Home » Open thread 6/26/23


Open thread 6/26/23 — 29 Comments

  1. The quality of my life has been improved by your presence–this post is one more lovely moment!

  2. Both precision, power — and restrained rubato. I count myself as fortunate to have seen Horowitz perform twice. (And we’re left to wonder. Does a bit of him Live on in Evgeny Kissin?)

  3. Zuck vs Elon… now Teamsters Boss challenges Senator to fist fight. Can we just bring back dueling?

  4. He was born in Ukraine!
    Became a US citizen at about age 40.
    My pianist mother worshipped him, especially his Chopin.
    His Wiki bio is instructive and recommended.

  5. The “Russian nuke” story is pretty skimpy. Stealing a nuclear weapon doesn’t do much good, as you can’t use it simply because you have physical possession of it. Even if Prigozhin had managed to steal any, the most that would happen is that Russia might be unable to use whichever ones were in his possession; it’s possible his organization might dismantle some of them and sell the plutonium or something if they didn’t kill themselves trying to do that… and in the meantime he’d be hostis humani generis.

    This is why Ukraine “gave up” its Soviet nuclear weapons in the 90s: they were useless to Ukraine as Ukraine could not launch them and having them in Ukrainian hands was a liability, not an asset.

    If Prigozhin did get possession of any, he probably used them as a “get out of jail free” card and Russia has them back now.

  6. Kate, thanks for the link…makes me feel better…ha!

    At our layover in Detroit, heading to Sin City for 4 days. Will think more about the desert, shows, slots, then politics for awhile

  7. A few months ago I came across (I hope it wasnt on a suggestion from someone here), a music animation page on Youtube. The creation of Stephen Malinowski who has been doing animations for decades. If you are a Classical Music fan you may want to check out his page. I find many of the animations beautiful, educational and insightful. Here is the link.


    If you enjoy Beethoven’s string quartets, he teamed up with a very good quartet to do all sixteen of them.


    As far as Chopin is concerned, here is a playlist


  8. Just posting this FYI:

    Several mutations would have to occur before bird flu could spread from human to human. Gain of function research has been taking place on it for years. Almost 50% deadly, hence the reason for all the worry. The government will allow research on bird flu that had been halted over safety concerns. But officials have not publicly announced the decision nor explained how it was made. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/op-eds/bird-flu-the-next-pandemic

  9. It’s a pleasure to be in the presence of such classical fans! I don’t know Horowitz or Chopin near well-enough. Catching up.

    I’m also a synthesizer fan, but I can’t think of any good synth renderings of Chopin, as we have for Bach, Beethoven, Debussy and so on.

    The top several YouTubes of synth Chopin I tried weren’t pleasing at all.

  10. huxley:

    I started ballet classes at the age of 4, and we always danced in class to piano music – most of the time played live. The vast majority was Chopin, only I didn’t know that at the time. But to me, Chopin’s music was ballet, and I became familiar with tons of it and loved it without ever knowing it was all by the same person, this “Chopin” guy..

  11. neo:

    After I learned to read and looked at my mother’s piano scores, I got all these composer names wrong:

    Chopin — CHOP-in
    Beethoven — BEE-thoa-ven
    Bach — BATCH
    Debussy — DEE-bus-ee

    I loved the music without knowing how to pronounce the names.

  12. I do find myself wondering as to the lack of synth Chopin successes.

    Is there some ineffable quality to Chopin which eludes the synth masters?

    Walter/Wendy Carlos and Tomita were geniuses at the classical pieces they reworked for synthesizer. Especially when one considers how primitive their equipment was.

    Maybe Carlos and Tomita just weren’t big on Chopin and the window for classical-synth covers closed.

    Synth players today mostly seem to be doing their own thing, which is fine, though they haven’t pierced their bubble to mainstream, aside from adding color to other musics.

  13. RE” UFOs–

    While much has been made of the fact that the information about UFOs provided by David Grusch, the Air Force whistleblower, has all been second hand i.e. he was told about things by people who had been involved with and had seen these UFOs and other things first hand, but Grusch had not actually witnessed any of these things himself.

    Well, here is Senator Marco Rubio yesterday, telling a reporter that knowledgeable people–former and current members of the government–who did have first hand knowledge, had been coming to his committee with “incredible” information on these things for two years now, and that these people feared the repercussions on their careers and livelihoods, some apparently fearful that divulging this information might even put their lives at risk. *

    It seems to me that such wariness by people involved in these clandestine programs does make the assertion that some people had been murdered in the course of this coverup a little more believable.

    * See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4hmaflNoKU&t=2s

  14. Biden has now come right out and said that he sold this country out but, since he has already made so many outrageous and false statements–made things up out of whole cloth–it will be easy for the MSM, for instance, to discount what he so plainly said–the product of his “guilty mind.”*

    Of course, if your excuse is that the Commander in Chief is obviously increasingly senile, you’ve just contradicted all of your previous reporting, and the pretense that he isn’t increasingly diving into senility.


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