Home » This book by Heather Mac Donald looks worth reading


This book by Heather Mac Donald looks worth reading — 16 Comments

  1. Desperately needed. I suspect most of us on the right will be familiar with many of Mac Donald’s arguments and evidence. But I do hope it is interjected even a little into mainstream discourse

  2. Mostly in the ’90’s I read a few books written by Milton Friedman some decade or decades earlier. Somewhere in all that he had a rather short discussion of America as a place where merit is recognized, valued, and rewarded; and how important that is.

    He himself claimed to be an ordinary middle class (or lower middle class?) kid who happened to excel in school and that the meritocracy allowed him to keep going.

  3. “disparate-impact thinking is jeopardizing scientific progress, destroying public order, and poisoning the appreciation of art and culture.”

    Result; technological deterioration, societal dissolution & cultural suicide

  4. disparate-impact thinking is jeopardizing scientific progress, destroying public order, and poisoning the appreciation of art and culture.


  5. At the end of an interview with Gad Saad in early 2022, Heather heralded this then-forthcoming book. And she was blunt: “If we don’t have a better answer to the argument about ‘disparate impact,’ everything is coming down. Everything in our civilization is coming down under the phony charges of racism …”

    This …


    … will cue it up for you at the right point.

  6. Heather MacDonald is one of the best journalists working today. Fearless, thorough, and outspoken. Every journalism school in the U.S. should use her as an example.

  7. Rufus T. Firefly:

    Journalism schools will never use Mac Donald as an example, except of what not to do. The first reason is that she’s conservative and tells some truths that are uncomfortable for the left. The second reason is that she didn’t go to journalism school.

    But you’re right; they should use her as an example of how to do journalism.

  8. I’ve read several of Ms. MacDonald’s books. They are heavily researched and complete with many citations. She is very brave. If we had one Heather MacDonald for every 10 regular hack journalists, we would be doing much better. Instead she is almost unique.

    Her main point is that blacks engage in much more criminality than other races, a fact that can be verified by federal statistics that are compiled from the Sheriffs of each county in each state.

    I’ve watched hour-long debates between Ms. MacDonald and hack journalists/public intellectuals. She is fearless and can hold her own with the best of them.

    She is a national treasure. I only wish she were younger so that we might have her around longer.


  9. This thread is getting almost monotonous in its unstinting praise of Heather Mac. Let me add my big up vote. She does really fine work: well-researched, well-argued, and powered by her guts and passion for the subject.

    Unfortunately, as noted by Neo at 11:21, J Schools will always view her as the Antichrist. She completely ruins their game.

    Now gonna go order the book.

  10. they don’t do journalism just publish press releases from splc or cair or some other outfit, just like charles murray’s research was ground breaking on a host of fronts,

  11. Not_A_Lawyer @ 1:28: “…[Heather Mac Donald’s] main point…” Yes, she uses real data. Charles Murray is similar in his method and his findings. Maybe the lesson from what they say and write is, using race as a criterion is a double-edged sword. If you demand that people be sorted based on some attribute other than merit, you must accept that same sorting process when it does not favor your cause. But of course the racists will only ever recognize one side of the argument.

  12. Blackness is now a favored criterion for medical school admission. All of us who read here will be “cared for” toward death by customarily ignorant physicians (see Charles Murray’s “Facing Reality”).
    It’s not bigotry; it’s reality.
    We are fixing to turn the USA into rule by 13%!

  13. We are fixing to turn the USA into rule by 13%!
    It isn’t. Blacks don’t have the heft to force this on the rest of society. This has to do with fashions in and among our idiot professional-managerial class. The country is run by deeply unserious people.

  14. Art Deco:

    Actually, I think the country is run by deeply unserious people under the propaganda sway of deeply serious people.

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