Home » Red flags galore for Hunter Biden’s transactions, and then what?


Red flags galore for Hunter Biden’s transactions, and then what? — 17 Comments

  1. Is this the little “drip drip drip” that eventually tsunamis Biden/Harris out of the way for Newsom/(insert intersectional placeholder here)?

  2. What I don’t get, other than being a good soldier and working to help your better elites, what do minions get helping cover up as in this instance Hunter raking in cash in what outward appears criminal acts?
    Before just as another action that had to be know widely Hillary private email for the Secretary of State office?

  3. What do the minions get? They get to keep their jobs and promotions sent their way. How many times have there been whistleblowers who, before or after the ‘whistling’, have been let go because of “reasons” that discredit their claims.

  4. Wake me if anything comes of this, yet another revelation. 50 years ago, they would have already strung the two of them out to dry. Now? Big nothing burger.

  5. Anyone that has ever worked in an executive position for a corporation has likely had to take a short course in ethics and company policy / governance. And in every one of those short courses, the lines are drawn pretty clearly, and the default position is always that one should be careful not to show any kind of behavior that could be interpreted as unethical, or carries the appearance of impropriety.

    Behavioral guidelines like these are always well within the lines of legality, where ethical behavior is concerned. Of course, this is just the corporation protecting its reputation. But this is doubly true of a person that (a) values their integrity and (b) does not want their life cluttered with accusations, when they are in a public position of authority or trust.

    So, can someone please explain away the behavior of Hunter and Joe and the remainder of the 22 shell account beneficiaries that have apparently netted millions in as-yet unexplained fees for as-yet unexplained services?

    The only astonishing thing about all of this is the slow pace of this investigation, and how paltry its yield has been, when one considers the extent of the low-hanging fruit. Or in other words, why is it that the starving dog does not appear to be hungry for steak?

  6. If Joe were governor of Illinois, hasn’t there already been more than enough evidence to put him in prison with the other governors of Illinois?

  7. well they got their payoffs re uranium (rakishev) congo sourced cobalt, (rosemont seneca, et al, ‘none dare call it treason, if treason doth prosper,

  8. Have you seen this?

    It looks like, Hunter Biden is now SUING the IRS, because: he says that when the IRS did the probe of his tax records, then that, “embarrassed Mr. Biden”.

    (That mister Biden is Hunter Biden).

    I’m not an expert on the Government, but-

    I can see this lawsuit going in two, mostly possible, ways:

    1) Either the IRS [bows down] to Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, and they do whatever these two men want done,


    2) The IRS decides they want to be strong, [and defend itself], and- fights Hunter Biden in court, with all the Governmental power that the IRS has.

    The IRS might chose option 2, because members of the IRS might decide- that: A) [bowing down to the two Biden men], is [not] an action that they want to do, and B) the people in the IRS might decide that they want a career in the IRS that lasts for more than [Joe Biden’s eight years as President].

    I’m not predicting that the IRS’ people will stand up to Hunter and Joe Biden, but- they CAN stand up to them, if the IRS people want to do so, and- IRS people [can] stand up for the IRS, very strongly, if they decide to stand up for the IRS.

    (Here’s a link to the news story that I’m talking about):


  9. Re: Hunter Biden is now SUING the IRS…


    In the 90s the IRS caved to the Church of Scientology. Other than those two parties no one knows what really went down.

    As I recall the story, the IRS revoked the Church’s tax emption, the Church fought back on all fronts — including surveillance of IRS members and huge thefts of IRS data in order to embarrass or worse the IRS. Scientologists went to prison but ultimately Scientology won:

    In the course of a 37-year dispute with the IRS, the church was reported to have used or planned to employ blackmail, burglary, criminal conspiracy, eavesdropping, espionage, falsification of records, fraud, front groups, harassment, money smuggling, obstruction of audits, political and media campaigns, tax evasion, theft, investigations of individual IRS officials and the instigation of more than 2,500 lawsuits in its efforts to get its tax exemption reinstated. A number of the church’s most senior officials, including Hubbard’s wife, were eventually convicted and jailed for crimes against the United States government related to the anti-IRS campaign. The IRS, for its part, carried out criminal investigations of the church and its leaders for suspected tax fraud and targeted the church as a “dissident group” during the Nixon administration.

    Although the church repeatedly lost in court cases heard up to the level of the Supreme Court, it undertook negotiations with the IRS from 1991 to find a settlement. In October 1993, the church and the IRS reached an agreement under which the church discontinued all of its litigation against the IRS and paid $12.5 million to settle a tax debt said to be around a billion dollars. The IRS granted tax exemption to 153 Scientology-related corporate entities with the right to declare subordinate organizations tax-exempt in the future.

    The terms and circumstances of the agreement remained secret until details emerged through leaks and litigation beginning in 1997.


    This is one of the strangest unknown stories I happen to know. The Church of Scientology must have hit serious paydirt on some real high-level IRS scumbags.

    Strategy for Deep Swamp warriors?

  10. Hi huxley,

    Yeah, that is a very strange event between the Church of Scientology and the IRS.

    I’m probably showing my cards here, but- I hope that H B doesn’t have similar paydirt, or dirt, on the IRS.
    I’m hoping that the IRS will prevail.


  11. One of Joe’s favorite sayings, usually whispered in his weird way, is, “Pay your fair share.” He apparently forgot to tell Hunter. Oh, he’s such a lost boy. But I’m sure Joe is trying to make things work out for his rascally son. He’s a caring father, you know.

  12. Every bank employee is required to take money laundering training every year. The cover up is clearly intentional, at the top DOJ levels.

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