Home » Open thread 10/11/22


Open thread 10/11/22 — 17 Comments

  1. When I’ve had a hummingbird near my head, the sound is a very loud, low frequency buzz. Thinking about it, about 100 Hz. That makes sense if you figure that each stroke, forward and back will create a sound wave – so the filmed count of 47.5 bpm would translate into 95 Hz.

    It is also heartstopping, when they appear next to your head out of nowhere to investigate the hunter’s orange hat you’re wearing. 🙂

  2. Re: Miguel Cervantes’ link to substack and Nord Stream pipeline.

    Sorry, but one has to be a total idiot to think NATO or the USA blew up the Nord Stream pipeline.
    Russia has never had a problem finding “useful idiots” in the West to do their bidding or excuse their actions.

  3. JohnTyler – Prior to 2016, one would have to have been a total idiot to believe that the FBI and DOJ would use on junk oppo research to launch a full-blown counterintelligence investigation of a major party’s presidential nominee, then mischaracterize and misrepresent evidence to a Federal court in order to obtain surveillance warrants, and then empower a “special” counsel to indict campaign staff and even a National Security Advisor for BS process crimes in order to build a false narrative.

    But all of those things happened. Why would the Department of State/CIA/DOD be any more trustworthy that the DOJ and FBI?

    Let me be clear, I don’t believe that the US blew up the Nordstream pipeline, but one doesn’t have to be a “total idiot” to believe that our government is capable of something like that.

  4. the state department didn’t take me, neither did the Company, doesn’t that tell you something, they did take mary larf, that’s even more frightening

    now this secret sauce was floating around MI 6 as well, part of chris steele’s bag of tricks, and that of haklyut,
    a world that surpassed cronenberg in its horror,


  5. Y’know, if I were still an Arizona voter I’d be voting for Kari Lake for sure, but going back to Katie Hobbs having been immature when she was in high school isn’t too convincing. Northam was several years older and in medical school when his racist photos were printed.

  6. Hummingbirds are the sound of summer for me. We have feeders out, front and back, and the hummers (aggressive little things!) fight Bird Wars over them until they depart for the Gulf of Mexico in October. They’re just about all gone now.

  7. Looks like the Ds are celebrating Gabbard’s departure, which I find ironic as it just proves her point about the nature of the party now. She joins a distinguished list of Ds such as Zell Miller and Joe Lieberman.

  8. huxley, if you happen upon this comment:

    You’ve mentioned several times your wide reading in sci-fi and you recently mentioned, “Sail on, Sail on” which wasn’t to your liking so you chose not to finish it. Have you read either, “A Canticle for Liebowitz*,” or “To Your Scattered Bodies Go?” If so, I’d be interested in learning what you thought of either or both. I thought of the latter when you described, “Sail on, Sail on.” It too features many historical figures and quite a bit of navigation by river. And I also found it very weird. I understand it is a series; I forget how many books. I stopped after one, but I believe the second book consists of Samuel Clemens building a riverboat and navigating the fictional world.

    *The version I read was a compilation of the trilogy, which, I imagine, is fairly standard these days, but I’m not sure if the first third is still typically published on its own. If I remember correctly the author wrote a short-ish story for a sci-fi magazine and it either did well enough, or the theme stuck with him so that he eventually wrote two more installments to form a complete novel.

  9. buddhaha,

    I am fascinated by hummingbirds (and it seems many others share this fascination) and recently put out a hummingbird feeder. It is a joy to watch them, although I often wish they could forego their territorial nature and share the four perches my feeder has. Four birds could drink for days there and not run out of the nectar I manufacture. And, when it does run out I have a new batch out in short order. Yet they either don’t comprehend the plentitude of the supply, or simply cannot learn to share. 😉

    Just yesterday I was sitting, reading near the feeder and one came very close to my right ear. It was precisely as you describe. I could also feel its presence, it disturbed the air so much. The force reminded me of how a gyroscope feels when a person holds one in one’s hand. And I haven’t watched this video yet, but I’ve watched many others. I believe you mean 45bps? Your hearing would be quite phenomenal to pick up 45 bpm! I can get my entire body off the ground fast enough to skip rope at 4 skips per second, and I know hummingbird’s put my sloth-like metabolism to shame!

  10. Kate,

    I agree. Journalists ought to ignore pretty much anything anyone does or has done prior to the age of 18, and depending on the venue and circumstance, much after the age of 18 should be ignored.

    What are a candidate’s stated goals and policies? Do they have a demonstrated history of being honest and having the ability to carry their goals to fruition? That’s about all I need to know.

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