Home » The Democrats reveal the contents of Al Capone’s vaults Trump’s tax returns….


The Democrats reveal <strike>the contents of Al Capone’s vaults</strike> Trump’s tax returns…. — 13 Comments

  1. I think the SCOTUS allowed this to give cover to criticisms of being beholden to President Trump.
    They are going to have to make many decisions going forward to defend the future of the Republic and the left is going to continue to be outraged at each one.
    Picking their battles.

  2. The media has certainly been trying hard. I’ve scrolled past quite a few headlines about “foreign bank accounts” and “business losses”.

  3. They’re skating awfully close to the prohibition on bills of attainder. If they get him, can hanging, drawing, and quartering be far behind?

  4. John Roberts keeps trying to split the baby in every case he is involved in.

    I think in his mind that means he is being fair. What he seems to forget is the actual lesson of that parable.

    On side needs to win, and the other needs to lose. Other wise each was gifted one half of a dead child.

  5. Every time they scrape bottom we discover that they’re digging ever, ever deeper.
    It’s a collective pathological illness…beyond pathetic, full-bore projection and verging on the criminally insane.
    To be sure, they’re convinced it’s the epitome of morality, patriotism and Democracy…and that their self-perceived “virtue”—and their markedly successful demonization of all oppponents—gives them a free pass. Carte blanche.
    Not sure what their Russian-at-the-gates-of-Berlin moment will be…also not sure they’ll even recognize it as such; but if they do, it’s guaranteed that they’ll blame someone else for it.
    Someone with orange hair, most likely…

  6. Maybe this brings us closer to abolishing income tax. Some politicians might realize nobody can release their tax records if there aren’t any taxes.

  7. I continue to be amazed how clean Trump is. Almost unimaginable.
    Doubt many other big business people or any politicians could survive the scrutiny.
    We normal people would be squashed by similar attentions.

  8. I presumed the dems knew it would amount to nothing in legal terms. I’m sure they have their sources inside the IRS.
    But I figured the plan was to spin “TRUMP PAID NO TAXES!!!” while misrepresenting arcane real estate law to generate yummy headlines.

  9. This “dangerous new precedent” is justification to demand and release the tax returns for the Biden Crime Family, Joe, Hunter, Valerie, Frank and James.

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