Home » Open thread 5/26/23


Open thread 5/26/23 — 26 Comments

  1. Two related items:

    Glenn Reynolds: “TIME FOR CONSEQUENCES: Six in 10 want FBI officials in Russiagate prosecuted.

    The Deep State bureaucrats have decided they’re not accountable to anyone. They need to be proved wrong, and examples need to be made.”

    And Tom Knighton: https://tomknighton.substack.com/p/the-new-aristocracy
    “I want to look at my government and at least feel like they’re not my enemy. I want to look at them and believe that while I might disagree with the people in power, we all ultimately want what’s best for our nation.

    I haven’t been able to do that for a long time.”

  2. The Man is really talented and has a great sense of his well being. To get people to sing in the streets is something. The Woman is not a great singer, but she sings with passion. And she did enjoy herself. Thats Neo for bring this wonderful slice of fun and enjoyment into our lives this Friday morning. It is hard to be upbeat about anything, but this helps.

  3. Check out Rasmussen twitter. https://twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll

    Lots of serious stuff. Scroll down.

    –Proof of massive, algorithmic shenanigans in voter registration databases.

    — MSM very effective in burying Durham results. Also, 59% now agree news media enemy of people.

    — Even Dem respondents want prosecutions once they know about Durham.

    — new high for % believing 2020 election fraudulent.

  4. Looks more and more like the fix was in.


    Durham followed up on NONE of Nunes criminal referrals.

    also — Steve McIntyre: “Democrat Special Counsels get access even to notes of Trump’s lawyers, while Durham was refused access even to Fusion GPS correspondence due to “privilege” and Comey and others “declined” to be interviewed.”

    The rule of law is dead. The constitution is crumbling.

  5. I love that guy’s channel. Lots of fun if you have time to prowl around on it. So many people leave in a better mood after singing.

  6. La vie en Rose – I’ve heard the title and the melody many times and never connected the two.

  7. Lovely video. She was pretty good for a first shot. Not only passion but with some authority which is often difficult for amateurs.

  8. Jack Cashill on both Brennan and Comey and their roles in Obama’s dirty trick. Some interesting stuff.

    Comey: “Comey had a past. In 2003, he acknowledged his leftist roots in a New York magazine interview, telling reporter Chris Smith, “I’d moved from Communist to whatever I am now.”

    The marxist Brennan in his thesis: “The democratic process may involve, at some point, the violation of personal liberties and procedural justice.”

    The bottom line — “former congressman Devin Nunes raised the cover-up issue on Maria Bartiromo’s show. Said Nunes, “We now know from Durham that Obama knew and his team knew that in August 2016 this was a dirty trick from the Clinton campaign.”

  9. Obviously all of this LQBTQ+ advertising/product placement is very coordinated.

    Who cares about the bottom line and your customers, its transgressive ideology which rules.

    Next in line after Bud Light, and recently North Face, and Target comes the news of this in your face, pro-Trans advertisement which Starbucks is apparently now running in India.

    See https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/starbucks-has-learnt-nothing-from-the-bud-light-fiasco/video/87c438a45e12d41cec1888bc9f3430c8

  10. Re: the video: very nice; I enjoyed it.
    A reminder that we have no idea of what a random person on the street may be capable of. Not that she was an extraordinary singer, but that most people have skills and capabilities (and/or character traits) which are worthy of respect.

    “Full many a flower is born to blush unseen,
    And waste its sweetness on the desert air.”

    –“Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”, Thomas Gray (1716-1771)

  11. Fun video, and she is a better singer than I! Even better than he is, but he is gifted at getting people to do stuff that most people wouldn’t willingly do.

    Just a FYI — the subtitles were not always what she was singing. They were the words as written, which she couldn’t remember at times.

    Re: Republican/Democrat candidates in 2024: Tyrus on Fox News Live today delivered the opinion that Biden would not run if Trump did not, and it is entirely possible Trump will not be able to run because of legal problems. God knows, the left is doing everything possible to prevent Trump from running. Tyrus thinks Gavin Newsom will be the Democrat candidate, and likely DeSantis will be the Republican nominee. I could believe that. And Newsom will be a formidable candidate. Very photogenic, very capable of agreeing with everything.

  12. I posted here several months ago, about Jordan Peterson’s discussion of the conclusions of the U.S. military–which, after a hundred years of I.Q. research–determined that the military could not train anyone with an I.Q. of 83 or less to do anything useful (this prohibition against enlisting anyone with an I.Q. of 83 or less written into law), and how this was an apparently deliberately ignored public policy nightmare, given the fact that 10% of the population has an IQ. of 83 or less.

    Here is a further exploration of this issue of the effects of low I.Q. between Brown University’s Professor Glen Lurie and Dr. Jordan Peterson, exploring issues such as employment, income inequality, and crime.

    See https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Glenn+Lurie+and+Jordan+Peterson+and+intelligence+&t=newext&atb=v324-1&iax=videos&ia=videos&iai=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DIZGkd0VhSGA

  13. I posted a link here several months ago, of Jordan Peterson’s discussion of low I.Q. and the conclusions of the U.S. military–which, after a hundred years of I.Q. research–determined that the military could not train anyone with an I.Q. of 83 or less to do anything useful (this prohibition against enlisting anyone with an I.Q. of 83 or less written into law), and how this was an apparently deliberately ignored public policy nightmare, given the fact that 10% of the population has an IQ. of 83 or less.

    Here is a further, more lengthy and detailed exploration of this issue of the effects of low I.Q. between eminent Brown University Professor Glenn Loury and Dr.Jordan Peterson, exploring issues such as employment, income inequality, and crime.


  14. Re: Video

    The lady has French R’s to die for!

    I’m so jealous…

    Polyglot Steve Kaufmann advises language learners not to shoot for full native pronunciation or fluency. That’s a 5-10 year project. Plus if one is learning a language past the age of 16, it’s extraordinarily difficult to erase one’s own accent entirely.

    Kaufmann recommends finding an accent one can manage and one which is not unpleasant to native speakers.

  15. I don’t think what I’m about to say is racist, but these days you never know….

    I’ve noticed that there is a real sweet friendly thing some black men can do to put just about everyone at ease. I’d say Mr. Sing With Me is an excellent example.

    Speaking of polyglots, there was Moses McCormick, a black man who got hooked on learning languages while young and made that his way of life. He had that warm outgoing manner and was fearless about wading into ethnic communities and speaking say, Khmer, to local Cambodians, then everyone having a good time.

    McCormick died young of a heart condition, but he is revered in the polyglot community. Here’s Steve Kaufmann interviewing Moses McCormick:

    –Steve Kaufmann, Level Up With Moses McCormick: Part 1″

    Lovely guy and, lordy, did he learn a lot of languages.

  16. Thanks for the link, huxley, to Steve Kaufmann and Moses McCormick. I forwarded to X-boy who is something of a polyglot. I enjoy watching him wade into a group of strangers and start speaking in their language. They become absolutely delighted when an outsider speaks to them in their lingo. What a way to make friends!

  17. RE: UFOs–

    Knowledgeable people are becoming bolder/more open in their statements about UFOs

    Dr. Garry Nolan is a Stanford University professor of pathology with a very impressive CV,* he has written over 300 peer reviewed papers, has 40 patents to his name, has founded 9 different companies in his field, and is interested in, and has done some scientific research on various issues in the UFO field.

    He performed the scientific investigations on the supposedly “alien” Atacama skeletons which determined that they were not of alien origin but were just infants with major genetic anomalies.

    He has done some investigation of various samples of supposed crash material.

    Moreover, he has also investigated the medical evidence in the cases of a large number of military/government personnel who have had health problems, including brain damage, after close encounters with UFOs.

    Dr. Nolan, who reportedly has connections in the fields of intelligence and defense, and, as well, connections to major figures in the UFO community, made some rather remarkable statements/claims about UFOs at last week’s SALT iConnections Conference in New York.

    The full video of his remarks which used to be up on Youtube has now been pulled, but this article in the New York Post summarizes some of his statements regarding UFOs. **

    ** https://nypost.com/2023/05/23/stanford-prof-says-aliens-are-100-living-among-us/

  18. @Xylourgos

    You’re welcome! Here’s a more detailed video on Moses McCormick which gives a better idea of how many languages he learned and how he learned them:

    –Olly Richards, “How Moses McCormick learned 50+ languages! RIP”

    Olly Richards is another self-taught polyglot who now has a business helping students learn languages through stories.

  19. Snow-on-pine: See https://www.skynews.com.au/opinion/starbucks-has-learnt-nothing-from-the-bud-light-fiasco/video/87c438a45e12d41cec1888bc9f3430c8

    Well, didn’t read the article, but the difference here is that Starbucks clientele is, I think, much more liberal in basis, and much more “young and stupid”.

    While I’m sure they could get stung by the Right, it’s not like that is their main source of revenue.

    Any effort to openly organize a boycott of Starbucks would be a foolish move, and would lose much of the momentum they’ve gained by flexing the weight of half the populace’s buying abilities.

    Now, John Deere, that one seems remarkably stupid, as they are clearly more of interest to farmers, who tend towards conservative voting. The only thing they have going for them is that it would take several years for anyone to notice they’ve lost much in sales, as I can’t see tractor purchases as being a high volume purchase.

  20. Kohl’s and Home Depot both slipped down the queer slope. Is Blackrock or someone backing these outfits for their financial losses? Can you imagine the Great Publicity the likes of Bud or Target would have if instead of stupidly losing billions and destroying their ‘brand’ they gave it as bonus to rank and file employees. Win win… super forever loyal dedicated employees and big bounce in stock value. Oh well…

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