Home » Roger L. Simon on the D’Souza film “2000 Mules”


Roger L. Simon on the D’Souza film “2000 Mules” — 18 Comments

  1. More about the film and the “methodology”:

    “New Film Alleges 2020 Was Stolen, 2000 Felonies Prove It”—

    I guess we’ll find out if the “Disinformation” Gangster-Protection “Law” was conjured up just in a nick a time….

    Heck, why doesn’t Elon Musk just stream it… (assuming he actually buys Twitter and/or is able to avoid being shut down…)

  2. Yes, any and all concerns about the election of 2020 (certainly rigged, “fortified”, according to Time’s Molly Ball), from massive and irregular and unprecedented mail-in voting to ballot-harvesting to Zuckerberg’s hundreds of millions being spread around the swing states to Twitter’s suppression of the corruption of the Biden clan to Google’s algorithmic manipulation to dubious polling to anomalies in tabulation to credible reports of unethical practices at polling centers in cities run for decades by Democratic machine-politics (Atlanta, Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee) to this latest (no doubt fascinating) endeavor from Dinesh D’Souza– all will certainly be dismissed as “disinformation”, “misinformation”, and “conspiracy theories” debunked by “fact-checkers”, as approved of and overseen by the Minitrue TikToker herself and her loathsome boss Mayorkas.

  3. I have read 4 books on the election, The Deep Rig by Patrick Bynre, Rigged by Mollie Hemingway, 100 Days by JJ Sefton, and Julie Kelly’s January 6. Can’t wait to see this movie.

  4. D’Souza spent 8 months in lockdown and 5 years on probation for a (singular) campaign finance law violation. He donated over the limit to a senate election campaign, even though he broke the amount down between himself and his wife so it was technically at the limit. He did also got friends to contribute with the promise that he would reimburse them. Anyway: Compare and contrast the standards in play!

  5. I trust Mr. D’Sousa far more than anyone in the Democratic Party, or their Press subsidiaries.

  6. “Compare and contrast the standards in play!”

    Heh, bet you didn’t know that Hillary’s “Preparation H” 2016 campaign logo—you know, the “H” + rightward arrow—really stands for “Hypocrisy”….

    (Aw, I just made that one up…but it’s still undeniably true…)

    Anyway, here’s Dershowitz on that Democratic Party specialty…
    “The Hypocrisy in Condemning Musk’s Purchase of Twitter”—

  7. I too am eager to see this movie. I’ve listened to interviews with Catherine Englebrecht of True the Vote and she makes a very convincing case. I’ve yet to hear a good explanation on how it is possibly legal for people to deposit dozens of separate ballots in multiple counties.

    I assume the mainstream media will just ignore the film but to those who always said that there is no proof of fraud, this would appear to answer that. I suppose you could always say that there is no way that you could definitively say that that the fraudulent ballots were votes for Biden and not Trump but given the people involved that would strain credulity past the breaking point.

  8. I was eager to see this movie.
    However, in order to buy a ticket one must essentially sign on to Dinesh’s mail, email, and mobile phone list. Being on mail and email lists is bad enough. Having my mobile phone number out there for political promotional (and other) uses is off-putting.

  9. It’s not available yet, but the Amazon Prime video Roku channel has a search slot for “2000 mules.” When you click on it, it brings up older D’Souza films that you can rent such as “Trump Card.” Maybe it’s coming there eventually. If you don’t mind supporting Bezos. It is available in book form on Amazon now.

  10. Skip @ 5:07pm,

    … and?

    What’s your conclusion based on all you’ve read?

  11. Rufus there were many ways the election was stolen. The days immediately after on my small tablet looked at Pa vote totals and they didn’t seem even logically possible. The books are in order I read, and the Big Rig jumped jnto how vote totals were hacked. Molly and Julie have done fantastic work and both are worthy to be read. JJ’s was a time line of the first 100 days how hope was shattered day after day.

    And to think Dinesh payed dearly and Zuckerberg dumped $400M and was a hero

  12. I listen to Michael Medved occasionally on my car radio when I’m driving around on errands. He claims he’s not a never Trumper, (He claims he liked Trump’s policies, but he’s been disappointingly RINO in the last two years) but he keeps maintaining there wasn’t a shred of evidence that the election was stolen. I expect he will be getting calls about this documentary.

    Unfortunately, we still can’t see the ballots and how they were marked.

    IMO, the statistical evidence is enough to make one wonder. Trump won 18 out of 19 bell-weather countries and lost. It’s never happened before.

    Then there’s this: “Republican-leaning swing state counties had higher turnouts relative to the 2016 election. Democratic-leaning counties had lower turnouts, except for the Democratic counties with alleged vote fraud, which had very high turnouts.”
    See: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2022/03/28/new_peer-reviewed_research_finds_evidence_of_2020_voter_fraud_147378.html?msclkid=7fc636ebca9111ec98c66d2310c87c53

    Then there’s this turnout issue. Normal at 51% in Cleveland in a red state, versus 84% in Milwaukee in the swing state of Wisconsin.

    Then there’s Biden’s outperformance versus Obama:
    “The breakouts higher for Biden relative to Obama’s performances in key areas simply do not seem credible.
    Could a candidate as doddering and lazy as Biden really have massively outpaced the vote totals of a politician who boasted rock star appeal?
    For example, consider that in key Pennsylvania counties of Chester, Cumberland, and Montgomery, Biden bested the Obama election performances by factors of 1.24-1.43 times. For Montgomery County, Obama won this swing county by 59,000 votes in his 2012 re-election.
    But in 2020, Biden won Montgomery County by a whopping 131,000 votes, more than twice the prior Obama margin.
    Biden’s 2020 total vote in Montgomery is reported at 313,000, crushing Obama’s 233,000 take in 2012 – and population growth does not explain the gains, as the county only grew by 22,000 residents during those eight years.
    Such eye-popping outperformance vs.Obama, in just the right places, naturally raises a lot of suspicion.”
    See: https://thenationalpulse.com/2020/11/09/case-against-biden-win/

    We know there was something rotten in Denmark. We need to go forward. The important issue now is to work to put a stop to the fraud. A start would be to stop all voting by mail except for necessary absentee voters. (Military, proven travel, disabled, etc.) Until Washington state does that, we cannot trust the elections held here.

  13. “A start would be to stop all voting by mail except for necessary absentee voters. (Military, proven travel, disabled, etc.)” — JJ

    I think the only voting by mail I’d permit would be military. I wouldn’t allow other absentee voting: If you can’t or won’t make it to a polling place ON ELECTION DAY, you don’t vote.

    But if you insist there be absentee voting for those who have to be away on Election Day, I’d insist that they pick up their ballots themselves and either fill them out on the spot or physically return them via a second visit to the election clerk’s office. Nothing by mail.

    And people in nursing homes, etc.? They don’t vote.

    I think France has no voting other than in-person on Election Day. Our astoundingly sloppy elections need that fix, along with voter ID.

    Anyway, I think “democracy” is overrated, being a reflexive mania on our part. There’s a classic Thomas Sowell piece on the point, “Freedom versus Democracy”: https://www.forbes.com/forbes/1997/1215/6013052a.html?sh=4df6396a2d95

  14. I think the only voting by mail I’d permit would be military.

    I’m going to suggest voting by mail for people with an abiding problem which inhibits them from voting in person. Not a spot problem like ‘I’m planning a vacation in early November’. An abiding problem would be:

    1. Civilian government employee posted abroad; spouse in-country with them.
    2. Serviceman; spouse resident with them.
    3. Person under 25 enrolled in higher education at a residential campus.
    4. Miscellaneous persons living in institutional group quarters.
    5. Homebound persons
    6. Persons whose work requires a baseline of inter-city travel.

    A woman from Arizona insisted to me that it was established and necessary there because of the number of people living in remote areas, so you could add people who reside > 10 miles from the nearest polling station.

    It’s proper you be required to file an application for a standing order for a postal ballot, which you’d have to renew quadrennially. Obtaining one under options 5 or 6 would require an attestation from a 3d party (physician in one case, work supervisor in another).

    In New York, when I was active in local politics, we had one precinct for every 1,000 persons. On average, there is one for every 3,000 persons in this country. Georgia generated those long lines for network news cameras by having one for every 6,000 persons.

    In New York, elections administration is in the hands of county boards. Every board is composed of two commissioners, one appointed by the Republican county chairman and one by the Democratic county chairman. Half the jobs are patronage slots reporting to the Republican commissioner, half are patronage slots reporting to the Democratic commissioner. Certification and petition receipt for multi-county electoral constituencies is handled by the New York City Board of Elections (if the constituencies in question are entirely within the five boroughs) or the state Board of Elections, if they’re not. Final canvasses are reported by the state board. (The New York City board is an assemblage of the five county boards in the City; the state board consists of two commissioners appointed by the Republican state chairman and two by the Democratic state chairman).

    You could learn a great deal from just seeing how things have been done in New York. Not without room for improvement, but far more trustworthy than Georgia or Washington state. (One problem which has erupted in New York in the last generation is voter rolls chock-a-block with relict entries. At one time, your name dropped off the roll if you hadn’t voted in four years).

    Note, if people were concerned about impediments to voter participation, the simplest thing to have done would have been to move election days to the week-end – say, Friday evening, Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon. If they were concerned with efficient processing of voters to avoid long lines, the most sensible thing to do would be to re-organize the electoral calendar in such a way as to simplify the ballot. It’s amazing how otiose state legislators are, and how readily they can be rolled by nefarious characters looking to trash ballot security.

    I cannot help but note that the goo goos in Common Cause and the League of Women Voters have been propagating the ‘voter suppression’ narrative and promoting measures which reduce ballot security. I don’t think there are any liberal organizations left that are not fundamentally fraudulent.

  15. Related:
    ‘Google’s Spamgate. “A remarkable, and apparently damning study disclosed that during the most recent federal election campaign, Google’s Gmail sent roughly two-thirds of GOP campaign emails to users’ spam inboxes while downgrading less than ten percent of the Dems’ messages.” ‘

    Massive, brilliantly-organized, multi-dimensional, multi-source fraud.
    …which should have been apparent the day—or at most three days—after the “election”.

  16. The electoral problem in all its severity:
    “Election Integrity Dead: Killed in Court”—

    Elections, it turns out, are SUPPOSED TO BE STOLEN…
    …by the Democratic Party.

    (Which makes absolute sense since the Republicans are the Party of Racism, the Party or White Supremacists (even Black ones), the Party of undermining the Constitution (just ask Clinton, Obama and Joe Biden, et al.)—and the media, etc.)

  17. Quality pollsters like Rich Baris laid out just how unlikely (read impossible) the Biden vote totals were in the key cities that “won” the election.

    If we apply the same statistical standards to these vote turnouts that we do for scientific studies and their conclusions, we can safely conclude that vote fraud has been proven to an extraordinary degree. Certainly to a degree that is several orders of magnitude more certain than science.

    Don’t be a science denier.

  18. I’ve seen the film. I have mixed emotions:

    1) Blood-red rage at the massive, documented ballot-stuffing

    2) Relief that my shock on Election Night was justified

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