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Newt and the good, the bad, and the ugly — 9 Comments

  1. I find it amusing that a “win is a win” until Romney lost…

    As for Newt’s situation, assuming his statement of 2 decades of fidelity to his current wife are true, this is still just 20 year old personal baggage. Unpleasant, but far less important than righting our ship of state

  2. uncleFred: could you explain your first sentence? Are you talking about Iowa? Are you talking about something I said, or something election officials said, or what?

    I never said anything about “a win is a win is a win.” In this post, I called Iowa “ugly” because (a) I thought it would be a catchy reference to the film “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly;” and (b) it’s “ugly” because of the fact that the 8 precincts were somehow lost. It has nothing to do with who won or didn’t, but rather the incompetence and/or negligence and/or corruption of the people in charge of the vote-counting. Losing precincts is not okay by me, whatever the outcome.

    From the article:

    Results from eight precincts are missing – any of which could hold an advantage for Mitt Romney – and will never be recovered and certified, Republican Party of Iowa officials told The Des Moines Register on Wednesday.

    And I don’t care if they hold an advantage for Romney or Santorum. The whole thing is a disgrace. But I do think the officials should have declared the caucus for Santorum if he’s ahead as best they can tell. Perhaps that was what you were getting at?

  3. I was inclined towards Perry back when he was leading the race. I hoped he would recover from his first stumbles.

    I can’t see voting for Newt.

    Not sure who I will support in the primary.

  4. Yes Neo I was speaking about Iowa. The comment was not directed at you. I was observing how the Romney campaign and the pundit class repeated the “a win is a win” quote incessantly.

    Now as we see, Romney’s “win” which was in fact a loss becomes a tie. Which, by the way, keeps the “historic” nature of this election cycle intact. No previous candidate has tied in Iowa and gone on to win NH.

    Consider how incessantly we hear the mean out of control Newt meme. Up until now this cycle has been all about the narrative and who controls it. If Newt can win SC, despite the January surprise launched by his ex and ABC, the primary may last long enough that we pierce the narrative and get down to the real records, values, and abilities of these candidates and, as a nation, make an informed decision about a nominee.

  5. The curse of Obama’s opponents strike again. The Republican debacle is starting to remind me of a certain senate race in Illinois.

    Alan Keyes anyone?

  6. According to Newt’s daughter, he and her mother had already decided to divorce before she ever was admitted to the hospital with what turned out to be a benign tumor. Jackie is alive and well. http://townhall.com/columnists/jackiegingrichcushman/2011/05/08/setting_the_record_straight

    Kevin DuJan at Hillbuzz talks about this as well. Marianne Gingrich was the one having the affair with Newt that ruined his first marriage. So she’s not as clean as the wind driven snow. Newt didn’t start seeing Callista until after he and Marianne were already separated.

    The timing of the Marianne’s interview comes across as sour grapes as Newt is surging. His response to Steve King’s opening question on this at last night’s debate got him TWO well deserved standing ovations in a row.

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