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Biden polls — 25 Comments

  1. What’s keeping Biden afloat is the total breakdown/dereliction of America’s media establishment. It’s kind of heartening that Biden’s popularity is so low given the ridiculously soft and supportive news coverage he has received. It hasn’t been quite as worshipful as what Obama got but Obama didn’t have nearly as poor a record as Biden.

    The only thing Biden has really been hammered on by the media was the Afghanistan debacle, and it is important to remember that only happened because the Deep State sent the word out that it was okay to bash Biden for it.


  2. It’s always tempting to wonder why Biden’s approval rating is still that high.

    Because partisan Democrats refuse to attribute failures to people who actually make policy.

  3. Doesn’t it matter in the way the question is asked? I mean some of those that don’t approve could be saying that he isn’t going far enough left, or isn’t doing enough for Green stuff.

  4. Biden is a classic politician. Today, it was “federal gas tax holiday” with “oh, and the states should do the same”. Let’s unpack this.
    1) Gas is at an all-time high because the Biden Administration is strangling production which cuts supply. They’ll supply is just fine, but it is fine if we were still in a pandemic with lockdowns. We are not, so demand is on the rise while supply remains stagnant (and will fall as supply declines due to lack of new sources of oil from drilling).
    2) Cutting taxes on gas does nothing to fix the supply problem. This is great when your intention is to strangle supply. Cutting taxes will temporarily lower the cost of gas at the pump and so doing will increase demand. That demand increase will raise the price back to what the market is willing to pay at current supply.
    3) I suspect that Biden and his staff are not complete idiots, so they understand this. However, offering to cut taxes gives them a talking point against Republicans, who may be smart enough to oppose the dumb idea. “Look at those Republicans always asking for tax cuts, and then I offer one and they won’t work with me to help the economy.” That will be the talking point that is red meat for the progressives but off-putting to everyone else. Biden will also talk up the price raise as profiteering by the oil industry because bad capitalism.
    4) While capitalism is partly to blame, it has nothing to do with free markets. The lack of supply is due to a controlled market, which does benefit the oil Majors and consolidates their power, as they also push the Paris Accords like Biden wants. Also, while Republicans talk tax cuts, the part of the base that were called “tea baggers” demanded spending cuts to allow for tax cuts.
    5) Without equivalent spending cuts, such as on infrastructure that Biden already passed and for which the federal gas tax was meant to cover regardless; the tax cuts are really just spending. More government spending results in more money in the economy which just increases inflation. Besides everything above that will mean gas prices will not actually be lower at the pump; we will also have a further devaluation of the dollar and raised prices on every other good.

    All this for that talking point I mentioned earlier. We need better politicians.

  5. Biden just doubled down. See? Nobody outdoes Joe Biden for woke.

    “Biden has appointed Marilynn Malerba, chief of the Mohegan Tribe, as the next Treasurer of the United States.

    Malerba will serve alongside Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen as she oversees the U.S. Mint, Fort Knox, and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. She will also advise Yellen on “community development and public engagement” and lead the newly created Office of Tribal and Native Affairs.

    Malerba, who is carrying out a lifetime appointment as chief of the Mohegan Tribe in Southeastern Connecticut, worked as a registered nurse before her current role as a member of the Treasury Tribal Advisory Committee, according to the White House. She advises Yellen on the taxation of Native Americans.”

    “carrying out a lifetime appointment”?

    Hey, isn’t Marilynn a European name? Isn’t that cultural appropriation?

    Oh that’s right, to quote Paul Joseph Watson, “It’s OK when we do it!”

  6. “It’s always tempting to wonder why Biden’s approval rating is still that high. I’ve noticed that about a third of the population (and not always the same third) will approve of anything.”

    As quaint and archaic as it is, there still are some voters who believe it is patriotic to support the President (any President, regardless of party). Their number has diminished dramatically in our hyper-partisan, hyper-polarized milieu, but they still exist.

    Then you have the diehard partisans, who will follow their party and its President into hell. They exist in both parties, but seem to be more prevalent among Democrats.

    Lastly, the ‘Orange Man Bad! Bad Bad Bad!!’ contingent. Many of them also dislike and disapprove of Slo’ Joe. But some will still register approval because he’s not Orange Man and…’Orange Man Bad!’

  7. It always seems like things are split 1/3, 1/3, 1/3 in politics. Wasn’t it so during Revolutionary times- 1/3 wanted to split from England, 1/3 wanted to stay and 1/3 didn’t seem to care. Now we have (approximately) 1/3 dems, 1/3 gop, 1/3 independent. I used to think that 1/3 of the dems were commies but now I think half, which depresses me to no end.
    Totally agree with you Neo, I’m sure many dems do not think he is doing enough for the Progressive cause and so agree with the rest of us that we are going the wrong way-but for the wrong reasons.
    Slightly different note. Over the last couple of months people seem to be fighting back against the progressive group think-I do think Elon Musk (my sort of John Galt) may have spurred some of this. There is hope for a huge red wave in the fall. We have some good things coming out of some of our states-especially Florida. And I have been hopeful. But then I saw Tucker tonight and he began with the 14 Senators voting for the gun bill; and he listed (reminded me) a number of things many of the GOP governors have been doing which are not good in my estimation. So depressing. Two steps forward and maybe 1 3/4 back.

  8. No elevator operators in NYC stores or office buildings for a long time. But I remember them.

  9. }}} many who would nevertheless vote for him again if he ran against any Republican and especially Donald Trump.

    The term you seek is “Yellow Dog Democrat**“, and the fact that there is no such thing as a “Yellow Dog Republican”, or its equivalent, tells you which party has no principles. Or perhaps “Power!!” is the only principle to them.

    I haven’t always liked it, it was a choice between two bad options, but I have voted for either side on occasion (Less than formerly, as the Dem side has consistently ranked as far far more odious of late — but the fact remains, they have a *chance* to get my vote… I just consider them unlikely to do what is needed)


    **As in: “I’d vote for a yellow dog before I’d vote for a Republican.”

  10. }}} No elevator operators in NYC stores or office buildings for a long time. But I remember them.

    I’ve seen them in movies, and probably anyone who’s actually seen them pretty much has to be old enough to be at serious risk of Covid. 😛

    I think they likely disappeared almost entirely by the 1970s, with most gone by the end of the 60s.

  11. ObloodyHell, I call myself a “bent trashcan Republican”. I haven’t always been this way, especially in local politics. But for now, I would vote for a bent trashcan before I would vote for the Democrat. Why? Because a bent trashcan would sit there and do nothing, which is running away, better than what the bolshevik Democrats do.

    I also know a few “Yellow dog Democrats”. They are almost all older retired folks who had been union supporters all their lives.

  12. PS: I am also old enough (68) to barely remember elevator operators in the buildings downtown.

  13. I call myself a “bent trashcan Republican”

    Do I have to pay you a royalty every time I use this phrase?

  14. If elections don’t matter anymore I suppose Dems can do anything they want. They seem to be doubling and tripling down on leftist ideology. If enough damage is done, it doesn’t matter if Republicans win in November. We’ve been living under the illusion of self-government for a longtime. Our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against powers and principalities, against dark forces in high places.

  15. I never figured that there would be a worse president than Obama (barring a Bernie Sanders presidency) until the Drooling Idiot came along. The fact that no matter how awful the US is being run under Biden, many still would not vote for Donald Trump just reinforces my feeling that Ron DeSantis is the best choice to be the GOP nominee. I too recall elevator operators in NYC (I am almost 69).

  16. it’s the same obama rerun, garland, mentioned above, mayorkas, mccarthy as sky dragon enforcer, granholm was probably his favorite governor, darth austin is appreciably worse then panetta, or jeh johnson, burns knows better and yet he continues on this knaves errand, pretending rainbows and unicorns,

  17. I understand that there were were something like 500,000 elevator operators in the US at the peak, and even more telephone switchboard operators. It didn’t even take computers to eliminate most of these jobs, it was done with some very clever relay circuitry.

    A lot of people seem to think that automation is something new in the 2000s, rather than something that has been progressing over a long period of time.

  18. “And I also note that some of Biden’s disapproval comes from people who think he hasn’t been leftist enough, and also from many who would nevertheless vote for him again if he ran against any Republican and especially Donald Trump.”

    They are looking for something that they can regard as certain and incontestably true, and for them that is that Trump is evil and dangerous. They also want to have achieved something great, and that is defeating Trump. It used to be electing Obama, but while love can let you down, hatred never does.

    Trump would be in trouble if he ran again because half the usual electorate will never vote for him. He’d have to be able to win over people who usually don’t vote. He was able to do something like that in 2016, but faltered in 2020. Another problem is that people who believe he was a good president may not be sure that he could repeat his successes or avoid the sabotage of the bureaucracy or keep his cool.

  19. How is the current data on Trump? I have no idea how people can make claims about what percentages would support, never support him.

    Heck… I think ABC or some such news made some retracted claim that the Dems were going to gain seats and take more seats in the Senate. What type of coverage is going to “justify” such a fortified result this year?

  20. “Trump would be in trouble if he ran again…”

    Ah, but if there IS someone else, say DeSantis, then for the Democrats it will (always) be, “Good-bye to the old Nazi; say ‘hello’ to the new one”…

    (It’s just…what they do (they can’t seem to help it); and the message is GLEEFULLY amplified to fuller than full volume by the corrupt—always-eager-to-help—media….)

  21. …Speaking of which…

    H/T Instapundit.
    Key grafs (though nothing new here):
    ‘…“The new era of criminalizing politics is worsening in the US. Yesterday more than a dozen DOJ law enforcement officials searched Jeff Clark’s house in a pre-dawn raid, put him in the streets in his pajamas, and took his electronic devices,” Vought said in the statement. “All because Jeff saw fit to investigate voter fraud. This is not America, folks.“
    ‘In an interview earlier this month, Clark said he had no involvement with January 6 “in any capacity,” but did want a “thorough investigation” into allegations of voter fraud….’

    Simply more proof that the Democrats stole the election…and are pursuing actively the next “logical” step.

    (The next “logical” step is to day-in, day-out “create” that boogie man—AKA the Emanuel Goldstein of the moment—so as to consolidate total power as much and as quickly as they can. The highest priority is to pervert the upcoming elections in 22 and 24…by ridding America of all those “Enemies of Democracy”(TM)…or at the very least keeping the whole “battle” on the front burner so that the “American People” can reject fully and totally those oh-so-awful, oh-so-blantant “enemies”….)

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