Home » I don’t care about Obama’s sex life


I don’t care about Obama’s sex life — 65 Comments

  1. Tucker could do a show every day for years on a different topic about the Obama administration and the damage it did and how the things it did that have directly led to where we are right now instead of this idiocy. I don’t even get why he would want to do this interview.

    His obsession with crazy ass conspiracy theories delegitimizes the truly good stuff he does.

  2. Disappointed in Tucker Carlson that he put this schmuck on the air.
    It’s plain from his private correspondence that Obama ca. 1980 had some sexual interest in men (and a creepy inclination to discuss it with his gf).
    Some time ago, Steven Sailer offered the opinion that he’d put the probability that BO had since 1983 eschewed any kind of homosexual conduct at 90% and noted that BO had no known hobbies and interests which correlate with male homosexuality. His number seemed low at the time given how eccentric homosexual conduct is among men, but now it seems high given the contents of his letters to the girl at Occidental.

  3. His obsession with crazy ass conspiracy theories
    No indication he’s obsessed with much of anything. His editorial judgment can be erratic.

  4. And for those who say that if a person lies about sex then that person is more inclined to lie about other things, I’ve never been at all sure that’s true.

    What about the reverse — that people who habitually lie about other things are likely to lie about sex and to do things sexually that they shouldn’t be doing?

    Nor is it the case that if someone is sexually faithful and has nothing to lie about it means the person won’t lie about other things.

    Not as a hard and fast rule, but if you are used to lying about sex does that make it easier to lie about other things? Anybody in politics will have lied at some point, or people will find reasons to accuse them of lying, but would someone who made a point of not lying to his spouse and not having reasons to lie be a little more scrupulous when it comes to other (private and maybe even public) matters?

    I have a hard time believing Larry Sinclair, especially when he’s grafting other conspiracy stories on to his original story. While I generally agree with Tucker about the issues, I’m not crazy about his personality. He’s still too much the preppy fratboy who put “Dan White Fan Club” in his yearbook.

  5. well we were 30,000 votes away from gillum, who was the beta version,

    its clear obama has an animus for christians, for patriots, actually any decent person, which he is not, I didn’t cotton to the silly ‘birth certificates’ nonsense,
    his being influenced by ayers and bell, and a kindred spirit with angela davis is more pertinent,

  6. miguel

    From what I’ve seen in my own experience with various people, and from what I’ve seen in the culture, I believe that members–not all–of various groups separated from mainstream culture by one or another characteristic, tend to resent mainstream culture. Not all members, and some of mainstream culture resent mainstream culture. But it’s a matter of percentages. While there are plenty of patriots in the gay community, my own acquaintance with some of them in college and a couple of other places leads me to believe that one would tend to find more than average resentment of mainstream culture. Again, probably not by a lot, but not invisible, either.
    And if Obama really is gay, then possibly some of his actions, or his willingness to go along with proposed actions which are damaging to mainstream culture and the US as generally understood may stem from that group-affiliated resentment. Certainly, he’s no flag-waving Uncle Sam, Norman Rockwell type his public persona. What he does when he has the clout is likely even less aimed at the mainstream culture and the US as generally understood by most of us.

  7. Abraxas:

    I certainly think there’s a tendency towards consistency about lying or truth-telling, but it’s very far from a foolproof guide.

    And I’m not a Tucker fan. He’s good on some things and not at all good on others.

  8. If Obama is gay, yeah that could “enhance” his resentment of mainstream Americans. But it didn’t need a lot of enhancement to begin with.

  9. “I don’t care about Obama’s sex life”

    I don’t care what color you are, what of the MANY letters you are, or identify as, what religion you are, and on and on. What does it get me? As an old white guy I am systemically racist, I hate all trans etc. folks, given the chance I will shoot anyone of color, blah, blah.

    Now, I can just ignore this nonsense but it moves people. It impacts how they vote.

    The current younger generations Y, Z, millenials, etc. are some of the dumbest ever created. Most of them “benefited” from the severe decline in the quality of public school education. They can’t speak properly, write coherently, so they can not communicate effectively. I watched one of them one on what appeared to be a business call today. The conversation was happening as I arrived, continued as I had lunch, and was still going on when I left. Now that is efficient! He would not have lasted long in any organization that I managed.

    And these young folks vote! I am sure they are well informed by the NY Times, MSNBC, and NPR…

  10. If Obama had claimed to be bi-sexual, we could have been ahead of the game with our first AA, bi-sexual President.

    As is, we must wait until the Dems come up with another gay candidate to fit the bill. Probably a woman, kill two birds with one stone.
    Any suggestions?

  11. “I don’t think Bill Clinton should have been impeached, nor do I think he committed perjury in the legal sense.”

    It’s not what Bill Clinton did, it’s where he did it.

    What he did was strictly between him and his wife.

    Where he did it should have deeply offended every American. Those who weren’t offended revealed just how skewed their moral compass is… Which is objectively true, whatever their definition of “is… is”. As they revealed that they hold in little regard the principles upon which this country was founded.

    “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

  12. I wasn’t pushing for Clinton to be impeached and was embarassed by the whole thing, but it seemed like things had reached the point where it was inevitable. Whether or not Clinton had committed perjury in the legal sense, he had tried to obstruct justice, and that merited impeachment.

    I wonder how we know that Paula Jones’s testimony about Clinton’s … um … penis … had been “thoroughly discredited,” but maybe I don’t really want to know.

  13. she was a subordinate, which clearly violated certain laws, including those they had championed, of course there was the precedent of bob packwood, who the senate had chosen ken starr to vet his documents,

    what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, we have seen how far they are willing to lie, re e jean carroll or the other ballet troupe hoisted by gloria allred,

  14. The problem is the you will be made to care about it, and specifically to affirm, endorse, and celebrate it. Once that is done and established you will be made to care, endorse, and celebrate transgenderism, pederasty, and whatever else comes down the …. (pike, pipe, orifice).

    Coercion and compliance. Power and its uses.

    “I would prefer not to.” is not an option.

  15. If it was known generally in 2008 that Obama was gay, it would have hurt him with black and Hispanic voters.

    That year California had a gay marriage proposition. It failed in part because Obama increased the black and Hispanic turnout, and those groups voted against it.

    Of course, the Mormons were blamed for the prop’s failure. It is a lot safer protesting Mormon churches than it is inter city black churches.

  16. Fullmoon says, “. . . we must wait until the Dems come up with another gay candidate to fit the bill. Probably a woman, kill two birds with one stone.”

    How about Lori Lightfoot? She’s female, gay, and BIPOC.

  17. It’s a relief to read this post and the comments. What an embarrassing distraction. I’ve tried to ignore it as much as possible.

  18. I thought that this topic would come up here, so I looked in, and for it.

    Now, someone taking a hypothetical ‘I don’t care because it doesn’t affect me, and it is understandable that people lie about sex” stance, miight seem very broadminded and tolerant or above it all ( or that aspect) at first glance.

    And very narrowly construed, it is something that might be equally said both by those who are sympathetic toward homosexual behavior, as well as those who are contemptuous of men who sexually submit willingly to other males, and who view these sodomitic persons either as unfortunate victims of a mental or other disorder, or as virtual moral aliens in toto.

    And again, if one adds that there were more politically significant and impactful deceptions and subversions perpetrated by the particular actor, to be considered and ranked, it’s hard to argue that there were not.

    But retch inducing homosexual perversity per se aside, the issue with Obama, for those who missed it, involved serious matters of character involving cocaine use as well as that perverse extramarital infidelity.

    He was married at the time and he was a state legislator, and therefore, if the accusations are true, he was a fraud, he was a liar and he was a deceiver, and those frauds affected not only his marital contract – if his wife even cared – but the American public as well. Unlike others whose narcissistic treacheries excluded them from office when outed, Obama, and Clinton, and let’s see, LBJ, and JFK,anf FDR all escaped political judgment with the assistance of a complicit press. Initially.

    I’m sensing a pattern here. One involving a significant portion of the political population. One that no republic reliant on the virtues necessary for self-governance, both capital and lower case, can indefinitely tolerate and still survive.

    So yeah, if it is true, it matters, because character in a public official does, and the true historical record does: even if this area among larger concerns was “only” about despicable sexual encounters, illegal drug use by a law maker, and his unacknowledged breaking of a marital contract.

    That said, I’m not sure that it would have mattered all that much to American soccer moms at the polls in any event, considering their own mores.

    Anyway, given his now publicly recorded dream (or aspiration) expressed in writing to a college era girlfriend, of a to that point supposedly unreaIized interest in having sex with other males, and his admitted drug use in his young adulthood, it hardly seems much of a stretch.

    Though upon reflection, while it might not have mattered to certain classes of white females, it might have mattered to a certain class of black men.

  19. Obama got elected to the Senate in 2004 by urging friendly reporters to have his opponent’s scandalous divorce records unsealed and publicized.

    If it had been made public at the time that he himself was cheating on his wife with men, then he might never have been President.

    I think his private behavior between consenting adults is at least as much the public’s business as Jack Ryan’s was. Obama does not give his opponents the same privacy that he demands. In 2004 he demanded that Jack Ryan give him privacy, and Jack Ryan was dumb enough to go along with it, and look what Obama did in return.

    I’m not sure high-mindedness is a very good tactic for Republicans in today’s environment.

    For those who’ve forgotten, the contemporaneous reporting (June 27th, 2004):

    Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.

    The allegations that horrified fellow Republicans and caused his once-promising candidacy to implode in four short days have given Obama a clear lead as Republicans struggled to fetch an alternative.

    Ryan’s campaign began to crumble on Monday following the release of embarrassing records from his divorce. In the records, his ex-wife, Boston Public actress Jeri Ryan, said her former husband took her to kinky sex clubs in Paris, New York and New Orleans.

    “It’s clear to me that a vigorous debate on the issues most likely could not take place if I remain in the race,” Ryan, 44, said in a statement. “What would take place, rather, is a brutal, scorched-earth campaign – the kind of campaign that has turned off so many voters, the kind of politics I refuse to play.”

    Although Ryan disputed the allegations, saying he and his wife went to one ‘avant-garde’ club in Paris and left because they felt uncomfortable, lashed out at the media and said it was “truly outrageous” that the Chicago Tribune got a judge to unseal the records.

    The Republican choice will become an instant underdog in the campaign for the seat of retiring Republican Senator Peter Fitzgerald, since Obama held a wide lead even before the scandal broke.

    “I feel for him actually,” Obama told a Chicago TV station. “What he’s gone through over the last three days I think is something you wouldn’t wish on anybody.”

  20. Melisande:

    I never implied that Obama “deserves” privacy. Obama has been a viper, and I’ve written at great length about what happened to Jack Ryan as well as Blair Hull when Obama was running against each person. Please see this, which I wrote during Obama’s 2008 campaign.

    That’s not the issue in the present post, however, which is whether I care about the sex life of Obama or politicians in general, or care about whether they lie about that sex life.

  21. DNW:

    We already know – and have known for a long long time – that Obama is a fraud, a liar, and a deceiver. As far as I’m concerned, even if this gay sexual info is true – and I don’t think it is – it adds nothing to the knowledge that I already had about Obama as liar, etc.

    And yes, I’m very tolerant of what people do sexually as long as it’s between consenting adults. That’s their business, their spouses’ business, and their family’s business. I personally detest infidelity, but I have other criteria for evaluating politicians when I decide whether or not to vote for them, which is what they do in the public arena.

    If I’m not mistaken, Benjamin Franklin was quite the philanderer. I don’t care.

  22. Ryan was defenestrated by an ex-wife’s testimony that had no evidence. I can’t remember if there was a child custody matter, as well.

    Years ago, an LA City councilman. I think it was Art Snyder. Who had an abrasive personality was accused by his ex-wife of molesting their daughter who was about 9. The daughter even testified, If I remember correctly. Years later, when the daughter was an adult, she confessed the accusation was false and she had been pressured by her mother.


  23. “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams

    With all due respect, I think that those who “don’t care” are a subset of “any other.”

  24. Jordan Rivers:

    “With all due respect?” Sure thing.

    Then I guess you never voted for Trump, who certainly cheated on his wife/wives. And you must be a huge Jimmy Carter fan, who lusted only in his heart. And you would never have let Ben Franklin – or quite a few of the other Founders – anywhere NEAR government.

    I don’t care about politicians’ sex lives as long as what they do is between consenting adults, and I leave it up to their spouses to deal with any infidelity. I evaluate the morality of politicians’ public lives.

    I doubt that John Adam’s was talking about Ben Franklin’s sex life in that quote, either.

  25. FOAF: “If Obama is gay, yeah that could “enhance” his resentment of mainstream Americans. But it didn’t need a lot of enhancement to begin with.”

    Rudy Giuliani said something about Obama that I think was right on the money, something like “He doesn’t love America. Not like we do.” I’m sure the “we” there was taken by progs to mean “white people” but I understood it as old-fashioned naively patriotic-by-default Americans. Obama’s attitude toward America seems to me very much like that of most progressives: detached at best, critical, very much from above, a place of enlightenment toward which the actual country sometimes shows signs of progress. Definitely not simple straightforward love.

    I’m quoting Guiliani from memory, may not have it exactly right.

  26. I care. The trouble is, our politicians tend to have so many other issues that sexual misconduct tends to get lost in the mix. I think it’s a function of the secular decline in the quality of human being we produce in this country.

  27. “He doesn’t love America. Not like we do.” I
    I suspect most of our long-term federal politicians fancy their positions in Congress because it allows them the illusion that they are something grander than their essence. In a competitive market, John Kerry is a common-and-garden Boston lawyer. Joseph Biden is an associate in a suburban law firm of little use to the partners, who should probably be trying his hand at selling real estate. Mitch McConnell is the Louisville lawyer who never built his own practice nor was offered a partnership in any other. Nancy Pelosi is a real-estate developer’s wife. Kevin McCarthy is…a recent college graduate. Bernie Sanders is an hourly employee of the local historical society with no family. In Obama’s case, he’s the deputy dean of students at some teaching institution, maybe Roosevelt in Chicago.
    I suspect if you carefully questioned them, you’d discover that the vast majority of our professional-managerial stratum see themselves as confreres of people in similar jobs in Europe and Canada, not of the wage-earners in their own country. I think you’d also discover that they have a supercilious attitude toward their own ancestors (and a contemptuous one toward yours). Obama’s not an original. He’s one of a type. The more common-and-garden bourgeois working in education, social services, and NGO administration commonly ape this attitude. So do all to many of our young people.

  28. It is the hypocrisy of the media that is the real point here- had Obama been a Republican, people like Tucker’s interviewee would have been interviewed on 60 Minutes, and his story would be front page news for weeks.

  29. ” … yes, I’m very tolerant of what people do sexually as long as it’s between consenting adults. That’s their business, their spouses’ business, and their family’s business. I personally detest infidelity, but I have other criteria for evaluating politicians when I decide whether or not to vote for them, which is what they do in the public arena.

    If I’m not mistaken, Benjamin Franklin was quite the philanderer. I don’t care.

    You are very tolerant toward sexual perversity between consenting adults. I am with provisos, mostly indifferent, though judgmental.

    In line with that, I don’t personally care if “Obama” wants to go out into the woods with his boyfriend, a hammer, and a supply of splintered fence posts. Shrug.

    The proviso applies however when it comes to what he does on the streets; and to his fitness to participate in the governing process; where, for better or worse, personal preferences and tastes and sensibilites are liable to well up in any case where discretionary judgment is allowed.

    It is not obvious to me how people who are not moral peers, are supposed to be taken seriously as political peers whose interests one is, theoretically at least, imagined to identify with and hold as equal to ones own: at least insofar as the give and take of democratic governance is concerned.

    And, you know as well as, and probably better than most, how the discretionary powers of functionaries and office holders have continually expanded across many public institution domains, whether by design, or default.

    If we had a devil take the hindmost libertarian society, and AIDS “victims” were left to die in ditches; if we had a polity with few but strict and unyielding laws, if jurisprudence was simply about matching case to law, if stare decisis were strictly followed, and if the administrative state had not grown into a monster, then perhaps the personal virtues and sexual proclivities of the administrator, jurist, or governor would matter somewhar less.

    But it would still matter, as anyone who has worked for a morally corrupt boss knows.

    Ordinary chicanery is bad enough in politics. Try adding a warped and amoral sexual sensibility to it and you get, well, what we have now.

  30. Agreed that there are plenty of things, other than sex life, to dislike about Obama. A passage from Dreams From My Father, about his freshman year at Occidental, helped set my dislike of Obama.

    To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists and punk-rock performance poets.

    That passage indicated to me that Obama is a poseur,

    noun,plural po·seurs [poh-zurz; French paw-zœr].

    a person who attempts to impress others by assuming or affecting a manner, degree of elegance, sentiment, etc., other than their true one.

    In less learned terms, Obama is a phony. His outward stance is selected not because it is what he believes, but to create an impression. Trying to be one of the “cool” kids.

  31. I don’t care about Obama’s sexual preference and sex life. As for Clinton’s perjury charge and impeachment, I see that as the same sort of political action as the Trump impeachments and subsequent indictments: intended to eliminate or at least cripple a political opponent.

  32. did it though, Clinton has never paid a penalty, and starr was destroyed, a good and decent man, who upheld a certain standard, which only applied to packwood because reasons, which was held in abeyance for weinstein, for 20 years,

  33. Art Deco @12:21am,

    You’ve summed up the personality types and draw to political power quite well. Because of his family’s wealth and the wealth he married into, John Kerry probably wouldn’t be a “common Boston lawyer,” but you’re likely correct as to why they covet their positions and refuse to relinquish them.

  34. more to the point, john kerry has been a traitor in every conflict he had even tangential relations, vietnam, central america, middle east,

  35. back in the 80s, his campaign chair was the front man for bcci in miami, helped the dems secure the senate,

  36. Because of his family’s wealth and the wealth he married into, John Kerry probably wouldn’t be a “common Boston lawyer,” but you’re likely correct as to why they covet their positions and refuse to relinquish them.
    His father lived on his salary. His paternal-side grandfather was an impressive character who made and lost fortunes (eventually committing suicide in 1921 in the midst of one of his reversals). His maternal-side relatives had enough extra cash to pay his school tuition (IIRC, his benefactors were a pair of great-aunts). Kerry grew up in the rather odd economy of the Foreign Service, where traveling abroad is common and boarding school for dependents is common, but whose employees are fundamentally of the professional-managerial bourgeoisie. The Foreign Service officer in our circle of friends lives in a shabby ranch house in Annandale, Va.
    His 1st wife’s family supposedly had an eight figure sum of money behind them. His 2d, as you’ll recall, was an heir to the Heinz fortune. Ann Coulter once penned a brutal critique of him as a man with a talent for landing women who controlled large sums of money earned by other men.
    At the time he was trying to make a living in law, he’d been fired by the Suffolk County (Massachusetts) district attorney, so set up a partnership with Roanne Sragow, who’d also worked in the office. His wife put him out on the curb during those years and he and Miss Sragow ended up in the sack for a while. The partnership was dissolved in 1982 when he got a sinecure in state government. I think she continued to practice, earning enough to make rent, ‘ere she landed a judicial appointment ca. 1988. I think she eventually married, but she’s never had any children.

  37. It is the hypocrisy of the media that is the real point here- had Obama been a Republican, people like Tucker’s interviewee would have been interviewed on 60 Minutes, and his story would be front page news for weeks.
    In 2008, perhaps. The person in 1990 flogging Brett Kimberlin’s nonsense about Dan Quayle (and other libels of Quayle) was the cartoonist Garry Trudeau. I’d be extremely surprised to discover Trudeau ever apologized for any of it.

  38. In less learned terms, Obama is a phony. His outward stance is selected not because it is what he believes, but to create an impression. Trying to be one of the “cool” kids.
    Aye. Few of us ‘choose friends’. We acquire them willy nilly, lose a few along the way, and put some distance between ourselves and those who are trouble.

  39. On the whole I agree with Neo, both in her conclusions (save the Clinton Impeachment issue) and attitude, in that it’s a shame this stuff happens but it isn’t that surprising and frankly I don’t care that much about it.

    However, I do think there is a key issue:

    “Not only that, but I don’t care all that much if politicians lie about their sex lives. And these days even the old argument that such activities expose the politician to blackmail doesn’t hold much water, because shame ain’t what it used to be.”

    I’m more concerned about other things than blackmail per se. The issue I think is that while SHAME ain’t what it used to be, power and connections have if anything grown even more powerful (especially since Kamala’s career shows how shamelessness and connections can help give the undeserving more contact with power than before). Our “Friend” Swalwell being Honeytrapped by the CCP should be an indication. Moreover, a spy can do plenty of damage without once blackmailing those they are connected to, such as by exploiting that trust to learn privleged information.

    This SHOULD be a much more compelling and serious issue, especially given our culture is increasingly libertine and shameless when it comes to “inappropriate” hanky panky but is even more connected than ever. But it’s not. Because you have an at least two tiered justice system, and Swalwell is still in politics when he should not.

    I’m feeling burnt out of this nonsense. In any case, to the extent that this may be true and to the extent it is mine to forgive, I can forgive Obama for adulterous homosexual hanky panky.

    I cannot forgive him and his ilk for their sins against our Republic and poisoning the nation I grew up with.

  40. Never forget: Obama was selected and trained and funded by the wealthiest women in the world–the feminist leadership of Seattle.

  41. Some of you have come close to ‘hitting the head’ on the issue.

    Smoking cocaine is fundamentally different than snorting it. Yes, it is the same chemical makeup, but the effect is far, far more intense when smoking it, which brings about a far different set of behaviors than if you are merely snorting it. If you go to a party and snort a few lines then go out and engage in conversation, that is one thing that is not terribly anti-social, on the contrary. When you smoke it, then you are engaged in pure pleasure-seeking.

    Similarly with gay sex. It is one thing to be homosexual and engage in gay sex with your intimate lover, it is quite another to engage in homosexual sex with multiple anonymous partners with great frequency. Prior to the current diagnosis of AIDS, which was called ‘Gay Bowel Disease’ because the doctors had only just begun trying to nail it down, many of the sufferers had been quite honest with the medical researchers, indicating that they had been engaging in anal sex with 20-30 (!) anonymous partners per day on the weekends (typically in bathhouse-type environments).

    The combination of the two indicates a deep depravity focused solely on intense personal pleasure seeking and should be sufficient to preclude someone from high office.

    On a side note, most people do not think much about the picture of Hunter sleeping with a crack-pipe in his mouth. Cocaine has a significant ‘upper’ effect, rendering its user’s incapable of sleep. Most cocaine users go to sleep after they run out of cocaine, which remains very expensive. If you are sufficiently wealthy, you do not ‘run out’ of cocaine.

    However, the brain needs sleep. I guarantee you that Hunter was up on a 10+ day binge before he was forced to sleep when his brain shut down, in spite of the powerful stimulative effects of cocaine.

    In summary, people who smoke cocaine and engage in anonymous sex are not well suited to lead the free world.


  42. A great deal of doctors have died or retired since Obamacare was enacted. Accordingly, Obama lied as you just can’t keep a dead or unwilling doctor.

    Now, had he been more honest and admitted the law included a patrol who rounded up elderly people and parents of Down syndrome babies to plead their case in front of a death panel who would determine their fate, well, maybe we could be more forgiving of Obama for his whopper.

  43. Yes, of course neo, Giuliani is exactly right. Obama hates America and Americans. His entire political background was from that leftist third-world mindset that sees our country as the citadel of capitalism that needs to be taken down a peg (or two or three …).

  44. You have it backwards Don about the California gay marriage proposition in 2008. The proposition which would have outlawed gay marriage not only passed but with black and Hispanic support even as Obama was winning the state in a landslide. The state Supreme Court overruled it and it never went into effect.

    As neo has pointed out Obama at the time claimed to oppose gay marriage. I saw street demonstrations in support of the proposition. None of the participants were white.

  45. I do care about what goes on behind closed doors. If the average voter cared enough about virtue and practiced it, I think we would have quite a different breed of politician. Now, because we care nothing of virtue we are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils no matter what office it is. We care so little that political office attracts people that only lust after power, and can successfully pull off the “one face in public and one in private” act.

    “And all the time—such is the tragi-comedy of our situation—we continue to clamour for those very qualities we are rendering impossible. You can hardly open a periodical without coming across the statement that what our civilization needs is more ‘drive’, or dynamism, or self-sacrifice, or ‘creativity’. In a sort of ghastly simplicity we remove the organ and demand the function. We make men without chests and expect of them virtue and enterprise. We laugh at honour and are shocked to find traitors in our midst. We castrate and bid the geldings be fruitful.”

  46. Richard Cook:

    Obviously – all else being equal – I would like for a 100% virtuous and politically competent person to show up. All else is not equal, however, so I jettison the less important sexual behavior for the far more important political behavior in terms of standards. It’s not because we don’t care that politicians are or become sleazy or compromised; it’s in the nature of politics and power and the sort of people who are drawn to it. Even the Founders included people whose sex life was not especially honorable. But politically there were A-OK.

  47. not_a_lawyer:

    Notice I did not say I don’t care about drug use in a politician.

    Also, as with most things, it depends on how long ago it was and what a person’s recent behavior is.

  48. I believe this guy just like the jury believed E. Jean Carroll in the NYC case. And Christine Blasey-Ford in the Kavanaugh hearings.

  49. And as I recall, somehow Obama got sealed divorce records leaked about his Republican opponent in the US Senate race. His opponent wanted to take his wife to a strip club or swingers’ bar; something sex related.

    Yeah, Obama was a drug user and had sex with men. And he made race relations worse. He was a terrible President.

  50. Clinton should have resigned, rather than put the country through impeachment.
    Had the media any principles, they would have forced him to resign. Which is EXACTLY what they would have done if that shoe were on a Republican foot. Which is why the media and Clinton are contemptible scum.

    My problem with Obama isn’t that he’s gay, or engaged in marital infidelity with a man. My problem is that he is an entirely fabricated entity. His entire being is false, deceitful, and transactional. He’s a lazy, midwit pseudo-intellectual who benefitted tremendously from avant garde Marxist whites.

    He’s a married man with gay proclivities, yet he’s entirely willing to lie about supporting gay marriage. He lied about his birth, his upbringing, his burning contempt for bourgeois whites all while courting bourgeois whites and benefitting from their favor. He’s a race-baiter passing himself off as a healer. He’s a man who has had every advantage in life handed to him, yet he plays his own victimhood like a violin master. There isn’t a genuine bone in that man’s body.

    There is no question in my mind that Obama hates America and Americans – envisioning himself as above us.

    Trump, on the other hand is as genuine as they come. Yes, he’s cheated on his wives. Yes, he’s chosen wives poorly. Yes, he can be a boor. Yes, he’s flawed. But he’s genuine.

  51. “As long as the acts are between two consenting adults, I don’t much care.” – Hugh Hefner would be so proud of how deeply his Playboy Philosophy has been accepted by Americans.

    That doesn’t make it right, though. Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, etc are disaster areas precisely because too many people have acted on the Playboy Philosophy, letting people do what they want. What is done by consenting adults has a way of affecting us all, and it is pretty easy to map the effect from point A to point B with a little thought. The moral code developed over millennia came about for a reason, and in our arrogance we are finding out why as our civilization collapses.

    No clearer example exists than single women voting by large margins for Democrats to protect free access to abortion on demand, when they are simultaneously erasing women from existence with their trans-human laws. The demand to be able to hide what came of two consenting adults consenting together is erasing not only the child, but the woman who bears the child.

  52. I believe this guy just like the jury believed E. Jean Carroll in the NYC case. And Christine Blasey-Ford in the Kavanaugh hearings.

    Aye. Our real problem is that half the people you meet are jack-wagons.

  53. Paul Harmon:

    Did you actually read my post? Perhaps if you did, you didn’t understand it – because if you had, I doubt you would imply that I accept any “Playboy philosophy” a la Hefner. I believe I made it crystal cleat that I don’t find either infidelity or lying acceptable in my relationships, but that I don’t care specifically about the sex lives of politicians because what I care about with them is their policies when in office. If we look for sexual fidelity in politicians, it would be a long and futile search.

  54. If we look for sexual fidelity in politicians, it would be a long and futile search.
    I haven’t seen any credible evidence that Ted Cruz or Ron deSantis are whoring around on their wives.

  55. He lied about his birth, his upbringing, his burning contempt for bourgeois whites all while courting bourgeois whites and benefitting from their favor.
    I think there are contentions he was responsible for the book jacket blurb which had him born in Kenya (the dame responsible for the marketing said she was) and there is a thesis he applied for benefits due international students when he was in college. I don’t believe there is secure evidence that he lied about his birth. As for his upbringing, I’m not sure about which he’s supposed to have lied. There was once on Youtube a 40 second clip of him trudging through remarks in the Malay trader’s dialect which is used as a lingua franca in Indonesia; the place never made much of an impression on him. And there’s no reason to believe he has contempt for the sort of ‘bourgeois whites’ with whom he’s likely to associate. (I’m sure he has no time for self-employed technicians trained in apprenticeships like Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, nor for the insurance agent with the business degree from the local state college).

  56. He’s a man who has had every advantage in life handed to him, yet he plays his own victimhood like a violin master.
    All things considered, he had a fairly comfortable upbringing. However, his mother and father were absent and hopelessly self-centered and his custodial grandfather was a goofball. In the course of his life, he’s spent about five years living in the same city as his sister Maya, three of which she was too young to remember; his father sired ten other children and he’s hardly acquainted with any of them. His grandmother was conscientious, but people who knew her have remarked on her asperity; for those of us of a certain vintage, she was a familiar type.
    Both he and his wife have been slathered with institutional patronage over the years, to a degree that’s unusual among blacks from any walk of life. As far as I can recall, me-a-victim discourse is more his wife’s deal than his, and it’s not all that prominent with her.

  57. obama wants to corrupt and mutilate children, he wants abortion on demand, at tax payer expense, in short he is a high priest of the Old Gods, (ht Jonathan Cahn)

  58. It is one thing to be homosexual and engage in gay sex with your intimate lover, it is quite another to engage in homosexual sex with multiple anonymous partners with great frequency
    I believe longitudinal studies of male homosexuals have demonstrated that monogamy is a transitional phase. The relationship is renegotiated or it ends. (Trolling their interviewers, Howard Auster and Gore Vidal would claim they never slept with each other, only strangers). I’ll wager the protagonist in that Larry Kramer novel is fairly atypical for paired-off men, however.

  59. Art Deco:

    Of course not, and I obviously didn’t mean there are NO politicians who are faithful to wives. I have even cited some myself. My point is that if fidelity is a requirement for officeholders and infidelity a disqualification, the pool would be extremely limited because people who want to hold such offices and are also of the faithful type are not at all common. Of course they are hardly nonexistent, howeve.

    Nor are such people automatically better for office than those who mess around somewhat, sexually. Jimmy Carter would be a prime example of the faithful, and he was a terrible president. Trump certainly was not faithful, nor was Gingrich or a host of others.

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