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Roundup — 27 Comments

  1. The Republicans should be far more aggressive in discussions of the complicity between the Bidens (and many other leading Democrats as well as wealthy donors to the DNC) and the many bad actors in Ukraine profiting from corruption and money-laundering; Casey Michel (at The Spectator) has published a good piece entitled “Who Is Ihor Kolomoisky?” on the fraudulent and nefarious activities of the oligarch who, having once owned the famous television station, funded Zelensky’s campaign and is now banned from entering this country, his current whereabouts and the extent of his massive wealth continuing to be a matter of some debate.

  2. Re: #2, Neo, you reference Obama 3.0, so do you now think that Obama is the puppeteer, and this is really the third term?

    I certainly do.

  3. That TabletMag piece by Badran is something. I almost commented on it after commenter Magnus posted it a few days ago.

  4. More evidence of how Trump disrupted their plans and had to be eliminated./

    It happened as an intentional outcome of selfish multinational business interests chasing profit, combined with the willingness of congress to accept bribes -via lobbying payments- in order to facilitate corporate greed.

    The only disruption in the collective economic manipulation was the forced intermission by the American middle class when Donald J. Trump was elected.

    President Trump’s tariffs, countervailing duties and protectionist policies against transnational dumping of steel and aluminum into the U.S. marketplace, was a major impediment to the corporate agenda, and it quickly resulted in the biggest economic resurgence in U.S. history.

    Then it ended in 2020,.

  5. The rot is far too deep and wide for legal and political reforms to work any longer.


    Here’s a glimpse of the future: “We Will Delete You”
    “How liberal democracies acquired the power to end your participation in society with the push of a button”

    Canada is leading the way to our Digital ID. Working in concert with the World Economic Forum.

    “KLAUS SCHWAB: Revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity”

    “Listen To Klaus Schwabs Advisor Doctor Yuval Noah Harari – We Can Hack Humans”

    “The Takeover of America’s Legal System”
    “The kids didn’t grow out of it.”

    We are spiraling down to a time where those who value freedom will “come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.” (Winston Churchill)

  6. Re: #2, Neo, you reference Obama 3.0, so do you now think that Obama is the puppeteer, and this is really the third term? I certainly do.

    Disagree. My wager would be Jill, Klain, Dillon, O’Connor, Yellen, Blinken, Austin, Sullivan, Mayorkas, and Garland are the salient figures and they hang together lest they hang separately. Dillon and O’Connor do not get much attention. O’Connor has to be the one (consulting with Klain and Jill) who manages his medications and gets him hopped up for public appearances. Dillon was his campaign manager and Klain’s deputy. Someone (with Jill) was supervising him during the campaign. Klain’s been part of the Democratic Party’s nomenklatura since 1989; he’d worked for Biden previously and my wager would be that he’s the one Jill trusts.

    Keep in mind that the object of partisan Democrats is MOAR for their clients and jail, dispossession, and vicious harassment for the opposition. There may be personal feuds, but there is very little disagreement over policy. Someone like Manchin who votes with his caucus 75% of the time is in the right tail of the bell curve.

  7. Another good column.

    In these upcoming elections, it makes sense to prioritize, more than anything else, electing leaders that will both chip away at the ranks of the unhinged war mongers and redirect power away from Washington, D.C.

    I would happily send Romney and his five sons to Ukraine.

  8. Bidet is being ‘guided’ by a cabal of advisors and assistants, all of whom are ‘woke’. It really doesn’t matter whether all or any of them are being directed by Obama. As ideologically, they’re all in line with Obama’s ideological beliefs. It’s a certainty that they regularly consult Obama.

    Bidet’s cabal of advisors and assistants are also on board with the Davos Agenda and the UN 2030 Agenda.

    Bottom line; they absolutely intend to implement the fundamental transformation of America into something that none of us will recognize with the individual’s liberties utterly subservient to the greater good… as decided by the Global Elite.

  9. physicsguy; Art Deco:

    By “Obama 3.0,” I’m actually referring to the Obama administration and many of the people involved with it rather than just Obama or even primarily Obama. I think he is involved, but I don’t know how heavily. These other people are in sync with him and worked with or in his administration, and now they’re taking it several destructive steps further (that’s the 3.0 part).

  10. The rot is far too deep and wide for legal and political reforms to work any longer.


    Geoffrey Britain:

    No, it’s an arguable opinion. Since you state it absolutely, the onus is on you. I consider it possible, though hardly proven.

    Bretibart famously said, “Politics is downstream from culture.” Culture changes and it can change quickly. See the 1960s. It can also change in the other direction. See the 1980s, though one could push back that the changes weren’t as extreme or lasting.

    I say that a considerable conservative backlash has emerged and is growing stronger against the Woke and all its servants. This backlash is changing things and you can see it all over the country. For instance, the Democrats are facing ever-worsening polls in everything associated with the Biden administration.

    Conservatives seem slow to absorb the good news and still speak as though the Left were continuing to march from strength to strength. They aren’t.

    I can understand the “Don’t get cocky” wisdom, but otherwise it strikes me as simply the flipside of the constant “The world is about to end unless we act now” trope I heard forever when I was on the Left.

    I refuse to be taken in by that motivated pessimism again, unless the arguments are really, really good.

  11. No Round-up is complete without a post about the Clinton Coup.
    J. E. Dyer is really pulling all the threads on the back of that tapestry.

    No way to condense it, because the connections are not ones that jump out if you are only reading top-of-the-hour punditry.


    Put that together with the link from Mike K to Sundance’s theories …


    …. and the observations from the Ferguson post that MBunge pointed to:
    “The amazing part of this column is that U.S. officials are saying out loud that they want the war to last in order to “bleed Putin”. They don’t care a fig about Ukraine. It stands completely alone (and Zelenskiy knows it, btw).”

    We are the peasants caught up in the wars of the kings and their “nobles” (none of them were very noble in character).

  12. New England Journal of Medicine study proves that the covid vax studies were deliberately rigged. It’ is absolutely critical to pay attention to definitions. Especially so when those involved have established that they cannot be trusted.

    Ever wonder why the definition of “vaccinated” and “boosted” are so strange? Why they add 14 days after the doses are administered?

    Because the doses actually have a negative efficacy. They suppress immunity. Adding the 14 day window is an accounting trick to take many of the bad outcomes created by the shot and transfer them to the unvaxxed category.

    Literally, the jab itself causes a greater risk of infection and the subsequent infection is tallied in the unvaxxed category.

    As one researcher writes: “the study designs used for covid vaccines are unlike anything I have ever seen (and I read a lot of studies), they use contrived definitions to exclude and transfer huge amounts of risk.”

  13. The feeble and pathetic effort by the GOP in Georgia has always been hard to understand. It seems the only real effort by any supposed conservative interests was in telling people not to vote as a protest of the stolen November presidential election.

    Something is even more rotten in the Republican party power structure than can be explained by gross incompetence and fear.

  14. }}} You might want to sent it to any Democrat you know who retains even a partially open mind.

    No, that cannot be done.

    Those are only found in 1-1 companionship with unicorns.

  15. Re: It’s a bit late, though. The damage is done, whatever is found.

    I know, taken from Wikipedia, that the “Fruit of the poisonous tree is a legal metaphor used to describe evidence that is obtained illegally. The logic of the terminology is that if the source (the “tree”) of the evidence or evidence itself is tainted, then anything gained (the “fruit”) from it is tainted as well” normally applies, as it says to evidence, but the principle is larger, maybe universal.

    If you illegally won an election then anything that person does using that subsequent power is the fruit of a poisonous tree and therefore should be considered null and void.

  16. The feeble and pathetic effort by the GOP in Georgia has always been hard to understand.

    Brad Raffersperger appeared at a NeverTrump event held coincident with CPAC. (“Principles First” or some such). Very few elected officials attended. (Liz Cheney attended). There’s part of your explanation right there.

  17. Pingback:Putin’s former superior officer on Putin; Russian army relying on Ukrainian cell phone network; American coulrocracy | Spin, strangeness, and charm

  18. Art Deco,

    re: Ga

    So one Republican in the state wasn’t sufficiently loyal and the entire national party just shrugged and took the L with its massive repercussions around the world. Pathetic.

    Democrats send activists to other states to bribe homeless people to vote. (Remember the story of the Manhattan socialite in her fur coat caught bribing homeless people in Milwaukee with cigarettes and booze for their votes.) They get buses and cart college volunteers to vote in as many precincts as possible on election day (also Milwaukee). They send high power Wall Street lawyers to South Dakota to intimidate little old ladies in rural county election precincts near reservations. They use drug gangs to get out the vote in Chicago trading protection from the cops in exchange for the election help.

    Obviously, Republicans don’t care. Or perhaps they are so stupid that they continue to believe that Democrats are basically honest and would never really steal votes the way they have every election for over a century.

    Know the enemy. They lie, steal and cheat. They take cash from enemies and turn over the names of our agents to be killed. They take cash to give nukes to terrorists. They cheer riots and violence. They are evil. Small time hijinks like merely stealing elections doesn’t even budge their moral needles.

  19. For anyone who thinks we’re the “good guys” in the Russia-Ukraine war…

    Russia gets bled for a while, the Ukraine, the Baltic states, Moldova, and the Transcaucasus are more secure. That will be so until Russia’s political elite comes up with a more elevated course of action that eating up the territory of its neighbors.

  20. I, for one, do not believe that Obama has the capacity to be the character behind the screen he’s depicted to be. Not without someone else speaking in HIS ear.
    Yes, his crew has the same mindset, but the guy has always been a lightweight intellectually.
    That’s not to diminish the damage he does when he does it.

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