there are few casualties.”

    When you get the chance to study this, be sure to go look at this hospital from something like Google Earth. Coordinates 31deg,30’17.64″N 34deg,27’42.68″E.

    I like Google Earth, because it can measure distances and areas. The entire complex, including 5 buildings around the parking lot and including the parking lot is 830 sq feet. The buildings are about 2 stories tall, and perhaps have a basement. Ask yourself, does that sound like a place where there were 500 people present at one time? Or even 400 as numbers start to come down.

    You don’t need to know anything about rockets, bombs, or explosions. You don’t even need to have a political bias. Just have a sense of scale of people, structures, and area plus the willingness to actually look at the place being discussed. If you need a scale for human size, there is a cemetery across the street. Draw the same size box over it and count the number of markers.

  26. I could speculate that the rockets hit the parking lot ( seen a few pictures of the burnt out vehicles and read hospital had minimum damage) that it’s quite possible lots of people could have been living in cars there.

  27. The parking lot is big enough to hold 15 cars over parked. Let’s say each seat had a passenger and they were all 7 seat large SUVs. Tell me how you get to 500 dead and report it as a headline?

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