Home » Whitmer vetoes bill to help pregnancy clinics


Whitmer vetoes bill to help pregnancy clinics — 28 Comments

  1. And note that the quote wants you to assume that people get pregnant without wanting to because they just don’t have access to contraception – which is widely available just about everywhere and is supported by Medicaid.

    The Republicans in Congress have tried for several years to make birth control pills over-the-counter. The Democrats have been able to block it so far.

    The “signature problem” in Michigan reminds one of Obama’s successful signature campaign in Chicago that got him his first political job.

  2. As a Michigan resident she should feel confident. The Repubs are about the weakest collection of politicians I have seen. Absolutely no fight in them.

  3. Have there been any more “Jane’s Revenge” attacks on crisis pregnancy centers since the vandalism of the Birthright center in St. Paul on July 5? The group seems to be lying low for the time being (or maybe the members think they’ve made their point).

  4. Currently the two candidates most likely to win the Republican gubernatorial primary here in Michigan are Kevin Rinke and Tudor Dixon. Rinke is the wealthy owner of a group of car dealerships who is funding his own campaign, and Dixon is a former news anchor for the conservative America’s Voice News with a background in the steel industry, who has the support of the DeVoss family (I don’t think that Craig’s write-in campaign will end up having an effect). The liberal Detroit Free Press endorsed Rinke as being “the least worst”, and the more conservative Detroit News has endorsed Dixon.

    Recently an organization called Stand Up Michigan did hour long interviews with all five candidates and published the interviews at the same time.

    I watched all of the interviews. To me Rinke came across as competent but unappealing. At the end of the interviews each candidate was asked that, if they didn’t win the nomination would they support the candidate who won. Rinke was the only one who wouldn’t commit to that. Also, he has been running some really nasty attack ads against Dixon.

    Tudor Dixon on the other hand really impressed me. Like Whitmer she is young and attractive, but also she came across as likable and articulate. She has an interesting backstory. She is a cancer survivor with four kids,
    and a background in business. She is unapologetically pro life, telling about her experience seeing her baby following a miscarriage, and how she had to watch her grandmother die alone in a nursing home as a result of Whitmer’s lockdowns. I think that she would demolish Whitmer in any live debate.

    My thoughts anyway, I think that it could get surprising and interesting here in Michigan if Tudor Dixon wins the Republican nomination.

  5. Chris B:

    What do you think of James Craig or of his chances? He is running a write-in campaign, and he was the frontrunner before the big disqualification happened.

  6. I would think the signature problems of a full-state general election would be pretty daunting (regarding candidate James Craig’s write-in hopes).

    Have you ever heard of write-in candidate winning a state-wide election? I can’t recall one. I bet Dem Operatives would be there to get droves of ballots thrown out on technicalities.

  7. I have interviewed Craig, Dixon and Ryan Kelley.
    I like all three. I do not care for Soldano or Rinke.
    Craig doesn’t have a chance as people will misspell his name, or write “Chief” Craig, etc.
    I honestly believe it’s between Dixon and Kelley.
    Dixon was down 20 pts the Friday before I interviewed her and up 11 the Monday after. I established that she is not establishment, the major charge leveled against her by her rivals (except Kelly).
    The interviews are posted at my blog if anyone is interested.

  8. Neo- my gut feeling is that James Craig’s write-in campaign won’t be an issue in this election.

    Having said that, I was a big fan of Craig when he first announced his candidacy. People here were very happy and impressed with his ability to keep all of the BLM and Antifa craziness out of Detroit and he was very popular, not just with Republicans but even with many blacks and independents. There was a lot of news coverage in Michigan when he first announced a write-in campaign, but I have seen very little since. As far as I can tell, nobody is really talking about it anymore.

    Republicans here are very discouraged, and many have given up this governorship for lost, but I’m not so sure. There are are many pro-life voters here super motivated to vote against Whitmer’s extreme pro abortion views. I could be wrong, (I often am) but depending on what happens here on August 2nd, there could be some surprises in store in the fall.

  9. Chris B: Whitmer got in with the pot vote that was on the ballot and the fact that she was running against Schuette, a candidate that lit a fire in no one.
    The conservative grass roots, the pro-life vote and the anger at her demonic and tyrannical lockdowns (while allowing her husband to boat) ring her death knell.

  10. So Whitmer screwed the black man who had been head of the Detroit PD? Gotta love the political hard ball. Too bad nobody in the Republican legislature had ever read Vox Day’s “SJWs Always Lie” or “SJWs Always Double Down ” or they would have known what to expect. They should have impeached her when they had the chance. It would have saved Michigan a lot of grief.

  11. Kathleen Wilson who runs Mary’s Shelter was interviewed for about one hour on Tucker Carlson Today, a long form interview show on Fox Nation. Mary’s Shelter is a “pro-life pregnancy center”.

    In very STARK contrast to those on the abortion for all side of this mess, Ms Wilson presented as a kind, caring, loving, accepting, generous person. She did not blather on about them vs the pro’s at all. In fact, I don’t remember her even mentioning it.

    Watch this, then watch some of the clips from the pro’s. Who would you want caring for your daughter?

    Like Carlson or not, try out these long form interviews. I never fail to learn something and often learn a lot. A rare occurrence these days, excepting, of course, on this blog. (pure suck up to all here)

  12. Chris B:

    I think they managed to discredit Craig with the successful signature challenge and now he’s sort of tainted. Plus, because he’s no longer an official candidate, the media can ignore him. That means he falls out of the public eye unless he pushes it. Is he pushing it? I don’t think so. Is he having trouble getting donations? Maybe.

  13. The courts were all willing to give murkowski an out a friend robert flynn who passed on three years ago was one of the 141 candidates who ran that race

  14. “They should have impeached her when they had the chance. It would have saved Michigan a lot of grief….”

    I don’t know…it couldn’ta been easy for her…but at least she’s honest…well, somewhat…you gotta give her credit…for letting us know…just why the FBI decided she had to be abducted….

  15. Ed Bonderenka- I just listened to the interview with Hima Kolanagirredy on your blog. Great interview! I live in the 6th congressional district and have been super impressed with Hima, even donated to her campaign early on. If she wins the Republican nomination though, what do you think of her chances against the Dingle dynasty given the makeup of the district now?

  16. Liberal progressives, in addition to being intolerant, angry, either prone to or encouraging of violence, supportive of any and all totalitarian policies that will advance their agenda, are also truly evil people.
    They would rather have women die – by the tens of thousands if need be – due to botched, alley-way, coat hanger abortions, than support “pro-life” pregnancy centers.
    Look at the reaction to the recent mall shooting where an individual who had a concealed gun, shot dead a shooter out to kill as many shoppers as possible. The leftist “anti -gun” crowd was incensed that this one guy, a legal gun owner, stopped a mass shooting.
    The progressives would have preferred the mass shooter had murdered 50 people, because that would provide them more “evidence” that all guns should be illegal.

    The motto of the liberal progressive, their MO: “you have to crack a few eggs to make an omelette.”
    We all know what that led to.

    Honestly, they will stop at absolutely nothing at all to compel the citizenry to bend to their demands; and if necessary, this includes the establishment here in the USA of gulags and other sorts of death camps (see the comments of Larry Grathwohl , an FBI informant, who infiltrated the radical SDS group in the 1960s, and described how these student radicals discussed murdering up to 25 MILLION Americans).

    These progressives are truly evil – and determined.

    I do not think there is any way using discourse, reasoning or compromising that will change the ultimate goal of the liberal progressive (think ANTIFA, SDS, the Weathermen, etc).
    Of course, this leaves only one solution in dealing with them that will be effective.

  17. }}} as to why someone might not be able to have access to consistent health care or contraception.”

    The total lack of reality with these people is beyond insane.

    Condoms are less than 80c apiece at Walmart.

    Oral contraceptives run from Free to 70 bucks a month (and may offer additional benefits such as eliminating the menstrual cycle. As a guy, I’ve never had that experience, but that seems like a pretty major boon worth paying for all by itself). Most places seem to charge about 30 bucks a month, tops, for a wide variety of options.

    Or you can “Just Say No”. Amazingly, this IS an actual option available. :-/

    There are certainly other issues applicable to the question — incest, rape, etc., and those have their own moral quandaries to be considered and worked out for each individual.

    But those are not the typical case, despite every effort by the Left to make the most absurdly rare instance (a pregnant 10yo) set the standard for all the rest.

    Some of these people are disgusting. In a just world, they would be killed by some moral sanitary authority.

  18. “fake health clinics.” Same has been said about “Planned Parenthood” centers.

    So, I believe the pro-abortion crowd is trying to turn that language back against the pro-life crowd.

  19. I had an informative exchange last week with a progressive acquaintance about the pregnancy centers. He was totally on board with Warren’s “shut them down nationwide” proposal. I think he would support jailing the uncooperative. I was a little surprised at the level of malice. All in the name of preventing misinformation of course. That tactic is a big favorite now but I’m not sure it’s of any effect outside the bubble. It’s been abused too badly. I have no doubt that the arbiters of misinformation would tag the use of “baby” instead of “fetus” as false or misleading, to use Facebook’s formula.

  20. Whitmer of planned parent/hood, and, clearly, Planned Parenthood transnational infamy.

    That said, the mystery of sex and conception, dreams of a feminist and masculinist, a body of evidence sequestered, a human rite, a planned parenthood, a wicked solution for social, redistributive, clinical, political, and fair weather causes, will not be denied.

    Roe’s regrets. Ruth’s remorse. Her choice. His choice. Six weeks to baby meets granny, in state, if not in process, civilized society has compelling cause to discourage abortion elected in darkness (i.e. murder), at the twilight fringe (i.e. rite), and especially in the light (i.e. witch hunt, warlock trial).

  21. Chris B. I think Hima has a great chance of defeating Dingell, red wave and all.
    It’s nice to hear your my neighbor. We need to get the word out to our neighbors.

  22. Remember back in 2012 when Democrats tried to pretend that birth control cost something like $15K a year if not covered by health insurance? Lol. At one point I had to pay for birth control and it was $27.

    Speaking of “safe, legal, and rare,” now the slogan in New York is “Safe. Legal. Accessible.” This is on the subway and on billboards. Yuck.

  23. Pingback:Do We Want Kansas to Be Primarily Known For Abortion? - Trueorleans News

  24. Mac

    Don’t be surprised at the level of malice. I still think this will only end one way.

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