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Ballot harvesting in Florida — 17 Comments

  1. Seditious denier.

    One thing our side has not done well here, as opposed to other areas, is come up with a word or phrase which makes those saying “denier” look ridiculous. E.g., the way we turned “fake news” around on them. Not that I have any suggestions, though.

  2. Eeyore,
    At least our side has “ groomer” for the people trying to steer minors away from straight.
    I suppose we could say , “ fraud enablers”.

  3. This confirms many things I have suspected. Our all mail in ballot system in Washington is perfect for ballot harvesting and producing ballots from voters who are dead, moved out of state, are illegal aliens, etc. Much planning and forethought along with a mound of cash is necessary to produce the required ballots. Cheating actually requires a lot of work and premeditation. How to stop it? Going back to in person voting would be a start. Outlawing ballot harvesting would be another.

    If Tiffany Smiley is leading after the first round of vote couniting, the Dems will “find” enough votes to put Murray over the top. It’s almost a foregone conclusion. (It’s happened before here. Rossi – Gregoire: Gorton – Cantwell: to name two.) I hope I’m wrong this time.

    Election cheaters is what they are.

  4. My parents in California just got a ballot for a guy in a fed prison, that used to live there.

  5. So Biden is alleged to have received 81 million votes.
    81 million votes.
    Not a smidgen of corruption in that count at all is there?
    81 million votes.
    I’m going out on a limb…fraud makes up 30%…ok 40%.

  6. The only remedy to this kind of cheating is to prohibit any manner of voting other than in-person, non-electronic, and on election day. This will obviously “disenfranchise” some (those too lazy to make voting their priority, those in the military (whose votes are not counted anyway), the elderly who cannot easily get to the polls, etc.) but as it stands now, our elections are not in the least bit secure. It is obvious that people now hold elected office that did not prevail on election day and that fraud is causing havoc in our public policy. We need to make punishment for election fraud so severe that no one will dare try it. Life in solitary confinement is a good place to begin. Start putting cheaters in an 8′ x 10′ concrete box will no hope of getting out and others will soon get the message. That which you subsidize you get more of; the opposite is true too.

  7. “That which you subsidize you get more of…”

    Precisely so.
    Which is why one can expect even more cheating, fraud and dirty tricks from those criminal psychopaths who have hijacked the country and now run it…
    (…into the ground.)

  8. I remember days prior to the Election of 2020 some news anchor on MSNBC smiled at the camera reassuring the viewers that mail ballots were “completely secure” and that we “had nothing to worry about.” I am not opposed to mail ballots, just that the reassurance was immensely contrived to combat any skeptical narrative. It was like the witch in Hansel and Gretel beckoning prospects to her house to have a cup of tea and some puddingprezel.

  9. Let’s see:

    -a certain percentage of those currently in elective office got there through some amount of fraud and chicanery, and are aware of it;

    -Those people will be facing re-election in 2 to 6 years;

    -They are also in place to influence national and local policy regarding future voting policy.

    Now tell me again what the chances are we will see election procedures and policies changed to get rid of vote fraud and make improve election integrity?

  10. Doing a Google search for “ballot harvesting whistleblower florida” just now, I only got hits for local Florida news, and a few random sites on the right

    Yeah, Google gives you all the information you need to know. They’re as crooked as the Seattle Times in concealing the parts of a story essential for an honest researcher in seeing the whole spectrum of facts on which to draw conclusions.

  11. I scrolled from “Other Dances” to this headline and read it as “Ballet Harvesting…”
    Huh? What now?

  12. GRA, I am totally opposed to mail in ballots because they deny people a secret ballot and, often, any vote at all. Of course, now that Democrats have completely stripped our elections of any integrity at all, they are used to manufacture fake votes by the millions.

    There simply isn’t any way to use them and ensure that they aren’t enabling fraud and strong-arm tactics.

  13. Pingback:Big ballot-havesting operation busted in Orlando, Florida – Glendale, Burbank, Crescenta Valley, Sunland and Tujunga Republican Assembly

  14. Gee, the DOJ and MSM should investigate. We are constantly told there is no proof of voter fraud. It was on Sixty Minutes last night.

    The thing is, they NEVER look.

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